Week ending February 6, 2005

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor (Laura1), send an email to tfbyam1@hotmail.com


THE STORY OF GOD—Condemnation-Free-Zone Romans 8:1
BIBLE DISCUSSION—Next: Philippians 4:2-?
WHAT I SAY— Your Words Can Be Here
SERMON NOTES—Where Is God When You Need Him?
THE STORY OF GOD—Condemnation-Free-Zone Romans 8:1

NEXT WEEK: Jonathan P continues the Story of God (Laura's away at Emergent).

What will happen if I risk being who I really am? According to Romans 8:1, there is now absolutely no sentence of doom to those in Messiah Jesus.

Condemnation is removed based on salvation through Messiah as seen in Romans 3-7 (v.1a)
The condemnation-free-zone is NOW (v.1b)
The condemnation-free-zone is for all who exist in Messiah (v.1c)

Throughout the story of God, from creation to this very day, God-followers have risked because they knew they were safe with God. When they forgot that or decided to trust themselves, they did not risk. Think through the story of God, from creation to this very day. Name some riskers and non-riskers and leave the story in the comments.

So, how are we doing at being a condemnation-free-zone? Rate it 1-5:

How easy is it to be myself in this faith community?
(1=no way, what will others think; 5=absolutely, it’s totally safe)

The story of God runs from the creation of everything to the consummation of everything in the Kingdom and includes everything God is doing in the mean time. God-followers today are a vignette in that continuing story, joining the millennia of God-followers who live out God’s story. The God-followers here in Torrance, at TFB, and in the TFB college group are part of the vignette that includes believers across the globe. God has commanded us to be his storytellers through our lives, through words, through media, through art, and through any means possible, spreading the Story of God to all who will listen.

What is the story of God?
What is our part in the story?
Why should we tell the story?
How can we live out the story in the TFB college group, in TFB, and in Torrance?
How can we tell the story so others will understand?


TELLING THE STORY: A student-created media piece that communicates to the average South Bay twenty-something the facts, emotions, and participations in the continuing story of God.

BEING THE STORY: A student-run, on-going “doing good” activity in the South Bay.

BIBLE DISCUSSION—Next: Philippians 4:2-?
7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room

Bible study meets hangout. Thirty minutes of random yap
followed by directed digging. Right now we’re going through
Paul’s letter to the Philippians.

Laura's pictograph of Philippians 3:17-4:1
- Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus are one blueprint Paul tells the Philippians to imitate.
- We are not those of the culture of distruction and distortion, but of the culture of glory.

Tuesday, February 1, we'll look at Philippians 4:2-?
Discussion is potluck style—everybody brings something to share, so...

To prepare, here are some suggestions (pick one, or mix and match):

Savor it…
•Read slowly.
•Stop at the end of each paragraph and mull over what you just read.

Chew it…
•Read like a journalist.
•Look for clues to meaning: connector words (and, but, or, therefore, then, so that, because…); summary statements, inclusio (also known as the “sandwich” where the same phrase or idea is found at the beginning and the end of a section)

Pray it…
•Do a lectio divina on paragraphs that stand out to you.
Step one: Lectio (read the passage once or twice aloud, then once or twice silently; your goal is to experience the passage rather than to merely understand it)
Step two: Meditatio (chew on the Word by focusing on a word or phrase that jumps out at you)
Step three: Oratio (conversation with God)
Step four: Contemplatio (rest in God)

Journal it…
•After your reading, spend a few moments writing what you’ve learned about God, about yourself, and about the faith community.
•Record any commitments, convictions, confusions.

Question it…
•Ask lots of questions: who, what, where, when, why, how (W5H)
•Ask: What does this passage tell us about our identity in Christ and about specific choices we should make to underscore that identity or enhance our unity and ministry as God's primary means of ministry in the word

Rewrite it…
•Write the paragraphs in your own words.

Draw it…
•Draw pictures, diagrams, cartoons, etc. that help you explain the paragraph.

Story it…
•Write the story behind the letter.
•Write stories of people applying the truths from the letter.

Study it…
•Write a summary sentence for each paragraph.
•Answer the W5H questions you asked.
•Using commentaries and bible handbooks, research historical, cultural, and geographic information.
•Hunt down other bible passages that talk about similar subjects.
•List topics you might like to research further.

WHAT I SAY— Your Words Can Be Here

You know all those papers you write for school?
How about sharing some of your hard-won knowledge?

SERMON NOTES—Where Is God When You Need Him?
Psalm 139:7-12
Pastor Charlie Rice
January 30, 2005

“Am I a God who is only in one place? asks the Lord. … Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth? asks the Lord.” Jeremiah 23:23,24 (NLT)

“…though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and exist. …”
Acts 17:27b,28(NLT)


1. When You Are Lonely, God Is Your Companion. Psalm 25:16; Hebrews 13:5; Psalm. 16:11

God's Presence Can Fill You With Joy When You Are Lonely.

2. When You Are Worried, God Is Your Confidence. Isaiah 42:2,3; Psalm 16:8-9; Psalm 23:4

God’s Presence Can Calm You When You Are Anxious.

3. When You Are Tempted, God Is Your Counselor. 2 Corinthians 10:13; Job 13:27

*Our temptations are common

*God is with us when we are tempted

*God will help us stand up to temptations

God’s Presence Can Help You Say No When You Are Tempted.

4. When You Are Discouraged, God Is Your Comforter. Psalm 34:18; Psalm 116:8-11

God’s Presence Can See You Through When You Are Discouraged.


*Invite Jesus into your life, if you have not already done so (Ephesians 3:12, Col. 1:22)
*Be quiet before the Lord. (Psalm 46:10, James 4:8)
*Talk to God about everything. (1 Thessalonians 5:17, Psalm 62:9)
*Develop the habit of praise. (Psalm 100:4)


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Fifteen minutes of random yapping,
followed by 45 minutes of tangent-surfing and bible searching

BIBLE DISCUSSION @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Bible study meets hangout. Thirty minutes of random yap
followed by directed digging. Right now we’re going through
Paul’s letter to the Philippians.


BIG SCREEN SUPERBOWL! February 6 @ 3pm in the Youth Room
YOUTH PASTOR CANDIDATE February 12 (email Laura for details)
EAT! (Mgr: TBA)
Bowling, Dinner, and who knows what else: February (Mgr. Cassie M)
LA Food Bank (Mgr: TBA)
BBQ (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)
Summer Camp—old style: July or August (Mgr: Jeff B)


Week ending January 30, 2005

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor (Laura1), send an email to tfbyam1@hotmail.com


THE STORY OF GOD—Starting January 30
BIBLE DISCUSSION—Next: Philippians 3:17-4:1
COMING SOON… Sharing your story without being a jerk
UPDATE! –and now for a word from the Project Managers…
WHAT I SAY— Your Words Can Be Here
SERMON NOTES— what god is really like, part 1: what God knows about you
EVENTS—Next up: EAT! date tba
THE STORY OF GOD—Starting January 30

The story of God runs from the creation of everything to the consummation of everything in the Kingdom and includes everything God is doing in the mean time. God-followers today are a vignette in that continuing story, joining the millennia of God-followers who live out God’s story. The God-followers here in Torrance, at TFB, and in the TFB college group are part of the vignette that includes believers across the globe. God has commanded us to be his storytellers through our lives, through words, through media, through art, and through any means possible, spreading the Story of God to all who will listen.

What is the story of God?
What is our part in the story?
Why should we tell the story?
How can we live out the story in the TFB college group, in TFB, and in Torrance?
How can we tell the story so others will understand?

Project: A media piece that communicates the facts, emotions, and responses in the continuing story of God.

BIBLE DISCUSSION—Next: Philippians 3:17-4:1
7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room

Bible study meets hangout. Thirty minutes of random yap
followed by directed digging. Right now we’re going through
Paul’s letter to the Philippians.

Laura’s Pictograph of Philippians 3:7-16

Philippians 3:7-16

Danny’s Analogy: Following God is like investing in bonds. There is a guaranteed minimum return, and the more you invest, the more you gain (Phil. 3, especially verse 11).

Tuesday, January 25, we'll look at Philippians 3:17-4:1. Discussion is potluck style—everybody brings something to share, so...

To prepare, here are some suggestions (pick one, or mix and match):

Savor it…
•Read slowly.
•Stop at the end of each paragraph and mull over what you just read.

Chew it…
•Read like a journalist.
•Look for clues to meaning: connector words (and, but, or, therefore, then, so that, because…); summary statements, inclusio (also known as the “sandwich” where the same phrase or idea is found at the beginning and the end of a section)

Pray it…
•Do a lectio divina on paragraphs that stand out to you.
Step one: Lectio (read the passage once or twice aloud, then once or twice silently; your goal is to experience the passage rather than to merely understand it)
Step two: Meditatio (chew on the Word by focusing on a word or phrase that jumps out at you)
Step three: Oratio (conversation with God)
Step four: Contemplatio (rest in God)

Journal it…
•After your reading, spend a few moments writing what you’ve learned about God, about yourself, and about the faith community.
•Record any commitments, convictions, confusions.

Question it…
•Ask lots of questions: who, what, where, when, why, how (W5H)
•Ask: What does this passage tell us about our identity in Christ and about specific choices we should make to underscore that identity or enhance our unity and ministry as God's primary means of ministry in the word

Rewrite it…
•Write the paragraphs in your own words.

Draw it…
•Draw pictures, diagrams, cartoons, etc. that help you explain the paragraph.

Story it…
•Write the story behind the letter.
•Write stories of people applying the truths from the letter.

Study it…
•Write a summary sentence for each paragraph.
•Answer the W5H questions you asked.
•Using commentaries and bible handbooks, research historical, cultural, and geographic information.
•Hunt down other bible passages that talk about similar subjects.
•List topics you might like to research further.

Know the Story… Be the People… Expand the Kingdom

In 2004, the college group went bowling, watched movies, went to College Briefing at Forest Home, had a great Christmas Soiree, and a December all-nighter complete with five power outages, a tornado watch, and ditch-em with the Youth Group. We studied the Gospel of Mark, the OT Story, Bonhoeffer’s book Life Together, how to build a front porch, and much more. But that is not the story of 2004.

The real story is ministry. TFB college students serve TFB in youth ministry, worship leading, Loaves and Fishes, children’s ministries, and the 90th anniversary celebration. Many also serve while away at college.

What happens during Sunday Collegium and Tuesday Bible Study is support for the work of ministry. Sunday Collegium consists of about fifteen minutes of random yapping, followed by 45 minutes of tangent-surfing, bible searching, and action planning. On Tuesday nights, Bible study meets hangout. We start with thirty minutes of random yap, followed by directed Bible digging (usually a paragraph by paragraph book study).

Bottom line: TFB College Ministry about three things: knowing the story, being the people, and expanding the kingdom. Knowing the story means not only being aware of the facts of the Bible, but also understanding what it all has to do with us. Being the people means figuring out how to live life as a community of faith, clearly declaring Christ in our choices as individuals and as a community. Expanding the kingdom has two parts. First, it means becoming better disciples. Second, it means making disciples.

In 2004, we took the first haltering steps on this three-fold journey. There is much to be done and at times the road ahead is not easy to see. College ministry can be random; with two-thirds of our students going away to school, students moving on, and new students every summer, change is a constant. We appreciate all those who have lifted this ministry up in prayer and have served our students. A special thank you to Tom W who concluded his service this past fall, moving on to adult ministry.

UPDATE! –and now for a word from the Project Managers…

Bowling, Dinner, and who knows what else: February (Mgr. Cassie M)

If you have questions or suggestions, contact the managers, or email tfbyam1@hotmail.com and your message will be forwarded.

WHAT I SAY— Your Words Can Be Here

You know all those papers you write for school?
How about sharing some of your hard-won knowledge?

SERMON NOTES— What God Is Really Like, Part 1: What God Knows About You
Pastor Charlie Rice
January 23, 2004

"Nothing in all creation can hide from him. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes. This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done.” Hebrews 4:13 (NLT).

"... His understanding has no limit” Psalm 147:5 (NIV).


God knows all about Himself.
God knows all about creation. Matthew 10: 29
God knows all about history. Isaiah 46: 9,10



FACT: Nothing we ever say, think or do is "off the record."
YOUR RESPONSE: Be honest with God. I John 1:8

GOD KNOWS ALL YOUR FEELINGS AND FRUSTRATIONS. Psalm 31:7; Psalm 56:6; Psalm 103:13,14

FACT: God Cares - He is sympathetic to your hurts Psalm 142:3
YOUR RESPONSE: Give all your hurts to God. I Peter 5:7

GOD KNOWS ALL YOUR FUTURE. Psalm 139:16; Jeremiah 29:11;

FACT: God already knows the things you will face.
YOUR RESPONSE: Ask God for wisdom and direction. Jeremiah 33:3; James 1:5


In part, worry is the result of not realizing the omniscience of God.

FACT: God is aware of all your needs. Matthew 6:8
YOUR RESPONSE: Replace fear with trust. Philippians 4:6


FACT: Every good deed you do will be rewarded by God.
YOUR RESPONSE: Actively pursue doing good! Galatians 6:9,10


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Fifteen minutes of random yapping,
followed by 45 minutes of tangent-surfing and bible searching

BIBLE DISCUSSION @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Bible study meets hangout. Thirty minutes of random yap
followed by directed digging. Right now we’re going through
Paul’s letter to the Philippians.

EVENTS—Next up: EAT! date tba

EAT! (Mgr: TBA)
Bowling, Dinner, and who knows what else: February (Mgr. Cassie M)
LA Food Bank (Mgr: TBA)
BBQ (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)
Summer Camp—old style: July or August (Mgr: Jeff B)


Week ending January 23, 2005

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor (Laura1), send an email to tfbyam1@hotmail.com


HOLY VOCAB—Remaining Questions
COMING SOON… Sharing your story without being a jerk
UPDATE! –and now for a word from the Project Managers…
WHAT I SAY— Your Words Can Be Here
EVENTS—Retreat cancelled due to storm damage :-(

HOLY VOCAB—Remaining Questions

January 16: The Crux

In ten words or less, what is the absolutely, no doubt about it, most important thing people need to know about Jesus?

“Sin incurs wrath; we’re made right through God’s sacrificial love.”

January 23: Some answers to the questions that remain:

What should we do to prevent ourselves from getting stuck in ruts about issues?
How do (the other) words relate to orthodoxy and orthopraxy?
Is there really a right way and a wrong way to worship God?
How do we as people of God determine what is orthodox and what is not?
What things do we need to teach to those who are in the heterodoxy and heteropraxy categories?
What does ‘abate’ mean?
How do propitiation and reconciliation relate to atonement?
What is the difference in reconciliation between the OT and the NT?
How do we let others know what atonement is?
What the most effective way to teach others about atonement?
How can non-Christians and those who believe in the Lord and are struggling ask for redemption?
What makes us give up our evil nature?
What will glorification be like?
Given 1 John 3:3 (“and all who believe this will keep themselves pure, just as Christ is pure”), how can we remain pure?
Why does Jesus need to remain in heaven until the end of time? He’d do a lot more good, I would think, if he came sooner.
How can we restore peace with those with whom we have animosity (or animosity towards you)?
If the Lord forgives us but we don’t forgive others, what happens (Colossians 3:12-13)?
How could people before Jesus know they were safe, since they obviously could not perfectly obey God’s covenant?
Is it still necessary to follow the law?
Why are Christians so judgmental of adulterers, homosexuals, etc. if all of us struggle? Christ can save us all.
How can you explain why Jesus needs to be both fully man and fully God?
What is meant by “sharing his suffering” (Romans 8:17)?
How can you pinpoint being ‘reborn,’ for so many people dedicate and rededicate over and over again?

COMING SOON… Sharing your story without being a jerk

Coffeehouse Gospel, by Matthew Paul Turner

Bruce and Stan’s Pocket Guide to Sharing Your Faith

More later…

UPDATE! –and now for a word from the Project Managers…

Winter Retreat: cancelled due to storm damage... bummer (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)

Bowling, Dinner, and who knows what else: February (Mgr. Cassie M)

If you have questions or suggestions, contact the managers, or email tfbyam1@hotmail.com and your message will be forwarded.

WHAT I SAY— Your Words Can Be Here

You know all those papers you write for school?
How about sharing some of your hard-won knowledge?


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Fifteen minutes of random yapping,
followed by 45 minutes of tangent-surfing and bible searching

BIBLE DISCUSSION @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Bible study meets hangout. Thirty minutes of random yap
followed by directed digging. Right now we’re going through
Paul’s letter to the Philippians.

EVENTS—Retreat cancelled due to storm damage :-(

EAT! (Mgr: TBA)
Bowling, Dinner, and who knows what else: February (Mgr. Cassie M)
BBQ (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)
Summer Camp—old style: July or August (Mgr: Jeff B)


Week ending January 16, 2005

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor (Laura1), send an email to tfbyam1@hotmail.com


HOLY VOCAB—Getting past fancy talk!
COMING SOON… Sharing your story without being a jerk
UPDATE! –and now for a word from the Project Managers…
WHAT I SAY— Abraham’s Worldview, by Stef M
EVENTS—next up: Winter Retreat, January 21-23

HOLY VOCAB—Getting past fancy talk!

“That's just fancy talk SpongeBob! Hey! You know what? If you want to act fancy, just put your pinky up!” – the wisdom of Patrick

January 16: Sharing the Story

We’ve gathered some information about salvation. Now it’s time to go digging. Starting January 16, we’ll start figuring out how to tell this story of salvation (and as Francis of Assisi said, if necessary use words). We leave our dictionary building with many questions—as you can see below—so we’ll work through those, and probably create more questions. The goal of our story sharing? To teach another class at TFB what we’ve learned. The adventure begins.

Two questions:

1) In ten words or less, what is the absolutely, no doubt about it, most important thing people need to know about Jesus?

2) If you were teaching this absolutely-no-doubt-about-it,-most-important-thing-people-need-to-know-about-Jesus truth to someone, what evidence would show they actually got it?

The questions that remain:

What should we do to prevent ourselves from getting stuck in ruts about issues?
How do (the other) words relate to orthodoxy and orthopraxy?
Is there really a right way and a wrong way to worship God?
How do we as people of God determine what is orthodox and what is not?
What things do we need to teach to those who are in the heterodoxy and heteropraxy categories?
What does ‘abate’ mean?
How do propitiation and reconciliation relate to atonement?
What is the difference in reconciliation between the OT and the NT?
How do we let others know what atonement is?
What the most effective way to teach others about atonement?
How can non-Christians and those who believe in the Lord and are struggling ask for redemption?
What makes us give up our evil nature?
What will glorification be like?
Given 1 John 33 (“and all who believe this will keep themselves pure, just as Christ is pure”), how can we remain pure?
Why does Jesus need to remain in heaven until the end of time? He’d do a lot more good, I would think, if he came sooner.
How can we restore peace with those with whom we have animosity (or animosity towards you)?
If the Lord forgives us but we don’t forgive others, what happens (Colossians 3:12-13)?
How could people before Jesus know they were safe, since they obviously could not perfectly obey God’s covenant?
Is it still necessary to follow the law?
Why are Christians so judgmental of adulterers, homosexuals, etc. if all of us struggle? Christ can save us all.
How can you explain why Jesus needs to be both fully man and fully God?
What is meant by “sharing his suffering” (Romans 8:17)?
How can you pinpoint being ‘reborn,’ for so many people dedicate and rededicate over and over again?

COMING SOON… Sharing your story without being a jerk

Coffeehouse Gospel, by Matthew Paul Turner

Bruce and Stan’s Pocket Guide to Sharing Your Faith

More later…

UPDATE! –and now for a word from the Project Managers…

Winter Retreat dates: January 21-23—due to weather and other considerations, we are waiting for an update on the condition of the facility and the roads leading to it (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)

Bowling Party: January or February—email your preference (Mgr. Jennifer M)

If you have questions or suggestions, contact the managers, or email tfbyam1@hotmail.com and your message will be forwarded.

WHAT I SAY— Abraham’s Worldview, by Stef M
Stef M 9/1/04

Abraham’s Humanity vs. Abraham’s Faith

1. Where is Abraham? Who is Abraham?

Abram was born in Ur, Mesopotamia to Terah, a descendent of Noah. Ur was a flourishing civilization during the time of Abram’s occupancy, implying that Abram may have had the opportunity of both education and wealth. However, Ur also housed the shrine to the moon-god Nanna, and was a place of idol worship.

Terah later led Abram, his wife Sarai, his other son Haran and his grandson Lot to the land of Haran, where they settled. According to Joshua 24:2, Terah was a worshiper of “other gods,” and would therefore have felt comfortable in either Ur or Haran, since both were pagan cities.

Although Abram grew up surrounded by polytheistic faith, when the LORD commanded him to leave his home and travel to Bethel in Canaan, he obeyed. Abram is therefore a trusting man, for he willingly left his father and all he had ever known to follow a God that none of his peers obeyed. This does not mean that he was henceforth without conflict. A famine in the land caused Abram to move to Egypt- another place of idol worship. However, the Pharaoh sent Abram back to Canaan, where God later made a covenant with Abram that he would be the “father of many nations.” His name was then changed to Abraham, meaning “father of many.”

Abraham was initially skeptical of God’s promise, for his wife was barren. But just as the LORD had said, Abraham eventually had a son with Sarah (her name was also changed to denote the nations that would arise from their lineage) named Isaac, but not before he fathered Ishmael to the maidservant Hagar. After Sarah’s death, Abraham had six more sons by his second wife, Keturah. Abraham died and was buried near his wife Sarah in Canaan, showing his devotion not only to his first wife, but also to God, for he wanted to be buried not in the land of his fathers, but in the land where God had sent him.

Abraham was unique among people of his time, because of his faith in one God, but he was also human. His humanity is shown through his occasional skepticism and impatience during his life, but his faith is shown through his perseverance in striving towards what God has told him to do, even when it is difficult to understand.

2. What’s wrong? What’s the remedy?

As previously mentioned, Abraham has faith in God. But his faith is not flawless. In fact, many times Abraham acts in ways that signify confusion with the direction God is leading him. Although Abraham sometimes does things seemingly “wrong,” he is able to remedy them through submission and prayer.

The first example of Abraham’s faith struggle occurs when Abraham leaves Canaan during a famine to travel to Egypt. Abraham had shown extreme trust initially when he left everything he had ever known to travel to Canaan, but when famine struck he left for Egypt, even though God did not command Abraham to leave the land that was promised to his family. To further matters, Abraham tells the Pharaoh of Egypt that Sarah is his sister, so the Pharaoh takes her as his wife. Because the LORD inflicts punishment upon Pharaoh for adultery, it may be inferred that the LORD did not approve of Abraham’s lie. A similar situation occurs when Abraham and Sarah travel to Gerar and Abraham once again claims they are brother and sister. Abimelech king of Gerar also tries to wed Sarah, but the Lord appears to him in a dream and tells him the truth. Now caught in a lie, Abraham poorly tries to justify the situation by saying that they have the same father. It appears as though Abraham’s reason for this lie was because he thought someone would try to kill him in order to possess Sarah. Abraham’s lies seem to show a lack of trust in God’s promise to make him a great nation, which is a problem. However, Abraham’s remedy to the situation is prayer, such as when he prays for God to reopen the womb of Abimelech’s wife, which had been closed because of Sarah.

Another example where Abraham appears to be impatient in waiting for God’s will is when he decides to father a son through Sarah’s maidservant Hagar. God had told him that he would have many descendents, but because Sarah was barren, both were skeptical and decided to aid God by birthing a son through another woman. This seems to show a severe mistrust on both Abraham and Sarah’s part, for even though both were aging, God can do anything. Later on after Hagar’s son Ishmael is born, God says that Sarah will give birth to a son named Isaac, and through him will come many nations. Even now Abraham protests, saying, “If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!” Abraham showed his humanity through his doubt in God’s decision. However, Abraham remedies his moments of weak faith through instances of obedience. An example of Abraham’s submission to God occurs at the same time as the previous example. God makes a covenant with Abraham, telling him to circumcise all males, and on that very day both Abraham and his son Ishmael are circumcised.

A final example of a time when Abraham appears to question God’s judgment occurs when God wishes to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. In hopes to save his nephew Lot, Abraham pleads with God to spare the town, even if for only ten righteous citizens. Even though Abraham realizes it is bold for him to try to persuade the Lord, it does not stop him from trying.

A final example of a “remedy” for Abraham’s occasional lack of faith is perhaps the climax of Abraham’s trust in God. God commands Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac, through whom Abraham’s line is supposed to continue. However absurd and heinous the command may have seemed, Abraham obeyed without comment, showing an amazing trust that God would fulfill his promise. Any previous doubts that Abraham had had about God’s judgment is covered in this example of total reliance on God.

Abraham, like any other person, has moments of weakness and loss of trust that God knows best. However, the remedy was submission through prayer and ultimate obedience.


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Fifteen minutes of random yapping,
followed by 45 minutes of tangent-surfing and bible searching

BIBLE STUDY @ 7:15-9:00 pm on Tuesdays— TFB College Room
Bible study meets hangout. Thirty minutes of random yap
followed by directed digging. Right now we’re going through
Paul’s letter to the Philippians.

EVENTS—next up: Winter Retreat, January 21-23

EAT! (Mgr: TBA)
Winter Retreat, January 21-23 (Mgr: Daniel and Danny)
Bowling, TBA (Mgr: Jennifer M)
BBQ (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)
Summer Retreat, TBA (Mgr: Jeff B)


Week ending January 9, 2005

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor (Laura1), send an email to tfbyam1@hotmail.com


HOLY VOCAB—Getting past fancy talk!
UPDATE! –and now for a word from the Project Managers…
REVIEWS—Put yours here…
WHAT I SAY—Your words can be here!
EVENTS—next up: Winter Retreat, January 21-23

HOLY VOCAB—Getting past fancy talk!

“That's just fancy talk SpongeBob! Hey! You know what? If you want to act fancy, just put your pinky up!” – the wisdom of Patrick

January 2

We’ve got a problem… a REALLY BIG problem: wrath + enmity = deep doo

Just to review our terms, here’s a parablesque:

Wrath: the boss is justifiably angry because we forged his name on an invoice and bought ourselves a house with his money.

Enmity: we’ve since decided the boss is mean and unfair, we don’t like him anyhow, and we don’t need to do what he says anymore.

What’s the solution? Atonement!

Read up: Leviticus 16 & Hebrews 9

Atonement: the shedding of Christ’s blood abates the wrath of God and the enmity of humanity, and allows humanity to become reconciled with God; Christ's death allows God and man to get along (Lev. 16; Heb 9).

January 9: Terms of Salvation


If you take the above words and add them to propitiation, reconciliation, and atonement, what do you get?

The questions that remain:

What should we do to prevent ourselves from getting stuck in ruts about issues?
How do (the other) words relate to orthodoxy and orthopraxy?
Is there really a right way and a wrong way to worship God?
How do we as people of God determine what is orthodox and what is not?
What things do we need to teach to those who are in the heterodoxy and heteropraxy categories?
What does ‘abate’ mean?How do propitiation and reconciliation relate to atonement?
What is the difference in reconciliation between the OT and the NT?
How do we let others know what atonement is?
What the most effective way to teach others about atonement?

DEFINITIONS in progress (leave additions, questions, corrections in the comments at the top of the page):

Apostasy: Intentionally moving away from right belief-practice; telling God to go sit on a tack because you really don’t care what he thinks anymore

Atonement: the shedding of Christ’s blood abates the wrath of God and the enmity of humanity, and allows humanity to become reconciled with God; Christ's death allows God and man to get along (Lev. 16; Heb 9).

Heresy: Dangerous mis-belief; can be intentional or unintentional; for example, thinking it’s okay to cheat on a test

Heterodoxy: Believing that which is not the accepted view; Other belief; Wrong=death; Life and death issues; Paul curses himself if wrong

Heteropraxy: Other practice; Chill with wrong people=die; Destruction; Citizenship in hell; making up your own rules to worship/believe in God

Orthodoxy: Right belief; the gospel does not change (ref: Galatians 1:6-9)

Orthopraxy: Right practice; Chill with right people=life; Citizenship in heaven (ref: Philippians 3:17-4:1)

Propitiation: that which appeases the wrath of God (Wrath: strong term used to describe God’s anger) (ref: 1 John 2:1-6; 1 John 4:7-12; Romans 3:21-26; Romans 1:18; Revelation 6:16-17)

Reconciliation: making up; making things better; change of attitude by both person and God; complete reversal of the relation between God and humans has been accomplished (Romans 5:10); the work of God because he initiates man’s salvation—we’re sinful, we can’t start; done by the death of Christ (Enmity: deep seated, mutual hatred) (ref: Romans 5:6-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Colossians 1:19-23; James 4:4)

Still up:

immanent transcendent contingent necessary
awe sovereignty judgment blasphemy holiness trespass
love yearn sin fear righteousness mercy grace unity
wisdom faith majesty glory discipline justice
peace hope joy blessed

UPDATE! –and now for a word from the Project Managers…

Winter Retreat dates: January 21-23 (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)

Bowling Party: January or February—email your preference (Mgr. Jennifer M)

If you have questions or suggestions, contact the managers, or email tfbyam1@hotmail.com and your message will be forwarded.

REVIEWS—Put yours here…

[This space left sadly blank…]

Here's how to do it:
- Give the movie/restaurant/TV show/whatever a rating of 1-5 stars (5 being best)
- Describe the story/style
- Explain your rating, why it was good or bad
- Send your review to tfbyam1@hotmail.com

WHAT I SAY—Your words can be here!


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish—TFB Courtyard
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room

BIBLE STUDY @ 7:15-9:00 pm on Tuesdays— TFB College Room
Paul’s Letter to the Philippians

EVENTS—next up: Winter Retreat, January 21-23

EAT! (Mgr: TBA)
Winter Retreat, January 21-23 (Mgr: Daniel and Danny)
Bowling, TBA (Mgr: Jennifer M)
BBQ (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)
Summer Retreat, TBA (Mgr: Jeff B)
