The Gathering--a gathering of young adults trying to figure out how to make God look good 24/7, Sundays at 10 AM, on the TFB campus, in the Young Adult room
Plain wRap--a pencil and paper, bible and brain bible study led by Laura, Sundays at 5 PM, at Pastor Charlie's
Experience--an alternative worship event, Every couple of months or so
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NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tom Witherill joins the YAM team (hey, Tom, how about a bio next week?)
The Gathering—The Mighty Meek
Plain wRap—Wrapping up the Dangerous Gospel
Know God— Praying around the world
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College Briefing at Forest Home, August 30-September 2
Hermen Who? September 8 to October 6, Sundays, 5 pm, “Friends in Christ” room
What’s happening on October 12? Forty days of purpose—or was that porpoise?
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THE GATHERING (A.K.A. Sunday School)
Walk . . . this way
The Mighty Meek
Matthew 5:5 NASB "Blessed are the gentle/humble/meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
What’s it mean to be meek, anyhow? Does it mean you’re the type of person who let’s people kick sand in your face at the beach? Does is mean going along with what everyone else believes? Well, not exactly! Two people are called ‘meek’ in the bible. The first is Moses (Numbers 12:3). You know, the murderer, talking face to face with God, leading millions of complaining Hebrews through the wilderness Moses. The second is Jesus (Matthew 11:29). This is the Jesus who womped the money changers in the temple court, made the Pharisees so mad that they had him killed, had Roman centurions recognizing him as a man of authority, and had gruff ol’ Peter pleading, “Get away from me for I am a sinful man.” Not exactly Herman Milquetoast.
Meek is doing what God wants, even when it’s not what you want. It’s submission. How do you get there? First, recognize that you’re messed up—the bible calls this ‘poor in spirit’ (Matthew 5:3). Second, shed some tears over your broken condition—the bible calls this ‘mourning’ (Matthew 5:4). Then, after you have realized your own desperate need, you’re ready to bow before Jesus, the Master. Or you could take Jonah’s route—run the other way, get on a ship that ends up in a huge storm, have the sailors through you overboard because the whole storm is your fault, get swallowed by a big fish, spend three days there, get barfed up on shore, and end up going where God wanted you to go anyway. Make’s realizing your brokenness and repenting sound a lot better, eh?
Wanna get a headstart on August 25? Read Matthew 5:6 and ask, “What am I really hungry for?”
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PLAIN WRAP UPDATE for August 18, 2002
Well, Stephen turned the tables. After 50 verses rehearsing Israel’s checkered history, he spins around, pointing his finger at the collective chest of the Sanhedrin, and accuses them of blasphemy and of killing the Messiah! Ouch! The got a bit upset—duh! Then the topper, Stephen has a vision of Jesus, standing in heaven at the right hand of God. That was over the top. Without announcing a verdict, the Jerusalem court rushes Stephen outside the city, and stones him. All the while, Stephen has his eyes on Jesus. . . “receive my spirit . . . forgive them.” Then he falls asleep (what a way to describe the death of someone who just had basketball sized rocks thrown on them). What’s the point of it all? The gospel is dangerous. When you stand up and speak it for what it is—that God came as a human, lived, died, and rose from death to pay for our sins—it forces people to make a choice: reject (like the Jerusalem court) or accept (like the thousands of Jews, Samaritans, and Gentiles who come to trust Christ in the remainder of the book of Acts). Here’s something to think about: which is harder? Living for Jesus or dying for Jesus?
Next study is August 25. Acts 7 – Wrapping up the Dangerous Gospel
We’ll take a look back at Stephen’s whole speech—what made his gospel dangerous? What happened next?
Wanna prep for the study? Read Acts 6-8. How would you answer the question, “What’s the big deal about Stephen?”
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Praying around the world
Here’s an online resource from Operation World to help you pray for our brothers and sisters around the world.
There are still two spots open for College Briefing!!
What goes on at YAM?
The Gathering--a gathering of young adults trying to figure out how to make God look good 24/7
Sundays at 10 AM, on the TFB campus, in the Young Adult room
Plain wRap--a pencil and paper, bible and brain bible study
Sundays at 5 PM, at Pastor Charlie's for the summer
Experience--an alternative worship event
Every couple of months or so
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The Gathering
August 4 review
Walk . . . this way
What does it mean to be poor in spirit?
Matthew 5:3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Part of the human condition (at least post-Eden) is a decided bent towards self-worship. One of the results of this is a fear of telling ourselves the truth about ourselves--of admitting to God and to ourselves how truly messed up we are. The mess inside our soul should be no surprise! I mean, that's why Jesus came, lived, died, and rose from death, right? The challenge this week is to take some time alone with God and fill a sheet of paper with your Searching Moral Inventory. When you've filled the page with all the ways you're messed up, talk honestly with God. Recognize how poor you really are. After you've talked with God about it, share your Searching Moral Inventory with someone you trust...someone who won't blab it all over town...someone who won't be shocked.
Wanna get a headstart for Sunday, August 11?
Next week we look at Matthew 5:4 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
Here's something to think about: What are your regrets? How have you responded to them?
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Plain wRap
Up next on August 11: Acts 7: 44-50
Wanna prep for the study?
Read the passage and note the geography, the main characters, and the storyline. Then think about what God may have been telling the Jewish
leaders who were listening to Stephen preach.
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Know God--resources for walking the walk
Every Christian has a gift to be used to build up the body of Christ. Ever wondered about your gift(s)? Check out Elmer Town's spiritual gift survey. It only takes a few minutes.
Posted by Laura Springer at Monday, August 05, 2002