The Gathering--learning how to make God look good 24/7, Sundays at 10 AM, on the TFB campus, in the Young Adult room

Eating together--most Sundays, around 11:30 am, give or take...

Tuesday Bible Study—Tuesdays—bring your bible, bring your brain, 8 pm, YAM room

HomeBase--fellowship in homes


APPLICATION QUESTION OF THE WEEK: As a person who claims to be a Christ-follower, is your life making an impact?


NewsFlash—HomeBase at the Lundquist’s!!!
NewsFlash—Becoming A Contagious Christian—training opportunity!!
Studying Romans with Pastor Charlie
The Gathering—What do we do now that we know why we’re here? —Worship
Tuesday Bible Study—Big Rocks: where we’ve been and where we’re going
Resources For Living Out The Lesson
Know God—Stone Soup

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Every SUNDAY, Worship @ 8:45 am—Main Worship Center
Every SUNDAY, The Gathering @ 10 am—YAM room
Most every SUNDAY, Eating together @ 11:30 am—see Mike N for info
Every TUESDAY, Bible Study @ 8 pm—YAM room
Fourth FRIDAY of every month, All Church Prayer Vigil @ 11:30 am—Friends in Christ Room


SUNDAY, March 9 @ 5:00 pm—Audio Adrenalin/Mercy Me concert
SATURDAY, March 15 @ 7:00 pm, HomeBase at the Lundquist’s
SUNDAY, March 16 @ 3:00 pm—Ducks Game (NHL)
SATURDAY, March 22 @ 6:00 pm—Beach Fest (OUTREACH EVENT!)
Sometime in March—March Madness (NCAA Men’s basketball)
FRIDAY, April 18 @ 5:00 pm—Avengers Game (Arena Football)
SUNDAY, May 4 @ 5:00 pm—See Spot Rock (concert, visit http://www.seespotrock.com for more info)

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NEWSFLASH— HomeBase at the Lundquist’s

March 15
7:00 pm to around 9

@ Dave and Shana’s house
Ask Laura about the details

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God the Son came as a human being, lived a life pleasing to his Father, and willing gave his life to pay the debt we could not—and would not—pay. People are seeking God. We have found God. It’s time to tell them the truth.

Wanna learn how?

March 1, at 8 am, TFB will be having a live simulcast of BECOMING A CONTAGIOUS CHRISTIAN. This is one of the best training opportunities you will come across. Come learn how to tell the Good News in a way that fits who God made you to be! Call or email the church office for sign-up information.

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The Christian View of Life
The Person God Uses
Romans 1:1-17

1. God uses us when we have a God-centered self-image, v. 1
- I am a servant of Christ Jesus
- I have been chosen by God--called
- I have only one primary task—set apart for the gospel of God
2. God uses us when we have a basic understanding of the Gospel, v. 2-6
- The Gospel was promised in the Old Testament, v. 2
- The Gospel is about a person, v. 3-4 [Jesus is an actual human being; Jesus is also God]
- The Gospel is the good news of God’s grace, v. 5
- The Gospel is for the whole world, v. 5-6
3. God uses us when we reach out to make a spiritual impact, v. 7-12
- …by encouraging others, v. 7-8
- …by developing a reputation of faith, v. 8
- …by praying for people, v. 9
- …by using our gifts to minister to others, v. 11-12
4. God uses us when we are highly motivated to be used, v. 14-16
- motivated by a sense of responsibility, v. 14
- motivated by an anticipation and excitement, v. 15
- motivated by confidence, v. 16

Suggested Study Plan for Romans
1. Read a chapter a day. When you’ve finished the book, start over. By the end of the series—about six months—you will have read Paul’s Letter to the Romans eleven or twelve times. How cool is that?
2. Memorize! Three plans:

LIGHT LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2—a total of 25 verses. Memorize one verse a week and you will finish in about six months.

MODERATE LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2 and Romans 12— a total of 46 verses. Memorize two verses a week and you will finish in about six months.

HEAVY LOAD: memorize Romans 12:1-15:13— a total of 71 verses. Memorize three verses a week and you will finish in about six months.

To know it, you gotta DO it!

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YAM Tuesday—Big Rocks: where we’ve been and where we’re going

Big Rock One: The Word: 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Big Rock Two: God, part one: Psalm 145:17-21

This week: Big Rock Two, part two: Hebrews 12:4-11

If you’re away at school—or if you’re here in Torrance and would like to discuss the Tuesday Bible Study, or catch up on what you missed, the YAM blog (a log-in journaling place for YAM) can be found at http://tfbyam.blogspot.com/

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THE GATHERING—What do we do now that we know why we’re here?

One: Worship

The Jewish Religious Leaders of Jesus’ day were very concerned about worshiping God in every part of life. They had catalogued 613 laws, 248 positive laws and 365 negative ones. In a further attempt to please God, they cataloged the laws into heavy laws and light laws. Heavy laws were those that one must keep. In their efforts to establish a hierarchy of law, they also were embroiled in the search for the greatest law. They had been discussing this question for centuries and had not come to agreement. In fact, such endless discussions were a favorite pastime. In his account of the Good News of Messiah, Matthew tells us how the religious leaders used this pastime as a weapon against Jesus.

The Good News According to Matthew presents Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, rejected by most, trusted by some, and followed by a few. These few—the twelve apostles—are trained by Jesus to follow his teaching and carry it into the world. Near the end of this account, during Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, Matthew relates a series of Jesus’ encounters. While the training of the few continues, Jesus presents himself as the king, but is rejected by the nation. It is during this time that Jesus has a series of encounters with the religious leaders. After silencing the Herodians and the Sadducees, the Pharisees take their shot.

Read Matthew 22:34-40

Today we look at the most important command—LOVE GOD. There are four key words in this command: heart, soul, mind, and all. First, love God with the core of who you are—the secret place inside yourself where there are no masks and no lies. The core—the heart—is the fountain of your thoughts, passions, and purposes.

Second, love God with that part of your self that gives you life—your soul. This is the part of you—actually the whole of your person—that continuing beyond death. The soul is the seat—the location—of your feelings—of what you like and don’t like.

Third, love God with your mind—the tool used by the soul to understand, to feel, and to desire.

Finally, the idea that pervades the command—all. Love God with ALL your heart, ALL your soul, and ALL your mind. The most important commandment makes it clear that worship is a whole life aimed at pleasing God—a life of passionate, whole life love for Yahweh.

THE GROUP APPLICATION: Starting in March, YAM will be inviting other TFB Sunday School classes to join us for a stone soup lunch—probably once a month or so. [[[see KNOW GOD for a link to the story]]]


Two: Fellowship
Here’s the prep for week two:

Get a concordance (that’s a book that lists the words in the bible and all the places each word is found).
If you don’t have access to one, you can use the “Search the Bible” feature at http://www.crosswalk.com
Look up the word “fellowship”
Read a bunch of the passages and try to come up with a working definition.

Is really all about potlucks and Sunday lunch?

Three: Discipleship
Four: Ministry
Five: Evangelism

Each week an overview of the upcoming week’s lesson will be on http://tfbyam.blogspot.com/
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So, if worship is not just about music, what is it? What might corporate worship—the whole church together—look like if we thought outside the box?

http://www.alternativeworship.org can give you some help in thinking outside the box

The aims of this site are to:
- Provide you with a single point of contact for Alternative Worship sites worldwide
- Direct you to resources for understanding what Alternative Worship is (and is not)
- Route you through to places where you can get resources that will help you and those with you to create Alternative Worship of your own

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Stone Soup

Read the story. Reread Matthew 22:34-40. What could be added to a Stone Soup Lunch to make it a worship experience—remember, think outside the box!!


The Gathering--learning how to make God look good 24/7, Sundays at 10 AM, on the TFB campus, in the Young Adult room

Eating together--most Sundays, around 11:30 am, give or take...

Tuesday Bible Study—Tuesdays—bring your bible, bring your brain, 8 pm, YAM room

HomeBase--fellowship in homes


NewsFlash—YAM gets TFB webpage!!
NewsFlash—New Sermon Series: Romans—The Christian View of Life
Tuesday Bible Study—reviewing where we’ve been
The Gathering—Buddhism
The Gathering—What’s Next?
Resources For Living Out The Lesson
Know God—Are you getting a good workout?

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Every SUNDAY, Worship @ 8:45 am—Main Worship Center
Every SUNDAY, The Gathering @ 10 am—YAM room
Most every SUNDAY, Eating together @ 11:30 am—see Mike N for info
Every TUESDAY, Bible Study @ 8 pm—YAM room
Fourth FRIDAY of every month, All Church Prayer Vigil @ 11:30 am—Friends in Christ Room

SATURDAY, sometime in March, HomeBase
SUNDAY, March 9 @ 5:00 pm—Audio Adrenalin/Mercy Me concert
SUNDAY, March 16 @ 3:00 pm—Ducks Game (NHL)
SATURDAY, March 22 @ 6:00 pm—Beach Fest (OUTREACH EVENT!)
Sometime in March—March Madness (NCAA Men’s basketball)
FRIDAY, April 18 @ 5:00 pm—Avengers Game (Arena Football)
SUNDAY, May 4 @ 5:00 pm—See Spot Rock (concert, visit http://www.seespotrock.com for more info)

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NEWSFLASH—YAM gets TFB webpage!!

This past week, the YAM webpage was born.


The page gives the basic info on YAM and links (well, you need to copy and paste the URL) to the blogspot site, where visitors can find more information. Check it out and let me know your thoughts.

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NEWSFLASH—New Sermon Series: Romans—The Christian View of Life

February 16, 2003 starts this new series at TFB. Here’s an excerpt from Pastor Charlie’s introductory stuff in the worship folder:

The book of Romans was written by Paul to help the young Christians in Rome develop a Christian perspective on life in order to effectively deal with their culture and live for their Savior. The result is a book that teaches the basics of our faith in a concise and insightful manner. Paul answers such questions as:
- What is the Good News of Jesus Christ?
- Why do people need to hear it?
- How can they experience it?
- What will it mean for their future?
- And what does the Good News have to do with everyday life?

Suggested Study Plan for Romans
1. Read a chapter a day. When you’ve finished the book, start over. By the end of the series—about six months—you will have read Paul’s Letter to the Romans eleven or twelve times. How cool is that?
2. Memorize! Three plans:
Light Load: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2—25 verses. Memorize one verse a week and you will finish in about six months.
Moderate Load: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2 and Romans 12—46 verses. Memorize two verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
Heavy Load: memorize Romans 12:1-15:13—71 verses. Memorize three verses a week and you will finish in about six months.

To know it, you gotta DO it!

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YAM Tuesday—Reviewing where we’ve been
Big Rocks

Big Rock One: The Word: 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Persecution is a logical consequence of following Jesus. So, in a world where the enemies of Jesus spread deception and persecute Christ-followers, we must know and be convinced of God's truth in Scripture. We must continue in this truth. Scripture speaks God's words and Scripture is able to teach us the knowledge and skills, to convey disapproval when we don't measure up, to remove the errors and mistakes, and to coach us into a Christ-mode of behavior. Scripture makes us adequate for the task. Scripture—being filled with God’s Word—equips us for the struggle.

How can we be filled with the Word? Well, at the most obvious, we must know what the Word says if our lives are going to be filled with it. But it’s more than that. When we go out to lunch on Sundays, do we talk about God-stuff or world-stuff? When you’re commuting, do you think about the Bible and what it looks like in your real life? God’s word is not meant to be facts simply crammed into our heads. God’s word—according to 2 Timothy 3:10-27 and Deuteronomy 6:4-9—is meant to change our very way of being.

It’s kinda like this. Have you ever eaten strong garlic or onion and then, hours later, realized that your breath and your sweat smelled like garlic or onion. God’s word is like that. When we eat it and digest it—not just taste it—it oozes out of us.

Big Rock Two: God, part one: Psalm 145:17-21
It really is all about God. Our worship of God cannot be left to jewelry and bumper stickers, nor can it be left to Sunday morning in the "Worship Center." Frankly, the whole world is our Worship Center and our every thought and act is our worship. It means actually telling other people--with your actual mouth--telling them who God really is and what he does for them (water to drink, air to breath, life, etc). It means making YAM a faith community where God is not only seen, but is heard and experienced.

Next time we’ll look at Hebrews 12:4-11—Big Rock Two: God.

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For more information on Buddhism, see their own websites and the Apologetics link below.
(Read with a mouse in one hand and a Bible in the other; find out what they believe and check it against what God says)

Basic Buddhism from buddhanet.net

Links and Info from DharmaNet

This week concluded our look through non-Christian belief systems. The bottom line is this: when you’re talking to people about God, respect them by listening to what they believe. Truly spiritual people are just that, truly spiritual. The problem is, being spiritual does not take care of the stain of rebellion against God. The only one who can take care of the stain of sin is God himself. That’s why God the Son came as a human being, lived a life pleasing to his Father, and willing gave his life to pay the debt we could not—and would not—pay. People are seeking God. We have found God. It’s time to tell them the truth.

Wanna learn how?

March 1, at 8 am, TFB will be having a live simulcast of BECOMING A CONTAGIOUS CHRISTIAN. This is one of the best training opportunities you will come across. Come learn how to tell the Good News in a way that fits who God made you to be! Call or email the church office for sign-up information.

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At the risk of going way outside the box…

There’s an article on ginkworld, which is, to say the least, challenging. It contains a list put together by the friend of someone who was fed up with church—his local church in particular. This fed-up friend gives “10 reasons why your church sucks:”

1. It does not understand the community at large
2. It has poor leadership
3. It has no solid vision
4. It is graying, quickly
5. It’s inbred
6. It’s concerned with look and not action
7. It’s comfortable in its misery, and is looking for company
8. It’s out of touch with the 21st century
9. It’s all about money
10. It’s all politics

You can check out the whole article at Ginkworld

What does this have to do with what’s coming next at The Gathering? Number one, the church that Jesus died for is not supposed to suck! The fact that many churches do—some might say most do—is a sign that some of us aren’t doing it the way Jesus commands. Number two, none of us wants to be part of a church that sucks. And here’s the deal—we are the church! You wanna change the church? It starts with you—it starts with us! There’s no passing it off to the pastors or deacons or parents or anyone else. Each of us is responsible for our part—there’s no one else to blame. Ouch!

Last Fall, TFB spent seven some weeks—with churches across the country—going through the five purposes. As a result, some things have changed at TFB, and in YAM. But there’s more to do—more to be. So now that we know the five purposes—worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism—what are we supposed to do and be? Starting February 23, we’re going to start working through that question. This time, we go beyond knowing the five purposes. By the end of every lesson time, each person will have an individual do/be assignment, and together we will have a group do/be assignment.

Here’s the overview:

P - One: Worship
P - Two: Fellowship
P – Three: Discipleship
P – Four: Ministry
P – Five: Evangelism

Here’s the prep question for week one: If you were not allowed to use music for worship, what other ways could you worship? [Starter idea: Can eating bagels be a worship experience? How?]

Each week an overview of the upcoming week’s lesson will be on YAM@TFB

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Awesome Books


By Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz
with Dr. Craig Hazen, Biola University

Bruce & Stan’s Guide is a reader-friendly book that covers One-God religions, blended beliefs, philosophical religions, and no God beliefs. This is a great resource, priced at around $12.

The Case for Faith
The Case for Christ

by Lee Strobel

The Case for Faith makes the case that it is reasonable to believe in God, while the Case for Christ directs people to belief in Jesus as THE way, truth, and life. An excellent book to give to your unchurched friends. Both books run around $12 each.

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The Spiritual Disciplines—Are you getting a good workout?

Here’s the exercise list:


Find the details at: BuildingChurch


The Gathering--learning how to make God look good 24/7, Sundays at 10 AM, on the TFB campus, in the Young Adult room

Eating together--most Sundays, around 11:30 am, give or take...

Tuesday Bible Study—Tuesdays—bring your bible, bring your brain, 8 pm, YAM room

HomeBase--fellowship in homes


Tuesday Bible Study—Psalm 145: 17-21
Too Funny—So, looking for an interesting career? How about armpit sniffing…
The Gathering—Mind Sciences
Resources For Living Out The Lesson
Know God—Online Prayer Labyrinth

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Every SUNDAY, Worship @ 8:45 am—Main Worship Center
Every SUNDAY, The Gathering @ 10 am—YAM room
Most every SUNDAY, Eating together @ 11:30 am—see Mike N for info
Every TUESDAY, Bible Study @ 8 pm—YAM room
Fourth FRIDAY of every month, All Church Prayer Vigil @ 11:30 am—Friends in Christ Room

SATURDAY, sometime in March, HomeBase
SUNDAY, March 9 @ 5:00 pm—Audio Adrenalin/Mercy Me concert
SUNDAY, March 16 @ 3:00 pm—Ducks Game (NHL)
SATURDAY, March 22 @ 6:00 pm—Beach Fest (OUTREACH EVENT!)
Sometime in March—March Madness (NCAA Men’s basketball)
FRIDAY, April 18 @ 5:00 pm—Avengers Game (Arena Football)
SUNDAY, May 4 @ 5:00 pm—See Spot Rock (concert, visit http://www.seespotrock.com for more info)

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YAM Tuesday--Summary for February 4, 2003
Big Rocks, Week 3—God
Psalm 145:17-21

The Book of Psalms is a collection of songs used in corporate and private worship. Psalm 145 was most likely written by David, King of Israel. It is the first psalm in a series of six psalms that end the book with a boatload of praise. In just these six psalms (145-150), the word "praise" is used 46 times!

In Psalm 145:17-21, the specific verses we looked at, God is presented, first, as LORD. One might think that the word is in all caps for mere emphasis, but this is not the case. Two Hebrew words are translated "lord." One is "adon." This word simply means "master, lord." It is a basic word and can be used for humans as well as for God. The other is "Yahweh." Yahweh is God's name--his first name, if you will. When God makes promises, when he makes covenant with his people, this is the name he "signs" at the bottom.

In these verses, Yahweh is presented as one who is completely good, who looks out for the needs of all his creation, who has a relationship of love and care for those who call on him and love him and have proper respect for him. He is also the one who will destroy those who do not call on him or love him or have proper respect for him. The psalm focuses on the superlative--notice how many times the word 'all' appears in these five verses. It focuses not only on what God is like (vss. 17-18), but also on what God does (vss. 19-20). Yahweh's deeds absolutely match Yahweh's character. He is consistent.

David's response to this? He makes a decision to praise Yahweh out loud. No Jesus shirts and holy headbands here. David decides to use his mouth! Then he goes a step further and calls every creature--humans included--to praise Yahweh forever!

What difference does this description of God make in the way we worship and serve? Our worship cannot be left to jewelry and bumper stickers, nor can it be left to Sunday morning in the "Worship Center." Frankly, the whole world is our Worship Center and our every thought and act is our worship. It means actually telling other people--with your actual mouth--telling them who God really is and what he does for them (water to drink, air to breath, life, etc). It means making YAM a faith community where God is not only seen, but is heard and experienced.

February 11 we'll look at Hebrews 12:4-11 for another perspective on God.

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If you’re away at school—or if you’re here in Torrance and would like to discuss the Tuesday Bible Study, or catch up on what you missed, the YAM blog (a log-in journaling place for YAM) can be found at http://tfbyam.blogspot.com/

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TOO FUNNY—So, looking for an interesting career? How about armpit sniffing…

Just in case that current major doesn’t work out…

Golf Ball Diver
Earthworm Farmer
Funeral Parlor Cosmetologist
Odor Judge
Scoreboard Operator
Barbie's Dress Designer
Foot Model
Symphonic Page Turner

See the Wolffiles at ABC.com for more

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It all started with a guy named Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. No, really, that’s his name. He believed all sickness came out of false belief. There are three major belief systems that were born out of Quimby’s teaching. Christian Science was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879. She claims to have been healed by Quimby and became one of his students. Their current membership is about 250,000.

The Unity School of Christianity was founded by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore in 1891. Myrtle was introduced to Quimby’s ideas during a lecture on New Thought in 1886. She also dabbled in Christian Science. Her husband Charles had been studying metaphysics, occultism, Hinduism, and Christian Science. The started the Unity School after Charles had a vision in which he heard a voice saying, “Unity.” He like the word and had been wanting to start a new religion, so they did. The Unity School has about 110,000 members.

The United Church of Religious Science was started by Ernest S. Holmes in 1927. Holmes was influenced by some of Quimby’s students and was interested in the occult. The United Church of Religious Science is the largest of the Mind Science groups, boasting 600,000 members.

All three groups share three basic beliefs:
1. God is an impersonal principle, or Divine Mind.
2. The Divine Mind is all that is real.
3. The material world doesn’t exist; it is only a part of the Divine Mind.

[Adapted from Bruce & Stan’s Guide to Cults, Religions, and Spiritual Beliefs]

For more information on the Mind Sciences, see their own websites and the Apologetics link below.
(Read with a mouse in one hand and a Bible in the other; find out what they believe and check it against what God says)

The Church of Christ Scientist (Christian Science)

Unity School of Christianity

United Church of Religious Science

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Online Apologetics Index

Religion News Blog

Awesome Books


By Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz
with Dr. Craig Hazen, Biola University

Bruce & Stan’s Guide is a reader-friendly book that covers One-God religions, blended beliefs, philosophical religions, and no God beliefs. This is a great resource, priced at around $12.

The Case for Faith
The Case for Christ

by Lee Strobel

The Case for Faith makes the case that it is reasonable to believe in God, while the Case for Christ directs people to belief in Jesus as THE way, truth, and life. An excellent book to give to your unchurched friends. Both books run around $12 each.

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Online Prayer Labyrinth

Labyrinth is an interactive installation for spiritual journeys. It's for anyone who wants a break from surfing the surface of culture to contemplate the deeper things of life.

Labyrinth reshapes a 12th-century ritual for the 21st century. Its maze-like path takes you on a symbolic journey, creates space to unwind and think - in particular about our relationships with ourselves, one another, our planet and God.

Designed for young and old alike, it provides a mixture of rituals and visuals, of contemplative words and contemporary ambient music, of symbols and media to help guide the spiritual traveller. [from the discover page at the labyrinth]


The Gathering--learning how to make God look good 24/7, Sundays at 10 AM, on the TFB campus, in the Young Adult room

Eating together--most Sundays, around 11:30 am, give or take...

Tuesday Bible Study—Tuesdays—bring your bible, bring your brain, 8 pm, YAM room

HomeBase--fellowship in homes


HomeBase—Trial Run
Tuesday Bible Study—Deuteronomy 6:4-9
The Gathering—Atheism
Resources For Living Out The Lesson
Know God— Have hard questions?

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Every SUNDAY, Worship @ 8:45 am—Main Worship Center
Every SUNDAY, The Gathering @ 10 am—YAM room
Most every SUNDAY, Eating together @ 11:30 am—see Mike N for info
Every TUESDAY, Bible Study @ 8 pm—YAM room

SUNDAY, Feb 2 @ 5 pm All Church eat and share ministry stories (generally known as Potluck and Annual Meeting, but that seemed a bit boring)
FRIDAY, Feb 7 @ 6 pm Movie Night—TFB—Legally Blonde
FRIDAY - SUNDAY, February 28 - March 2 College Winter Camp at Harmony Pines—Cost $97

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On January 25, we met at the Stine’s for fellowship and discussion. We munched on veggies, brownies, and crumb cake (yummm). We listened to Daisy’s funny, non-bark (she’s one of those shrunken collies—you know, a Shetland [see http://www.dogpatch.org/sheltie/ for info on Shelties]—debarked for her own safety). We had non-musical worship… hold on now, what’s non-musical worship? Well, this time it was answering the question, “What is your favorite thing about God, and why?” [Aside—music isn’t worship, you know.] After the worship time, we looked at and listened to Jim’s nifty new banjo, and spent a few minutes watching the end of the dog show—crucial stuff. We then retired to the front room to get to the meat of the evening.

First, we looked at Romans 1:14-17, where Paul says that he is obligated to preach the gospel to people of all cultures and education—a Gospel he is not ashamed of, because it is God’s power at work. What followed was a good discussion on what it means to evangelize across cultures in our daily lives—work, school, transit commuting. The conclusion? Doing all this—this cross-cultural Good News telling—is much more difficult than talking about it.

The next HomeBase is TBA

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Big Rocks, Week 2—The Word
Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Torah (Genesis - Deuteronomy). It is a record of the sermons/speeches given by Moses before the children of Israel entered the Promised Land after forty years of wandering in the wilderness (due to their disobedience and lack of faith). Moses spends the first few chapters retracing Israel's history--God's covenant keeping and their covenant breaking. Deuteronomy 6 stands near the beginning of Moses' address on the covenant responsibilities of the people of God.

Last time, we looked at 2 Timothy 3:10-17, where Paul says the Word of God is just that--the word of GOD. He then tells us that it is useful for getting the facts, for having our faults revealed, for correcting our errors, and for training us in righteousness. Today's passage gives us the OT perspective. The first two verses give us what Jesus considered to be the greatest commandment--Love God with everything you are (Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:29-30; Luke 10:27). That basically sums up the whole Law. For twenty-first century Christians, the next few verses seem a bit odd. Verses 6 through 9 contain five commands concerning the Law (the contents of Deuteronomy, meant to guide the people of God toward holiness).

1. Have these words on your heart (heart being the center of the self--not just mushy feelings).
2. Impress them on your children
3. Talk about them wherever you are and whatever you're doing.
4. Tie them as symbols on your hands.
5. Bind them on your foreheads.
6. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Commands 1 through 3 seem normal, but commands 4 through 6 are a bit odd--are we supposed to go around wearing holy headbands? Maybe. At the very least, our whole-self love for God should be so evident, our commitment to obeying our Lord should be so clear, that when people look at us they know whose we are.

How do we do this? Well, at the most obvious, we must know what the Word says if our lives are going to be filled with it. But it’s more than that. When we go out to lunch on Sundays, do we talk about God-stuff or world-stuff? When you’re commuting, do you think about the Bible and what it looks like in your real life? God’s word is not meant to be facts simply crammed into our heads. God’s word—according to 2 Timothy 3:10-27 and Deuteronomy 6:4-9—is meant to change our very way of being.

It’s kinda like this. Have you ever eaten strong garlic or onion and then, hours later, realized that your breath and your sweat smelled like garlic or onion. God’s word is like that. When we eat it and digest it—not just taste it—it oozes out of us.

Next week we’ll be looking at Psalm 145—God

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By Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz
with Dr. Craig Hazen, Biola University

Bruce & Stan’s Guide is a reader-friendly book that covers One-God religions, blended beliefs, philosophical religions, and no God beliefs. This is a great resource, priced at around $12.

The Case for Faith
The Case for Christ

by Lee Strobel

The Case for Faith makes the case that it is reasonable to believe in God, while the Case for Christ directs people to belief in Jesus as THE way, truth, and life. An excellent book to give to your unchurched friends. Both books run around $12 each.

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Have hard questions? Gink World has some answers. Here’s what they say…

“Can we truly answer a question to any ones satisfaction?
No, we can’t. In fact, this answer will not be satisfactory to some. All we can do is answer with what we believe to be right. We agree, and accept, with people who disagree with us. We think it’s cool; it opens dialog, and allows us to grow as Christians. So, while we cannot truly answer a question to everyone’s satisfaction is all right, we trust God.”

Check them out. Check them against God’s Word.