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Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom
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TUESDAY GATHERING: Revelation 2:18-29
SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: October 2—Who are we and why are we here? -- What does God say about it? Part 2
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has left the Building, October 23, 11 AM
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Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)
Leadership team:
I pray that we would know the story of God for what it is--God's glorious work through all of time, bringing everything into conformity to his will--and would be honest about the story of ourselves--that we are messy people learning to follow Jesus.
I pray that we would be the people of God--members of Christ's body and members with all Christ-followers (even those who do not seem to be as spiritual as we are). I pray that we would be connected with the believers at TFB, actively participating in the life of our local congregation.
I pray that we would expand the kingdom, not only by telling others about Jesus, but also by taking a hard look at our lifestyle choices, by being broken by our own worldly conformity, and by deciding to live lives that point to Jesus.
TUESDAY GATHERING: Revelation 2:18-29
Tuesday, October 4
Worship Space

Worship Curator for October: JonathanP
First Tuesday Worship Curator: Laura
Here is the legacy window, step one.

Study SpaceRevelation 2:18-291. Grab a pen, a highlighter, and a copy of Revelation.
2. Prayerfully read the section twice, listening for God’s voice. After each reading, write down your thoughts.
3. Look over the passage. Are there any historical, cultural, grammatical, or literary details that should be investigated? Using the Bible and tools (bible dictionaries, commentaries, study notes), investigate those details.
4. Look over the passage once again, ask the following questions, and then discuss the answers.
o Who are the main characters?
o What are the main issues?
o Where does this take place?
o When did/does/will this take place?
o Why does John shape the message this particular way?
o How does he want the readers to respond?
5. Look over the passage once again and ask:
o What is God saying to us?
o How does God want us to respond?
Many at Thyatira had become corrupted by culture, worshiping idols and committing sexual sin. It is all too easy to become corrupted by culture. One of the most powerful forces for cultural corruption is the movie/television industry. Stories are very powerful and most movies are crafted by the writers, directors, and producers to make a point and influence culture. This means we must be intentional in our entertainment. Otherwise, the cultural corruption will sneak in without our even knowing. Hollywood Jesus is one place to get some information that will help you be more intentional: Another place is the Progressive Culture page at
Relevant Magazine:’t let the world pollute your soul without you noticing. Be intentional about your entertainment and spend time with God so you begin to develop his perspective on things.
Good info on the seven cities can be found at: of the messages to the churches follows a basic pattern.

Not all the parts are in every message.
For the messages to Ephesus and Smyrna, label each section.
Next week, October 11, we’ll continue discussing
Revelation 2-3, the letters to each of the seven churches—starting with Sardis.
Get more out of the gathering by bringing more to the gathering! Study ahead: - Wednesday and Thursday: Pray through the passage as a whole. Write down any thoughts.
- Friday: Using bible handbooks and bible dictionaries, hunt down any cultural or historical info that might shed some light on the passage.
- Saturday: Lay out all your notes and talk them over with God. Ask questions. Write down any thoughts.
- Sunday and Monday: Try to answer some questions:
- What is God saying to us?
- How does God want us to respond?
- What other stories (in the bible, in history, in your own life) come to mind as you read this?
- If you had to explain this passage to someone else, what would you do or say to make it clear?
Bible study helps can be found at, good info on the seven cities can be found at:
Do you know a person who is asking tough questions about God and the mess of life? Great! Invite them to the Tuesday Gathering for our Revelation discussion. Pick up a flyer in the college room.
Questions are exactly what we’re looking for…
SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: October 2—Who are we and why are we here? -- What does God say about it? Part 2The One Point
Matthew 28:16-20 ESV
16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Ministry is defined by who we are and why we are here. Let’s take a closer look at what God says about ministry in Matthew 28:16-20, and then create a rough draft of a visual media piece that effectively communicates the three ministry goals to collegians outside the TFB College Ministry.
The purpose of the TFB College Ministry comes from three big ideas found in this passage. First, we are to know the story. The story of “us” (verse 17) is mixed; the disciples responded to Jesus with both worship and doubt. We respond the same way. The story of Jesus includes everything he commanded in words and in actions.
Second, we are to be the people. According to verse 19, we become part of the people of God by being baptized into the Name. In verse 20, we remain part of the people of God because Jesus is always with his disciples. In baptism we are made part of him and by his presence we are kept part of him.
Third, we are to expand the kingdom. The kingdom is not a physical space, but is the rule of God; wherever and whenever God is obeyed, there his kingdom is present. We expand his kingdom by going into the world and making more disciples (verse 19) by baptizing them into the Name. Verse 20 tells us that we also make disciples by teaching people to obey everything Jesus commanded. God’s kingdom expands when we make more disciples and when we all become better disciples.
Project: Assuming Matthew 28:16-20 as all you know about ministry, create a visual media piece that will let your friends know who we are and why we are here. Be sure to include information relating to each of the three goals.

Prep for October 9
“If the TFB College Ministry could be everything God wanted it to be in three years, what would that look like?”
SERMON NOTES—Effective Prayer, Part 1 “KEY COMPONENTS TO PRAYER”Matthew 6:5-15
Pastor Charlie
October 2, 2004
Be Real (v. 5).
-Don't try to impress others.
-Don't try to impress God.
Be Relaxed (V. 6).
Be Revealing (v.7, 8),
PRAISE – giving God my love (v. 9).
PURPOSE – giving God my life (v. 10).
PROVISION – giving God my needs (v. 11). Philippians 4:6
PARDON – giving God my guilt (v. 12)
PEOPLE – giving God my relationships (v. 12)
PROTECTION – giving God my fears and temptations (v. 13)
Notice the pronouns in the prayer:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Challenge: this week,
pray like breathing
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians
SUNDAY GATHERING @ 7:30 pm—place varies
Contact ElisaB or MattC for details
TUESDAYSTUESDAY GATHERING @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Revelation
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has left the Building, October 23, 11 AMThe Church has left the Building—Torrance Street Faire: October 23, 11 AM
Mid-Term retreat—Camp Pursche, late October or early November