Week ending April 3, 2005
Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom
If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor (Laura1), send an email to tfbyam1@hotmail.com
TELLING THE STORY OF GOD: the media piece
BEING THE STORY OF GOD: the life piece
THE STORY OF GOD—What it is we’re up to…
BIBLE DISCUSSION—Messy Spirituality, Psalm 25
SERMON NOTES—When You Look At Jesus On The Cross What Do You See?
NOTE: the Bible Discussion section is updated on Wednesday.
TELLING THE STORY OF GOD: the media piece
Intent: to create a media piece that communicates to the average South Bay twenty-something the facts, emotions, and participations in the continuing story of God.
NO Collegium on Resurrection Day; work on the media piece resumes April 3, when we’ll finish looking at Flood and Babel
BEING THE STORY OF GOD: the life piece
Intent: to implement a student-run, on-going goodness ministry in the South Bay.
THE STORY OF GOD—What it is we’re up to…
The story of God runs from the creation of everything to the consummation of everything in God’s Kingdom and includes everything God is doing in the already-and-not-yet. The lives of God-followers today are vignettes in that continuing story, joining the millennia of God-followers who live out God’s story. The God-followers here in Torrance, at TFB, and in the TFB college group are part of the ongoing story that includes believers across the globe. God has commanded us to be his storytellers through our lives, through words, through media, through art, and through any means possible, spreading the Story of God to all who will listen.
BIBLE DISCUSSION—Messy Spirituality, Psalm 25
7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Discussion is potluck style—everybody brings something to share,
so read ahead, pray a bunch, listen, and create.
March 29, 2005
Messy Spirituality, pages 39-45
Why must we silence those who interrupt our routing by telling the truth?
What is the place of behavior in our definition of spirituality?
What do we do with the truth when we hear it? What is the basis of our response?
“Seek the spiritual life, admit your messiness, follow Christ wherever he leads you, and discomfort is right around the corner” (p. 44).
God’s hesed is
- the context in which God views our messiness, v6
- the shape of his remembering, v7
- the description of what it means to follow God, v10
Psalm 25:4-10
Tuesday Prayer
Thanks to J-cubed for being our worship leader!
Mike Yaconelli’s Messy Spirituality-we’re on pg 39
Psalms ‘hesed’ passages—worship readings and prayer response
SERMON NOTES—When You Look At Jesus On The Cross What Do You See?
You May See An Obligation. Luke 23:26
You May See A Way Out Of Your Current Troubles. Luke 23:39
You May See Religious Pride. Matthew 27:41-43
You May See A Reverent Respect. Matthew 27:54
You May See A Love Offering . Matthew 27:55-56
You May See Bold Allegiance To Jesus. Matthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-46
You May See The Risen Lord.
Was Jesus’ death real? Yes!
Was Jesus’ body really absent from the tomb? Yes!
Was Jesus really seen alive after his death and burial? Yes!
1 Corinthians 15:3-8
1 Corinthians 15:17,19
John 11:25-26
Romans 10:9
John 3:16-17
If you would like to know more about Jesus, His life, death, and resurrection and His desires for your life, I recommend the following resources to get you started:
“The New Testament”, start with the letters of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
“The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel
"The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren
WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Fifteen minutes of random yapping,
followed by 45 minutes of tangent-surfing and bible searching
BIBLE DISCUSSION @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Bible study meets hangout. Thirty minutes of random yap
followed by directed digging. Right now we’re going through
Mike Yaconelli’s Messy Spirituality and the OT ‘hesed’ passages.
We’re also working on the Story of God media project.
BBQ (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)
Summer Camp—old style: June or July (Mgr: Jeff B)
Week ending March 27, 2005
Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom
If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor (Laura1), send an email to tfbyam1@hotmail.com
TELLING THE STORY OF GOD: the media piece
BEING THE STORY OF GOD: the life piece
BIBLE DISCUSSION—Room Redecorating and Pizza!
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next Up: Spring Cleaning and Room Redo, 3/22
NOTE: the Bible Discussion section is updated on Wednesday.
We praise you for your never changing love for us. Open our hearts to hear your teaching.
WORD OF GOD: Psalm 23
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the LORD forever.
John from work had his car stolen from in front of his house. It was a car his mom worked hard to pay for, which made it all the more frustrating to him. All in all, it was a bad week for him for various reasons, and he seemed like he was going to explode. He was telling me about it a week ago, and unfortunately he isn’t very familiar with God’s steadfast love. If it were me that had my car stolen, I wonder if my reaction would be the same as his, or if I would rely on God to get me by.
Give us your power and calm us through your hesed.
Thank you for using our brokenness.
Help us to come to you with our problems now.
Focus on the good in our lives.
Yes, we made a great bunch of Stone Soup (chicken vege). JJ and Matt hauled it to G's in the rain.
Indoor Bball!
After a close game in which three out of four teams were in the center brain poised to win, green took the crown!
TELLING THE STORY OF GOD: the media piece
Intent: to create a media piece that communicates to the average South Bay twenty-something the facts, emotions, and participations in the continuing story of God.
Sunday, March 20: Flood and Babel
Genesis 6:9-11:23
Characters: Noah, God, Noah’s sons (Shem, Ham, Japheth), Noah’s wife, sons’ wives, Nimrod, People of Shinar, Terah, Nahor, Abram, Haran
Time: ~5800 to 3200 BC
Place: Earth, Ararat, Shinar, Babel, Ur, Haran
Scene development will continue on April 3
Next week: NO 11 AM Collegium
BEING THE STORY OF GOD: the life piece
Intent: to implement a student-run, on-going goodness ministry in the South Bay.
Under consideration: a neighborhood in Torrance (see map).
More later.
The story of God runs from the creation of everything to the consummation of everything in God’s Kingdom and includes everything God is doing in the already-and-not-yet. The lives of God-followers today are vignettes in that continuing story, joining the millennia of God-followers who live out God’s story. The God-followers here in Torrance, at TFB, and in the TFB college group are part of the ongoing story that includes believers across the globe. God has commanded us to be his storytellers through our lives, through words, through media, through art, and through any means possible, spreading the Story of God to all who will listen.
BIBLE DISCUSSION—Room Redecorating and Pizza!
7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Discussion is potluck style—everybody brings something to share,
so read ahead, pray a bunch, listen, and create.
March 22, 2005
media center wired and in action—including some awesomely large speakers
black draping hung on temp wall—our new picture place!
bar reoriented and reorganized
seating are in giant U so all see each other, the board, and the screen (yet to be purchased)
indoor lighting strands rehung—the cool lights are back
eating Rizzo’s pizza and garlic breadsticks
eating Jeff B’s brownies (yum!)
Good work, ya’ll!
Mike Yaconelli’s Messy Spirituality-we’re on pg 39
Psalms ‘hesed’ passages—worship readings and prayer response
WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Fifteen minutes of random yapping,
followed by 45 minutes of tangent-surfing and bible searching
BIBLE DISCUSSION @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Bible study meets hangout. Thirty minutes of random yap
followed by directed digging. Right now we’re going through
Mike Yaconelli’s Messy Spirituality and the OT ‘hesed’ passages.
We’re also working on the Story of God media project.
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next Up: Spring Cleaning and Room Redo, 3/22
Spring Cleaning and Room Redo: March 22 (Mgrs: Jeff B and Laura1)
BBQ (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)
Summer Camp—old style: June or July (Mgr: Jeff B)
Posted by Laura Springer at Monday, March 21, 2005
Week ending March 20, 2005
Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom
If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor (Laura1), send an email to tfbyam1@hotmail.com
TELLING THE STORY OF GOD: the media piece
BEING THE STORY OF GOD: the life piece
BIBLE DISCUSSION—Messy Spirituality
SERMON NOTES—The Four Sides of God’s Love
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next Up: Stone Soup and Movies, Mar 18
NOTE: the Bible Discussion section is updated on Wednesday.
WORD OF GOD: Psalm 18:46-50
The LORD lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be the God of my salvation--the God who gave me vengeance and subdued peoples under me, who delivered me from my enemies; yes, you exalted me above those who rose against me; you rescued me from the man of violence.
For this I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations, and sing to your name. Great salvation he brings to his king, and shows steadfast love to his anointed, to David and his offspring forever.
Mariska Hargitay (Detective Benson from L&O: SVU) was on Leno the other night (3/4/05). They were talking about her recent marriage to Peter Hermann. Leno asked what they did on their first date, and when Mariska said that they had gone to church, Leno launched into an uncomfortable “humor bit”—obviously making fun. Also obvious was the look on Mariska’s face; she was offended. Her faith was serious, not funny.
Guys, we’re surrounded by people who think Christianity is a crock. Now, most of them are all for spirituality, but the idea of worshiping a God who is actually in charge is problematic. We live the story surrounded by enemies. This is no place to hide. We’ve got to be honest about our mess AND honest about our God—the Creator of everything, full of mercy and bringer of justice.
Help us to be honest.
Help us to care.
Help us not to make faces when people pray funny.
Help us to forgive.
That our prayers will be endless.
That we will be slow to judge.
BENEDICTION: Isaiah 40:28
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.
TELLING THE STORY OF GOD: the media piece
Intent: to create a media piece that communicates to the average South Bay twenty-something the facts, emotions, and participations in the continuing story of God.
Our timeline is filling up nicely. Sunday, March 13, we begin our jet tour of the timeline stories in preparation for our media piece.
Sunday, March 13: Creation and fall
Genesis 1:1-6:8
Storyboarding is underway.
#1 Claymation creation
#2 Live action dual-screen (silent film) of the first sin and the first murder
#3 Live action depicting corruption of humanity and the introduction of Noah, the only human to find favor with God.
Adam: first man, first father of the human race, avoided responsibility, sinned, blamed, hid
Eve: first woman, first mother, tempted by the serpent, sinned, blamed, hid, shared sin with Adam
Abel: first member in the hall of faith (Heb 11), shepherd, offered his best to God, goes to God
Cain: first child, first murderer, acted in anger, was punished and protected
Noah: only follower of God left in his generation, man of patience, built the ark, second father of the human race
Serpent: craftiest of all animals, tempts Eve, evil, wise, sneaky
dark, light, universe, earth, sky, water, in the east, Tigris, Euphrates, Southern Iraq, Pishon thru Havilah (gold), Lihon thru Cush, Tigris east of Asshur, Euprates, east side of the garden in Eden
Theme (God’s Hesed):
God’s clothing Adam and Eve with skins, God’s protection of Cain despite his murdering his brother, Noah found favor with God.
Music ideas:
Also Sprach Zarathustra
The boys are back in town
Next week: Flood and Babel
Create away!!!
BEING THE STORY OF GOD: the life piece
Intent: to implement a student-run, on-going goodness ministry in the South Bay.
Under consideration: a neighborhood in Torrance (see map).
More later.
The story of God runs from the creation of everything to the consummation of everything in God’s Kingdom and includes everything God is doing in the already-and-not-yet. The lives of God-followers today are vignettes in that continuing story, joining the millennia of God-followers who live out God’s story. The God-followers here in Torrance, at TFB, and in the TFB college group are part of the ongoing story that includes believers across the globe. God has commanded us to be his storytellers through our lives, through words, through media, through art, and through any means possible, spreading the Story of God to all who will listen.
BIBLE DISCUSSION—Messy Spirituality
7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Discussion is potluck style—everybody brings something to share,
so read ahead, pray a bunch, listen, and create.
March 15, 2005
We talk our way out of the spiritual life by refusing to come to God as we are. Instead, we decide to wait until we are ready to come to God as we aren’t… Some of us actually believe that until we choose the correct way to live, we aren’t chooseable, that until we clean up the mess, Jesus won’t have anything to do with us. The opposite is true. Until we admit we are a mess, Jesus won’t have anything to do with us… [Jesus] prefers the lost ones over the found ones, the losers over the winners, the broken instead of the whole, the messy instead of the unmessy, the crippled instead of the noncrippled” (p. 37).
HESED: Worship Readings in the Psalms
Psalm 21:1-7 God's hesed gives strength.
7 For the king trusts in the LORD, and through the steadfast love (hesed) of the Most High he shall not be moved.
Psalm 23 God's hesed gives calmness in the middle of trouble.
6 Surely goodness and mercy (hesed) shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Tuesday Prayer
Give us your power and calm us through your hesed.
Thank you for using our brokenness.
Help us to come to you with our problems now.
Thanks to Jonathan P for being our worship leader.
Mike Yaconelli’s Messy Spirituality-we’re on pg 39
Psalms ‘hesed’ passages—worship readings and prayer response
SERMON NOTES—The Four Sides of God’s Love
Ephesians 3: 17, 18
Pastor Charlie
March 13, 2005
FEAR #1: I will have to give up my fun. 1 Timothy 6:17; Matthew 11:19
FEAR #2: I will become a fanatic. John 10:10; Matthew 23:27-28
FEAR #3: I will loose my freedom. John 8:36; 1 John 4:18
1. God’s love is wide enough to include everyone. Psalm 145:17; John 3:16
2. God’s love is long enough to last forever. Jeremiah 31:3; Psalm 89:2
3. God’s love is high enough to be everywhere. Romans 8:39, NIV).
4. God’s love is deep enough to meet your needs. Psalm 40:11; Deuteronomy 33:27; John 15:13; Romans 5:8
WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Fifteen minutes of random yapping,
followed by 45 minutes of tangent-surfing and bible searching
BIBLE DISCUSSION @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Bible study meets hangout. Thirty minutes of random yap
followed by directed digging. Right now we’re going through
Mike Yaconelli’s Messy Spirituality and the OT ‘hesed’ passages.
We’re also working on the Story of God media project.
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next Up: Stone Soup and Movies, Mar 18
Stone Soup, Movies, and Board Games: March18 (Mgr. Cassie M & JJ P)
Stone Soup
Spring Cleaning and Room Redo: March (Mgrs: Jeff B and Laura1)
BBQ (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)
Summer Camp—old style: June or July (Mgr: Jeff B)
Posted by Laura Springer at Monday, March 14, 2005
Week ending March 13, 2005
Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom
If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor (Laura1), send an email to tfbyam1@hotmail.com
THE STORY OF GOD—Taking the Long View
TELLING THE STORY OF GOD: the media piece
BEING THE STORY OF GOD: the life piece
BIBLE DISCUSSION—Messy Spirituality
SERMON NOTES—God Is 100% Trustworthy
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next Up: Stone Soup and Movies, Mar 18
NOTE: the Bible Discussion section is updated on Wednesday.
THE STORY OF GOD—Taking the Long View
Sunday, March 6: Psalm 17
One of the things they teach in driver training is to take the long view. Drivers who take the short view tend to run into stuff. Drivers who take the long view are safer because everything is put in perspective.
David made a conscious decision to take the long view. Of course, he messed up royally sometimes—like he had before writing Psalm 6, the prayer we looked at last week. Even then he took the long view and went to the only one who could help: God.
In Psalm 17, David is not the one who messed up, but rather the one being messed with.
Laura’s Rewrite of Psalm 17
Hear my just cause, Yahweh.
You’re the only one who can help.
Check the record.
You’ve proved me over and over.
By your own Word, I have walked your ways.
Your hesed proves you will answer.
You’ve proved that over and over.
Keep me safe from my enemies.
These utterly self-centered enemies have surrounded to attack.
Yahweh, save me from them.
They only look to the now and do not see the end.
As for me, I look to the end.
I take my just face and look into your hesed face,
and that is absolutely enough.
Do you take a long view or a short view?
Where do you see yourself in five years? ten years? fifty years?
Think over your answers. Is the true long view—God’s perspective—evident in your answer?
Are you really taking the long view: eternity?
The story of God runs from the creation of everything to the consummation of everything in God’s Kingdom and includes everything God is doing in the already-and-not-yet. The lives of God-followers today are vignettes in that continuing story, joining the millennia of God-followers who live out God’s story. The God-followers here in Torrance, at TFB, and in the TFB college group are part of the ongoing story that includes believers across the globe. God has commanded us to be his storytellers through our lives, through words, through media, through art, and through any means possible, spreading the Story of God to all who will listen.
TELLING THE STORY OF GOD: the media piece
Intent: to create a media piece that communicates to the average South Bay twenty-something the facts, emotions, and participations in the continuing story of God.
Our timeline is filling up nicely. Sunday, March 13, we begin our jet tour of the timeline stories in preparation for our media piece.
BEING THE STORY OF GOD: the life piece
Intent: to implement a student-run, on-going goodness ministry in the South Bay.
We looked at three towns:
BIBLE DISCUSSION—Messy Spirituality
7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Discussion is potluck style—everybody brings something to share,
so read ahead, pray a bunch, listen, and create.
March 8, 2005
“There is no room for pretending in the spiritual life… The essence of messy spirituality is the refusal to pretend, to lie, or to allow others to believe we are something we are not… When you and I stop pretending, we expose the pretending of everyone else. The bubble of the perfect Christian life is burst, and we all must face the reality of our brokenness” (p. 26-27).
HESED: Worship Readings in the Psalms
Psalm 18
God shows his hesed to his chosen ones by bringing justice to their enemies.
v. 46-50 The LORD lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be the God of my salvation—the God who gave me vengeance and subdued peoples under me, who delivered me from my enemies; yes, you exalted me above those who rose against me; you rescued me from the man of violence.
For this I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations, and sing to your name. Great salvation he brings to his king, and shows steadfast love (hesed) to his anointed, to David and his offspring forever.
Help us to be honest.
Help us to care.
Help us not to make faces when people pray funny.
Help us to forgive.
That our prayers will be endless.
That we will be slow to judge.
Thanks to Jake D for being our worship leader! The additional verse about God's justice was excellent.
ASSIGNMENT FOR SUNDAY: During patio time, ask some people how they are. Really mean it and use follow-up questions.
Mike Yaconelli’s Messy Spirituality-we’re on pg 29
Psalms ‘hesed’ passages—worship readings and prayer response
SERMON NOTES—God Is 100% Trustworthy
Pastor Charlie Rice
March 6, 2005
Psalm 33:4
"For the word of the Lord is right and true;
He is faithful in all He does." (Psalm 33:4, NIV).
God’s Omniscience: All-Knowing
God’s Omnipresence: Every Where Present
God’s Sovereignty: Total Control
God’s Immutability: Never Changes
God’s Omnipotence: All-Powerful
*God cannot do wrong. (Deuteronomy 32:4)
*God cannot lie. (Hebrews 6:18)
*God cannot break a promise. (Numbers 23:19)
ISRAEL Joshua 21:45; Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 145:13
When you are confused and uncertain, do the following:
A. Remember what you know to be true.
B. Seek understanding from God's Word, the Bible.
C. Seek godly counsel from other Christians.
3. YOU CAN COUNT ON GOD TO SETTLE THE SCORE. Romans 12:19; 1 Peter 2:21-23
4. YOU CAN COUNT ON GOD TO REWARD YOU GENEROSITY. Luke 6:38; Galatians 6:7,9; Hebrews 6:10.
5. YOU CAN COUNT ON GOD TO KEEP YOU SAVED. 1 Corinthians 1:8-9; 2 Timothy 2:13; John 10:28; 2 Timothy 1:12; 2 Corinthians 1:20a
Next Week’s Sermon: The Four Sides of God’s Love
WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Fifteen minutes of random yapping,
followed by 45 minutes of tangent-surfing and bible searching
BIBLE DISCUSSION @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Bible study meets hangout. Thirty minutes of random yap
followed by directed digging. Right now we’re going through
Mike Yaconelli’s Messy Spirituality and the OT ‘hesed’ passages.
We’re also working on the Story of God media project.
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next Up: Stone Soup and Movies, Mar 18
Spring Cleaning and Room Redo: March (Mgrs: Jeff B and Laura1)
Stone Soup, Movies, and Board Games: March18 (Mgr. Cassie M & JJ P)
BBQ (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)
Summer Camp—old style: June or July (Mgr: Jeff B)
Posted by Laura Springer at Monday, March 07, 2005