Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to

A fresh eNews is posted each Monday and updated on Wednesday.


SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: God put us (tfbcollege) here (Manuel and Carson)
THE STORY OF GOD—What we’re up to…
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: EAT! Independence Day BBQ: July 3

tfbcollege pix on flikr

Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)

Leadership team:

SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: God put us (tfbcollege) here (Manuel and Carson)

June 26 God put us (tfbcollege) here (Manuel and Carson) part 1: here

Sunday, June 26, we took a walk in downtown Torrance. God has placed tfbcollege near downtown Torrance, so we took a look a where we are. On the first leg of our trip we asked the question, What do you see? Walking east on Carson, north on Arlington, and northeast on Marcelina, just past Keegan’s Pub, we took notes. There we realized that this was the forth Sunday and we were at the monthly antique market. We stopped just at the entrance to the market and checked out God’s Word:

Matthew 9:35-38 NLT

What happened before? Jesus was traveling from town to town healing, preaching, and casting out demons (Matthew 9:19-34)

In the middle of ministry, Jesus looks at the crowd and feels CONCERN, v35-36a

Jesus traveled through all the cities and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And wherever he went, he healed people of every sort of disease and illness. He felt great pity for the crowds that came,

Jesus felt concern because of NEED, v36b-37

because their problems were so great and they didn't know where to go for help. They were like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, "The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few.

Jesus responded to his real concern over their real need by commanding the his followers to pray to GOD to send more WORKERS, v38

So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields."

Retracing our steps, we again asked the question, What do you see? We then stopped at Steve’s Burgers (which was closed… bummer) and sat on their benches. After talking about what we saw, we wrote the following desperation prayer (edited for public consumption):

“Lord of the harvest, send people to reach out to those at the flea market, to be shepherds to the shepherdless, on July 24, when the next market is held”

CHALLENGE: Bring this prayer to God everyday until we next meet on July 10. In a journal, write down answers, additional requests, and anything else God may be telling you. We’ll come together on July 10, compare our prayer journals, and look at the “us” that God has put here.

July 3 No Collegium, EAT Sunday 6 PM at the Mooney abode
July 10 God put us (tfbcollege) here (Manuel and Carson) part 2: us

THE STORY OF GOD—What we’re up to…

The story of God runs from the creation of everything to the consummation of everything in God’s Kingdom and includes everything God is doing in the already-and-not-yet. The lives of God-followers today are vignettes in that continuing story, joining the millennia of God-followers who live out God’s story. The God-followers here in Torrance, at TFB, and in the TFB college group are part of the ongoing story that includes believers across the globe. God has commanded us to be his storytellers through our lives, through words, through media, through art, and through any means possible, spreading the Story of God to all who will listen.

Beginnings, Genesis 1-12
Israel, Genesis 13-Malachi
Christ, the gospels
Church, Acts –Jude and church history
Endings, Revelation and other passages

The Crux of the Story: The life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus is the crux—the turning point—of the Story of God. Tuesday, June 28, we chose scenes that tell us what sort of person Jesus is:

  • Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, and while he is coming up out of the water, the Spirit descends on him like a dove and the Father announces his pleasure in his Son; this confirms his identity at the beginning of his ministry (Matthew 3:13-17).
  • Satan, a jerk, tempts Jesus in the wilderness, after Jesus has fasted for forty days and nights, , testing Jesus’ trust in his Father; the temptation fails (Matthew 4:1-11).
  • At a wedding in Cana, Jesus turns water into wine after the wine runs out (John 2:1-11).
  • A sinful woman breaks into a dinner Jesus is having at a Pharisee’s house; there she cries on his feet and anoints them with expensive perfume; the Pharisee judged her unworthy, but Jesus tells the woman her faith has saved her (Luke 7:36-50).
  • Jesus’ appearance is changed so that he glows like the sun; he is joined by Moses and Elijah and his Father announces his pleasure in Jesus and commands that he be heard; this confirms his identity at the ending of his ministry (Matthew 17:1-13).
  • Jesus cleanses the temple by driving out those who were selling because it should be a house of prayer, but they made it a den of robbers (Matthew 21:12-17; Mark 11:15-19; Luke 19:45-48).
  • Jesus predicts his betrayal and crucifixion in Bethany after Passover (Matthew 26:1-2).
  • Jesus tells a parable of 100 sheep and a shepherd; one sheep wanders off and the shepherd goes and finds the one, rejoicing more over that one that the other 99; this shows God’s passion for his children (Luke 15:1-7).
  • Simon Peter cuts off the high priest’s servant’s (Malchus) ear as Judas is about to betray him; Jesus tells them to stop and not take away what he must do and heals the servant’s ear (John 18:10-11)

The Problem: Rebellion against the rule of God and the mind-body-spirit-world results of that rebellion.

The Solution: Jesus Christ. Everything before Christ points toward Christ and everything after Christ points back to Christ. In the end, everything is returned to God’s original design in Christ.

Satan’s View: As the leader of the first rebellion against God’s rule and as the Adversary who has now officially lost the war, he fights a desperate, losing battle against God’s rule. He is a very dangerous enemy who will do anything necessary to stop the expansion of God’s rule.

PREP ASSIGNMENT: This week, read or skim through 1 and 2 Kings. Then choose 2 scenes that show God’s amazing steadfast love and Israel’s incredible unloveliness.

NOTE: Elisa has agreed to be our worship leader for July!!


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians

Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Writing a screenplay for the Story of God media project

GATHERING (contact Pastor G for details)
Hang out, talk, bring your friends.
Friday, June 24 @ 7 pm
Sunday, July 3 @ 6 pm

UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: EAT! Independence Day BBQ: July 3

EAT! Independence Day BBQ: July 3, at the Mooney abode
College Briefing: September 2-5—Forest Home: cost $155

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to

A fresh eNews is posted each Monday and updated on Wednesday.


SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: Advice to freshmen…and others
THE STORY OF GOD—What we’re up to…
SERMON NOTES—Some Key Principles for Fathering
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: EAT! Independence Day BBQ: July 3

tfbcollege pix on flikr

Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)

Leadership team:

SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: Advice to freshmen…and others

June 19 The freshmen have arrived! What next?

7 across the courtyard
Originally uploaded by LauraS.

Advice highlights

From Erin C:

1. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices... it won't be fun at the time, but in the end it will all be worth it! =)
2. Include the Lord in decision making about steps to take in college and classes to take.
3. Relationships are important and the strong bonds you form in college may last a lifetime!
4. Manage stress by doing things you enjoy, treating yourself to ice cream, or participate in random acts of kindness

from Danny S:

1. Don't schedule classes on Fridays... 3 day weekends are A LOT better than 2 day weekends
2. Don't go into work on the same day you go to school
3. Choose your major early
4. If you're not a morning person, don't schedule classes early under any circumstances
5. Don't do drugs

from Stef M:

1. Make friends with people who have cars :) BUT offer to help pay for gas and/lunch
2. Don't whine about the cafe creative!
3. Don't leave any unspoken problems between you and your roommate- you'll have to live with them for AT LEAST a semester
4. Find a couple of friends to keep you accountable and have a Bible study...even at a Christian school it’s EXTREMELY easy to become comfortable and lazy
5. DO NOT overlook opportunities to ask help from professors, T.A.s, and tutors...the intent of college is not to struggle alone

from Megan E:

1. The most important thing you can do in college (especially if you are away from home) is to go out and meet people! Unless you put yourself out there and attempt to be friendly you will sit alone in your room and you will be miserable.
2. Also...muy must get connected with a Christian group of some form or another on campus.
3. On the academic side of things...don't slack! College is a big adjustment. It is possible to overstudy but you definitely need to work 10 times harder than you ever had to work in high school.
4. Finally, I submit this piece of advice. This will probably not be applicable your freshman year but at least once in your college career get your own apartment. It is amazing and it really gives you an idea of how to be on your own.
5. College is amazing...a lot of work but amazing! Really enjoy it because once you're done you have to be an adult for the rest of your life so have fun...but don't have so much fun that you and the academic advisory board know each other on a first name basis if you know what I mean.

from JJ P: Make the most of your opportunities

from Ann P:

1. Never take core courses or major courses during summer school; take general education courses instead.
2. Even in commuter schools it’s important to be involved in campus life. Join a club—particularly a Christian fellowship.
3. Develop relationships with professors. You’ll need them for transfer and job references.
4. If you are not a morning person, don’t take morning classes.
5. Don’t stay out to late. Your full time job is being a student. Get good grades and get out of there before you’re eligible for Social Security.
6. Do not eat turkey sandwiches and have afternoon classes. Tryptophan makes you sleepy and it’s bad to fall asleep in class. This is not high school.
7. Sometimes professors make homework optional. Don’t fall for it; do the homework anyway because it will help you learn.
8. College life is often full of bumps. Do your best and realize you are competing against many others who are doing their best.
9. Take advantage of all the student facilities, such as tutoring, library, student union, free medical care, athletic facilities, and career assistance.
10. Fully utilize the placement office and career development; they offer resume assistance, career counseling, on-campus interviews, contacts with major employers, and job fairs.
11. Instant freedom can be a great source of temptation. Remember who you are and that even when your parents aren’t watching, God is.
12. Don’t go crazy in the cafĂ© and don’t rely on vending machines. Eat real food.
13. Park legally. If parking is a nightmare, take public transportation.
14. Buy used general education textbooks and sell them back, but you may want to buy your major textbooks new and keep them for reference in your career.
15. If you’re transferring from a community college and have a chance to earn an Associate degree, do it. Walk through commencement because there may be gifts and money as your reward.

from Laura S:

1. If you are at a junior college and planning to transfer to a four-year, contact the four-year school and find out exactly what courses will transfer for your intended major.
2. Some time in your college career, take at least one non-general education class outside your major.
3. Even if the administration is grouchy and mean, be polite, know your responsibilities as a student, and treat the staff with respect. When you have a problem—and you probably will—good relationships with them go along way in giving you the benefit of the doubt.
4. Like it or not you are actually responsible, so you must act responsibly. Get and track a curriculum chart for your major, even if your major is the ever popular “undecided.”
5. Colleges and universities have tons of cheap-to-free cultural opportunities. See the bands. Visit the art gallery (even if you dislike art). Go to the opera. Hear the chamber orchestra. Go to the theatre. Go to athletic games. Classroom learning is important, but education happens outside the classroom as well.

June 26 A little check up before we go on…
July 3 No Collegium, EAT Sunday PM at the new Pribble abode
July 10 new series: Who are we and why are we here? taught by the ever popular Prib1

THE STORY OF GOD—What we’re up to…

The story of God runs from the creation of everything to the consummation of everything in God’s Kingdom and includes everything God is doing in the already-and-not-yet. The lives of God-followers today are vignettes in that continuing story, joining the millennia of God-followers who live out God’s story. The God-followers here in Torrance, at TFB, and in the TFB college group are part of the ongoing story that includes believers across the globe. God has commanded us to be his storytellers through our lives, through words, through media, through art, and through any means possible, spreading the Story of God to all who will listen.

Beginnings, Genesis 1-12
Israel, Genesis 13-Malachi
Christ, the gospels
Church, Acts –Jude and church history
Endings, Revelation and other passages

Working on the logline
What is the problem? The problem is self-worship--God's creatures trusting themselves more than they trust him. The angel Lucifer has this problem and was cast from the presence of God, earning himself the name "Satan" (the deceiver). Humanity has this problem and was cast from the garden of Eden, earning death as the payment for our choice. There is an important difference between Satan and humanity. Satan's choice is now eternal. He cannot change his mind. Humans can still be saved--thank God for that.

How is God working in time to solve the problem? Only God himself is able to solve the problem because the problem is eternal in size. Only a human can pay the price of death for humans. So, God's solution is Jesus Christ. Jesus is 100% God, so he is able to pay the price of death. Jesus is 100% human, so he his payment applies to our account. Before Jesus came in flesh, God worked through his people, giving hints of the solution to come and calling them to put their trust in him and his ways rather than in themselves. Since the coming of Jesus and his life, death, and resurrection, God has been working through his people, the church, to spread the truth about the good news of the kingdom and to expand the kingdom by graciously calling humans to himself and by graciously maturing us to be more like Jesus.

How does Satan view this? Before the resurrection of Jesus, Satan probably thought he was making good progress. When Jesus gave his life on the cross, Satan was probably doing the dance of joy. On that fateful Sunday morning when the stone rolled away and Jesus emerged alive and glorified, Satan realized he had lost the war. He still fights against the work of God, but he now fights as someone with nothing to lose. He is a very dangerous enemy.

Psalm and Prayer
Psalm 52:1-7
1Why do you boast of evil, O mighty man?
The steadfast love of God endures all the day.
2Your tongue plots destruction,
like a sharp razor, you worker of deceit.
3You love evil more than good,
and lying more than speaking what is right. Selah
4You love all words that devour,
O deceitful tongue.

5But God will break you down forever;
he will snatch and tear you from your tent;
he will uproot you from the land of the living. Selah
6The righteous shall see and fear,
and shall laugh at him, saying,
7"See the man who would not make
God his refuge,
but trusted in the abundance of his riches
and sought refuge in his own destruction!"

Tuesday Prayer

Thanks to Laura S for being our worship leader

SERMON NOTES—Some Key Principles for Fathering
Pastor Charlie
Father’s Day, June 19,2005

“The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.
Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart”
1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV).

Make God’s #1 Priority For Your Children Your #1 Priority For Them. Matthew 22: 34-40; John 15:9-11

Love And Respect Your Children For How God Created Them And Not For How You Wish God Created Them. Ephesians 6:4; Proverbs 22:6; Hebrews 5:14

Help Them Develop A Life Of Worship John 4:23; Matthew 4:10; 2 Chronicles 16:9; Galatians 2:20


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians

Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Writing a screenplay for the Story of God media project

GATHERING AT G's (contact Pastor G for details)
Hang out, talk, bring your friends.
Friday, June 24 @ 7 pm
Friday, July 1 @ 7:30 pm
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: EAT! Independence Day BBQ: July 3

EAT! Independence Day BBQ: July 3, at the Prib abode
College Briefing: September 2-5—Forest Home: cost $155

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to

A fresh eNews is posted each Monday and updated on Wednesday.


THE STORY OF GOD—What it is we’re up to…
AT SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: TFB College: the next step…
SERMON NOTES—“Returning To Our Roots”

tfbcollege pix on flikr

Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)

Leadership team:

THE STORY OF GOD—What it is we’re up to…

The story of God runs from the creation of everything to the consummation of everything in God’s Kingdom and includes everything God is doing in the already-and-not-yet. The lives of God-followers today are vignettes in that continuing story, joining the millennia of God-followers who live out God’s story. The God-followers here in Torrance, at TFB, and in the TFB college group are part of the ongoing story that includes believers across the globe. God has commanded us to be his storytellers through our lives, through words, through media, through art, and through any means possible, spreading the Story of God to all who will listen.

Well, the first draft of the logline has justifiably gone in the dumper. We’ve no logline in place yet, but we may just have the beginnings of a concept: what if the story of God were told from Satan’s perspective? Hmmm

Story of God concept brainstorm

Psalm and Prayer
Psalm 51:1-6

1 Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love. Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins.
2 Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin.
3 For I recognize my shameful deeds--they haunt me day and night.
4 Against you, and you alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight. You will be proved right in what you say, and your judgment against me is just.
5 For I was born a sinner--yes, from the moment my mother conceived me.
6 But you desire honesty from the heart, so you can teach me to be wise in my inmost being.

Tuesday Prayer

Thanks to Megan E for being our worship leader.

AT SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: TFB College: the next step…

June 12 TFB College: the next step…

Leadership team starting. Read the handbook online at

Why a leadership team? First, the TFB College ministry is not run by staff (though the staff participate as part of the leadership team). Second, and more important, God called us all into community, to walk together in the way of Jesus. We have a leadership team because it is a very important way that we walk together.

As in any organized group of humans, certain tasks must be done. Leadership does not revolve around these necessary tasks, though, but around the gifts, skills, and passions that staff and leaders bring to the team. The gifts, skills, and passions assessment in this handbook can help you determine how you can serve.

The gifts-skills-passion assessment and the application for leadership are online at

June 19 the return of the Freshman drag… boy howdy!

June 26 new series: Who are we and why are we here? taught by the ever popular Prib1

SERMON NOTES—“Returning To Our Roots”
Lessons from the Early Church: The Book of Acts
Pastor Charlie
June 12, 2005

1. We Need To Minister In The Holy Spirit’s Power. Acts 1:4-8; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Romans 8:9

“If the Holy Spirit were taken away from the New Testament church, 90 percent of what they did would come to a halt, but if the Holy Spirit were taken away from the church of today, 10 percent of what we do would come to a halt.” A. W. Tozer

2. We Need To Maintain A Warm Fellowship. Acts 2:42-44

3. We Need To Multiply House Groups. Acts 2:46, 47; Acts 21:20

* Advantages To House Groups:
- They are infinitely expandable.
- They are unlimited geographically.
- They are good stewardship.
- They help promote relationships.

4. We Need To Magnify Our Vision Of God. Acts 4:24; Matthew 16:18

5. We Need To Maximize The Power Of Prayer. Acts 4:31

6. We Need To Model Christ-Like Generosity. Acts 4:32-37

7. We Need To Mobilize Every Member For Ministry. Acts 6:1-4
- An increase of disciples causes problems.
- Problems often mean there are unmet needs.
- Meeting needs requires people taking on ministries.


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians

Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Writing a screenplay for the Story of God media project

GATHERING AT G's (contact Pastor G for details)
Hang out, talk, bring your friends.


Gathering at G’s: Saturday, June 18 (contact Pastor G for details)
Freshman Drag: Sunday, June 19
Independence Day BBQ: July 3 or 4, details TBA
College Briefing: September 2-5—Forest Home: cost $155


Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor (Laura1), send an email to


THE STORY OF GOD—What it is we’re up to…
AT SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: TFB College: the next step…

tfbcollege pix on flikr

THE STORY OF GOD—What it is we’re up to…

The story of God runs from the creation of everything to the consummation of everything in God’s Kingdom and includes everything God is doing in the already-and-not-yet. The lives of God-followers today are vignettes in that continuing story, joining the millennia of God-followers who live out God’s story. The God-followers here in Torrance, at TFB, and in the TFB college group are part of the ongoing story that includes believers across the globe. God has commanded us to be his storytellers through our lives, through words, through media, through art, and through any means possible, spreading the Story of God to all who will listen.

Very, very, very preliminary logline for the screenplay (revisions desperately needed):

God creates humans in his image, but they decide to hang out with Mr. Sin; God condemns them in his justice AND begins to save them in his mercy; after the passing of years, God’s brings salvation to a climax by sending his Son to finish salvation and defeat the evil Mr. Sin; meanwhile, though the defeated Mr. Sin refuses to give up, the new church continues its bumpy growth, waiting for the Son to return and consummate salvation.

AT SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: TFB College: the next step…

June 12 TFB College: the next step…

While it may seem a bit hyperbolic or lofty, the next four to six weeks will determine with our ministry looks like for the coming year. On June 19, the new freshmen join TFB College and we start all over once again. College ministry is like that. Nevertheless, once again we stand on the edge, not quite sure of what is ahead or how it will look on the other side. Everything changes. What remains?

June 19 the return of the Freshman drag… boy howdy!


Pastor Charlie challenged us with some pointy points from The 1 Thing, by Thom & Joani Schultz

Here’s the main points:

The 1 thing is NOT
  • serving
  • proper protocol
  • justice
  • a good heart

The 1 thing IS
a heart to heart relationship with Jesus

Read Luke 10: 38-42

Mary did the 1 thing. It was so important that Jesus said it would not be taken away.

So, what gets in the way of our (meaning church as a community) doing the 1 thing?
  • acting like a police department: caring most about rules
  • acting like a mortuary: caring most about seriousness
  • acting like a museum: caring most about tradition
  • acting like a seminary: caring most about intellectual knowledge

What gets in your way?


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians

Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Writing a screenplay for the Story of God media project


Gathering at G’s: Saturday, June 11 (contact Pastor G for details)
Freshman Drag: Sunday, June 19
College Briefing: September 2-5—Forest Home: cost $155
