The Gathering--learning how to make God look good 24/7, Sundays at 10 AM, on the TFB campus, in the Young Adult room
Eating together--most Sundays, around 11:30 am, give or take...
Experience--an alternative worship event, Every couple of months or so
HomeBase--fellowship in homes
Plain wRap--a bible and brain, pen and paper bible study, Sunday nights during the Summer
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Upcoming Events
Sunday Schedule
The Gathering--Evangelism: You were made for a mission
Weird Stuff from Reuters--Charity Workers Chat with Dead Woman, Then Leave
Know God--welcome to 'the cube' [v.2]--an experiment in virtual worship
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- Celebration Lunch at ??, Sunday, Nov. 24, after the combined service
- Service Project--we'll be meeting at the Rice abode at 5 pm
- A movie watching, eating, cleaning, and decorating extravaganza--Friday, November 29, noon to ??
- Oldies Party, December, TBA-- So far it's karaoke and food--have ideas? send 'em in!
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10:00 am WORSHIP--Worship Center
11:45 am LUNCH @
5:00 pm SERVICE PROJECT--at the Rice abode!!
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The Gathering--Week 6 of the 40 days of purpose
Evangelism: You were made for a mission
So, Jesus was teaching in this house in Galilee. The place is packed. People came from all over. The religious leaders (they didn't like Jesus too much) were there, too. Anyhow, there was a guy in the town who was paralyzed and lived his life on a mat. Some of his friends heard that Jesus was in town and knew that Jesus could heal their friend. They picked up his mat--he was probably protesting, but, hey, he was paralyzed-what could he do--anyway, they picked up the mat and carried him off to Jesus. One problem--the place was packed. There was no way to get their friend in. Hmmm. One of them was apparently clever--"I know, lets go on the roof, dig a hole in it and lower him down, right in front of Jesus!" The other guys probably rolled their eyes... but agreed. The crowd listening to Jesus heard the thump, thump on the roof. Then they heard the roof being torn up. (You gotta wonder what the owner was thinking... "Who's gonna fix that?") So they lowered the guy on ropes, right in front of Jesus... {see Luke 5:17-26 for the rest of the story]
What does this passage teach us about evangelism?
1- They became concerned for their hurting friend.
2- They believed Jesus would save their friend.
3- They didn't just pray for their friend; they brought him to Jesus.
4- They didn't let their difficulties discourage them.
Evangelism (which means 'good message') is just telling hurting the people in your world what Jesus has done for you. And guess what? You are the best one to tell your story. Big surprise, eh? Here's the keywords: compassion, faith, action, persistence. So. Who do you need to tell?
[summarized from 40 Days of Purpose Sunday School Study Guide]
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Charity Workers Chat with Dead Woman, Then Leave
November 14, 2002 08:22 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Two British mental health workers visited a woman patient, chatted with her, and then left without realizing she was dead, newspapers said on Thursday.
See Reuters for the full story.
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welcome to 'the cube' [v.2]
an experiment in virtual worship
The worship cube developed out of a discussion on the ship of fools bulletin boards which focused on the nature of colour symbolisms in worship, and the emotions they evoke, along with a semi side discussion on randomness is worship, a group of us got together in cyber space and eventually developed the worship cube as an online [but you knew that already as you’re here!] worship resource.
Your route through the cube can be taken any way you like in the best of alt.worship traditions, whatever you feel comfortable doing, is ok by us.
A note on the colours themselves, each colour is designed to evoke an individual response rather than a corporate message, so hopefully no two people will have the same experience or take away the same message, that’s the intention anyway.
Check it out at The Cube.