Coming Up
Newsflash—Ministry Opportunity
Newsflash—New YAM email address!!
Newsflash—Top teen shows for the 2002-2003 season
[Your Contribution Could Be Here]
Studying Romans with Pastor Charlie
Suggested Study Plan For Romans
The Gathering—Isaiah Experience
Tuesday Bible Study—Big Rocks
Soul Work—Memorizing chunks of Scripture
Worship @ 8:45 am—Main Worship Center
Current Study: Pastor Charlie is teaching through Paul’s Letter to the Romans
The Gathering @ 10 am—YAM room
Current Study: A worship experience led by Tom and Laura.
Next Week: Tom on, “Is there evidence for Jesus’ resurrection?”
An online version is available weekly at
Eating together (most weeks) @ 11:45 am—restaurant changes, meet in the patio or see Mike N
Bible Study @ 8 pm—YAM room
Current Study: Big Rocks, taught by Laura
An online version is available weekly at
@ 5:00 pm
visit for more info
SUMMER EVENTS… at least so far (send in your ideas!!)
Sparks games
Weekend retreat
LABOR DAY WEEKEND, August 29 to September 1
Forest Home
In our world we are often faced with hard and challenging situations.
What do you depend on during these times?
Jesus Alone!
Cost: $145, $25 non-refundable deposit due at sign-up
Scholarships available, ask Laura or Tom
Visit for info
NEWSFLASH—Ministry Opportunity
If so, now you can...
Here's how it works. Soul Survivor needs around 150 volunteers for the running of the five-day camp (details listed below).
College student/young adults can now attend the conference as volunteers for a reduced price of $99! This price includes
all meals and camping fees.
You (along with your group) will be assigned to a part of the camp for the five day period. Each volunteer will be asked to work
approximately 4-5 hours per day.
This is an opportunity to serve, giving college student/young adult groups a way to take a major part in what God will be doing
at the Soul Survivor 2003 Summer Camp. In addition, you will also aid in the Saturday service project called The Noise, where
the entire camp will be sent to downtown Santa Ana for five hours of service in needy areas. You will also have a chance to attend
the main meetings and workshops, with worship led by Tim Hughes and Matt Redman.
- you must be 18 or older
- you must sign-up with your college/young adult group
- completed volunteer forms are required for all volunteers
- each volunteer will work 4-5 hours per day on average
- for more information and to receive volunteer forms, contact with "volunteer" in the subject heading.
Newsflash—New YAM email address!!
This address will be checked every few days. Feel free to give it out to friends who may want more information about YAM.
NEWSFLASH—Top teen shows for the 2002-2003 season
According to the Neilson ratings, here are the top teen shows for this season:
[I know most of you aren’t teens, but…]
American Idol (Fox)
The Simpsons (Fox)
Joe Millionaire (Fox)
Malcolm in the Middle (Fox)
King of the Hill (Fox)
Friends (Fox)
Survivor: Amazon (CBS)
The Bachelorette (ABC)
Survivor: Thailand (CBS)
The Bachelor (ABC)
Looking at these shows, what are the values of our culture? Discuss your thoughts with a friend.
The Christian View of Life
What God has done for you.
Romans 3:21-31
Main Sections of Romans
In seminary they teach lots of “ologies.” Theology (study of God), Christology (study of Christ), Soteriology (study of salvation),
and many more. The one ology they do not teach is but-ology. What’s but-ology? Here’s an example:
John 9:25 “I was blind BUT now I see”
Our passage today falls in the category of but-ology. After two an a half chapters dealing with the darkness of sin, Paul turns
the corner with a “but.” 3:21 “But now God…”
Here’s the details:
- Salvation was designed by God, v. 21 “God has shown us”
- Salvation is unearned, v. 21 “not by obeying the law”
- Salvation is unhidden, v. 21s “promised in the Scriptures long ago”
- Salvation is through faith, v. 22 “when we trust in Jesus Christ”
- Salvation is available to everyone who believes, v. 22 “and we all can be saved in the same way”
- Salvation is necessary, v. 23 “for all have sinned, all fall short of God’s glorious standard”
- Salvation is undeserved, v. 24 “god in his gracious kindness declares us not guilty”
[DEFS: “freely” means without cause; “justified” means to be acquitted, to declare guilty people guiltless]
- Salvation comes through a person—Jesus Christ, v. 24 “he has done this through Jesus Christ, who has freed us by taking away our sins”
[DEFS: “redemption” means to release by paying a ransom]
- Salvation costs god a lot, v. 25 “for God sent Jesus as a sacrifice of atonement”
[DEFS: “atone” means to make amends, to become reconciled]
Our response to what God has done for us:
1. We ought to be humble.
2. We ought to hate sin.
3. We ought to love Christ.
4. We ought to share the good news.
--Charlie (lks)
1. Read a chapter a day. When you’ve finished the book, start over. By the end of the series—about six months—you will have read Paul’s Letter to the Romans eleven or twelve times. How cool is that?
2. Memorize! Three plans:
LIGHT LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2—a total of 25 verses. Memorize one verse a week and you will finish in about six months.
MODERATE LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2 and Romans 12— a total of 46 verses. Memorize two verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
HEAVY LOAD: memorize Romans 12:1-15:13— a total of 71 verses. Memorize three verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
To know it, you gotta DO it!
THE GATHERING—Isaiah Experience
[also available at]
Today I did a little recital from Isaiah 52:13-15 and 53:1-12. I decided I wanted to memorize these verses when I saw a man who I thought may have been Jewish and I wondered, how would I approach someone of the Jewish faith that I wanted to share Jesus with. Since Isaiah was written approximately 800 years before Jesus and had long since been part of accepted Jewish scripture and Isaiah being one of their prophets, I thought this could be a good bridge.
I didn't realize just how significant these verses were until I started working on memorizing them. I found in the memorization process (for me at least), I had to repeat them over and over and over again to really drill them in deep. Through this constant repetition, not only did the words themselves start to find a permanent place in my head, but their meaning really started to sink in as well. If you read through this passage, and think about what Jesus went through, for me, I just went, Wow. This is so incredible. The whole thing is such an accurate description of what Jesus went through, what He experienced, what He
felt, and the reasons He did what He did.
I felt after memorizing this, that this passage became "mine." I can bring it with me anywhere I go. Sometimes I run down the beach, and, if no one's around, I would say the passage out loud. But I truly do carry these words with me wherever I go.
I encourage you all to just read this, and think how each line applies to Jesus' life and death.
I'd also encourage you to find a particular passage that has importance or significance to you. Spend some time to make it part of who you are, and you, part of what it is. These are the words of God, how awesome is that!?!
You all have a great week,
Under God's grace, mercy, and love,
YAM Tuesday—Big Rocks
[also available at]
Big Rock One: The Word--2 Timothy 3:10-17; Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Big Rock Two: God--Psalm 145:17-21; Hebrews 12:4-11
Big Rock Three: Man--Genesis 1:26-31; 1 Corinthians 2:14-3:4
Big Rock Four: Sin--Genesis 2:25-3:7
This week: Big Rock Four: Sin--Ephesians 2:1-3
First: Get out your bible and read the passage a few times.
Second: What do you notice—who, what, when, where, how?
Third: Divide the passage into chunks that make sense.
Fourth: Summarize each chunk with a crispy sentence.
Fifth: Using the passage as your guide, try to answer your questions.
Sixth: Ask yourself, “So what?” What difference does/should this passage make in your life?
Here’s a few thoughts from Tuesday:
- There are probably four 'actors' in this passage: believing Ephesians/Gentiles (pronoun 'you'), Satan (the ruler of the kingdom of the air), those who have not trusted Christ (pronoun 'them'), and believing Jews (pronoun 'us'). Take some time to figure out what the passage says about all four actors.
- Notice that the passage begins and ends with a statement of status--it begins with 'dead' and ends with 'objects of wrath.' Being the original listeners (they probably listened to the letter being read) had just heard an awesome thanks to and praise of Jesus Christ (see 1:15-23), what do you think they were feeling by the time they heard " nature children of wrath"? What thoughts and emotions were they experiencing?
- Notice the first word of verse four--'but'. That's a change in direction--and the change is awesome. There is a stark contrast between the sin-caused-death described in verses 1-3 and the God-cause-life described in verses 4-10. What thoughts and emotions do you experience as you think about sin in contrast to God's great love?
Coming up...
Big Rock Five: Christ--Isaiah 9:1-7; John 1:14-18
Big Rock Six: Redemption--Isaiah 53:10-12; John 3:16-21
Big Rock Seven: Spirit--Ezekiel 36:22-32; John 16:5-15
Big Rock Eight: Church--Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ephesians 4:7-16
Big Rock Nine: Future--Daniel 7:13-14; Revelation 20:11-15
[the above preview may change, but it probably won't]
SOUL WORK—Memorizing chunks of Scripture
An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture
Dr. Andrew M. Davis, Pastor, First Baptist Church in Durham, N.C.
Dr. Davis gives a good method for memorizing large chunks of scripture. Take up the challenge by memorizing one of the Romans portions Pastor Charlie suggested.
YAM eNews Week of March 23, 2003
Coming Up
Newsflash—Call for Contributions
Special—Thinking Through War
[Your Contribution Could Be Here]
Studying Romans with Pastor Charlie
Suggested Study Plan For Romans
The Gathering—What do we do now that we know why we’re here?
Tuesday Bible Study—Big Rocks
Soul Work—Contextualization
Worship @ 8:45 am—Main Worship Center
Current Study: Pastor Charlie is teaching through Paul’s Letter to the Romans
The Gathering @ 10 am—YAM room
Current Study: Laura is teaching, “What do we do now that we know why we’re here?”
Next Week: A worship experience led by Tom and Laura.
Coming up in two weeks: Tom on, “Is there evidence for Jesus’ resurrection?”
An online version is available weekly at
Eating together (most weeks) @ 11:45 am—restaurant changes, meet in the patio or see Mike N
Bible Study @ 8 pm—YAM room
Current Study: Big Rocks, taught by Laura
An online version is available weekly at
@ 5:00 pm
visit for more info
LABOR DAY WEEKEND, August 29 to September 1
Forest Home
In our world we are often faced with hard and challenging situations.
What do you depend on during these times?
Jesus Alone!
Cost: $145, $25 non-refundable deposit due at sign-up
Scholarships available, ask Laura
Visit Forest Home for info
NEWSFLASH—Call for Contributions
This is an official call for contributions from your friendly neighborhood eNews editor/writer.
Whaddiya want, you ask...
Short articles on what you've seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched
Movie, album, TV show, restaurant, etc. reviews
Anything meeting the following criteria:
true things
noble things
reputable things
authentic things
compelling things
gracious things
beautiful things
things to praise
(see Philippians 4 for more information ;-)
All offerings welcome, but there are rules:
1. As the editor, I will edit for grammar and spelling (using the ever faithful Microsoft Word). If I don’t get what you’re saying, I will send it back for clarification.
2. Weird is ok, but immoral is unacceptable, so keep it clean. I WILL edit out anything outside God’s box.
Oh, and by the way, the call goes out to the PASTORS who receive the eNews as well!!
Any stuff received by Sunday afternoon will be published that day…as long as it passes muster.
From Christianity Today
With the haze of the war's first shots still hanging in the air, no one can predict the outcome in Iraq. But we can trust that God is sovereign and works all things to the good of those who love him. Find articles on what God is doing among Iraqi Christians, and read stories of encouragement in God our provider and protector.
From Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church
The Bible is very practical here: it says “as much as it depends on you … as far as it's possible on your behalf, live at peace with everybody." However, I think this is also implying that sometimes it’s impossible to live at peace with others. Have you ever met someone who - no matter what you did - you just couldn't get along with? No matter what you did, he could not be appeased.
The Christian View of Life
God’s Final Verdict
Romans 3:1-20
Main Sections of Romans
Closing Arguments
1. Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water, v. 1-2. Rituals don’t save, but they are not useless.
2. Don’t think God is unfaithful just because you are, v. 3-4. God is faithful in spite of us.
Two types of promises:
Conditional—“If you do this, then I will do this.” Example: 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Unconditional—“I will do this no matter what you do.” Example: Psalm 89:30-33
3. Don’t make excuses for your sin, v. 5-8.
- My sin is okay because it shows how perfect God is, v. 5.
- My refusal to live by God’s truth enhances God’s truthful character, v. 7.
- The end justifies the means, v. 8.
- God is forgiving, so I can live any way I want.
4. Admit that you, along with everyone else, are in the same sinking boat, v. 9-20
- You keep on sinning.
- You keep running your own life.
- You refuse to be accountable to God.
FINAL VERDICT? Whether you are rebellious, respectable, or religious, you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Now, look at verse 21. Notice the “but”? That’s the turn of a corner…next week, the good news begins. [Here’s a peek: Romans 8:1]
Thought questions:
--Charlie (lks)
1. Read a chapter a day. When you’ve finished the book, start over. By the end of the series—about six months—you will have read Paul’s Letter to the Romans eleven or twelve times. How cool is that?
2. Memorize! Three plans:
LIGHT LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2—a total of 25 verses. Memorize one verse a week and you will finish in about six months.
MODERATE LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2 and Romans 12— a total of 46 verses. Memorize two verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
HEAVY LOAD: memorize Romans 12:1-15:13— a total of 71 verses. Memorize three verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
To know it, you gotta DO it!
[also available at]
What do we do now that we know why we’re here?
Purpose One—Worship: a whole, integrated life aimed at honoring God—whole heart, whole soul, whole mind. APPLICATION: begin to look for ways to worship God in all of life.
Purpose Two—Fellowship: a particular population in a common location. We are called to a body and, just like a detached arm is of little use, so a detached Christian is of little use. APPLICATION: Stone Soup lunches with other Sunday School classes—probably during summer.
Purpose Three—Discipleship: the spiritual disciplines APPLICATION: visit the spiritual disciplines site and choose one or two disciplines you would like to learn more about.
Purpose Four—Ministry: the church is a whole body. God gave gifts to each member of the body (see 1 Corinthians 12) God also gave gifts to the whole body—apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor-teachers (see Ephesians 4:4-16). APPLICATION: take the SHAPE Inventory and start thinking about what God has shaped you to do in the body.
Purpose Five—Evangelism
Turn to 1 Corinthians 15:1-8
The first thing about evangelism is the gospel. In this passage, Paul gives us the essence—the central core—of the gospel. First, the gospel is the fact that Jesus died (v. 3). Jesus’ burial is empirical evidence for this—you don’t bury living people (unless you’re really mean!) Second, the gospel is the fact that Jesus rose from the dead. The sightings by many people are empirical evidence for the resurrection. That’s it. The central core of the gospel is that Jesus died and rose again. The hard part is figuring out how to put that into words unchurched people can relate to.
So, now we know the essence of the gospel. The other part of evangelism is conversion. Figuring out what we really mean by this will give us a handle on how to do evangelism. Conversion can be thought of two ways: as binary and as linear (love those math terms!). To think about this walk outside and find a plant. Plants are binary—they are either alive or dead. Dead is dead and alive is alive; there is no mushy grey area in between. Plants are also linear. Think about an acorn and an oak tree. The acorn and the oak tree are genetically the same; they are both oak. On the other hand, the acorn and the oak are obviously different; one is a seed and the other is full-grown. What does this mean for conversion? Well, conversion is first binary. One who trusts Christ to take care of the stain of sin passes from death to life. This is binary. Dead is dead and living is living. But conversion is also linear. From the time of initial new birth into life with God until we stand face to face with Jesus is heaven, life is continual change—continual growth.
Now back to evangelism. What does this all mean? Evangelism is telling the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection in a way that maintains that truth, but communicates it in a way that the hearer can understand. Evangelism is also telling each other the good news—through words and through actions—so that the body is grown up into the likeness of Jesus. Evangelism is concerned with both binary and linear conversion. It is always both-and; it is never either-or.
APPLICATION: Start thinking about your unchurched friends and family. What words, stories, pictures, experiences, etc. could you use to share the good news with them?
YAM Tuesday—Big Rocks
[also available at]
Big Rock One: The Word: 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Big Rock Two: God: Psalm 145:17-21; Hebrews 12:4-11
Big Rock Three: Man: Genesis 1:26-31; 1 Corinthians 2:14-3:4
This week:
Big Rock Four: Sin: Genesis 2:25-3:7
First: Get out your bible and read the passage a few times.
Second: What do you notice—who, what, when, where, how?
Third: Divide the passage into chunks that make sense.
Fourth: Summarize each chunk with a crispy sentence.
Fifth: Using the passage as your guide, try to answer your questions.
Sixth: Ask yourself, “So what?” What difference does/should this passage make in your life?
Here’s a few thoughts from Tuesday:
- Before this story: Creation—very good!
- The story begins with the man and the woman completely innocent—naked and feeling no shame. Note this is sinless shamelessness, not today’s sinful shamelessness.
- No names are used in the story, the characters are man, woman, serpent. Seems fairly anonymous for the event that changed the world.
- The serpent deceives the woman with three tactics. In verse 1, he raises doubts about God’s command. In verse 4, he raises doubts about God’s truthfulness. Finally, in verse 5, he raises doubts about God’s motives.
- The woman responds by trusting herself, rather than trusting God.
- The man responds by trusting the woman rather than trusting God.
- The story ends with the man and the woman feeling naked and ashamed, and solving their problem by themselves.
- After this story: curses, the first murder, Tower of Babel, Flood. Get the picture?
Coming up...
Big Rock Four: Sin--Ephesians 2:1-3
Big Rock Five: Christ--Isaiah 9:1-7; John 1:14-18
Big Rock Six: Redemption--Isaiah 53:10-12; John 3:16-21
Big Rock Seven: Spirit--Ezekiel 36:22-32; John 16:5-15
Big Rock Eight: Church--Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ephesians 4:7-16
Big Rock Nine: Future--Daniel 7:13-14; Revelation 20:11-15
[the above preview may change, but it probably won't]
SOUL WORK—Contextualization
Part of sharing the good news effectively is learning how to tell it in ways that the hearer can relate to. This is called contextualization—“translating” the message to fit the cultural context of the listener. To find out more about contextualization, click here
Posted by Laura Springer at Sunday, March 23, 2003
YAM eNews Week of March 16, 2003
Coming Up
Newsflash—Call for Contributions
[Your Contribution Could Be Here]
Poem: “Oh Magnificent God” by Tom Witherill
Studying Romans with Pastor Charlie
Suggested Study Plan For Romans
Tuesday Bible Study—Big Rocks
Soul Work--Wondering how you fit in to the body of Christ?
Worship @ 8:45 am—Main Worship Center
Current Study: Pastor Charlie is teaching through Paul’s Letter to the Romans
The Gathering @ 10 am—YAM room
Current Study: Laura is teaching, “What do we do now that we know why we’re here?”
Coming up in a few weeks: Tom on, “Is there evidence for Jesus’ resurrection?”
An online version is available weekly at
Eating together (most weeks) @ 11:45 am—restaurant changes, meet in the patio or see Mike N
Bible Study @ 8 pm—YAM room
Current Study: Big Rocks, taught by Laura
An online version is available weekly at
@ 3:00 pm-7:30 pm
Beach Fest
visit for more info)
@ 5:00 pm
See Spot Rock
visit for more info
NEWSFLASH—Call for Contributions
This is an official call for contributions from your friendly neighborhood eNews editor/writer.
Whaddiya want, you ask...
Short articles on what you've seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched
Movie, album, TV show, restaurant, etc. reviews
Anything meeting the following criteria:
true things
noble things
reputable things
authentic things
compelling things
gracious things
beautiful things
things to praise
(see Philippians 4 for more information ;-)
All offerings welcome, but there are rules:
1. As the editor, I will edit for grammar and spelling (using the ever faithful Microsoft Word). If I don’t get what you’re saying, I will send it back for clarification.
2. Weird is ok, but immoral is unacceptable, so keep it clean. I WILL edit out anything outside God’s box.
Oh, and by the way, the call goes out to the PASTORS who receive the eNews as well!!
Any stuff received by Sunday afternoon will be published that day…as long as it passes muster.
Oh Magnificent God
Thy hand is upon all creation
The bird who glides o’er the water
The dolphin who glides beneath the waves
Oh Lord, Your creation is glorious
Oh Wonderful Creator
You have hung the stars in magnificent splendor
The moon a thin crescent,
As a scythe cuts the sky
The sun sinks below the horizon
Filling the sky with golden hues
Oh dear Lord, I am overwhelmed by Your glory
Oh Dear God
How great thy intellect
How vastly difficult to grasp
Yet You have created us in thine image
Giving us but a glimpse,
A taste of thy mind.
We fall upon our knees,
And tremble at Your glory
Oh Dear God,
As I ponder upon the smallest particle of Your creation
As I marvel at the immensity of the universe
I stagger in awe at the energy of Your word
From Your breath,
All creation came
The incredible energy contained within a single atom
To the unfathomable energy contained within the entire universe
Oh dear Lord,
Help me to comprehend Your glory and might
Oh Magnificent Creator
Sweet life
How doth a mind such conceive?
From mere accident?
I laugh.
Nay, but from the Design,
And Intellect
Of an Infinite Intelligence,
I say verily!
Dear Lord God,
Creator of all I survey
Your glory is written upon all things
Oh Heavenly Father
Power and might are Yours
Adoration You deserve
And with the magnificence of all creation
There be yet another You have done
That is Love.
You have given love
Taught us love
You sent love in Your Son
And through that love
Provided the way for us to spend eternity with You
Basking in Your wondrous glory
My Dear God,
I fall upon my face
I worship You with my small life
I give You what is already Yours
I ask to serve
I ask for wisdom
I thank You with all my Heart,
And Strength
For the love You have given.
I thank You dear God for the Wonder,
And Beauty
Of Your Glory
-His Servant. T.M. Witherill, 4 February 2003
(C) T. M. Witherill, 2003. All Rights Reserved.
The Christian View of Life
Why “religion” can’t save you
Romans 2:17-29
Religion without Christ will not get you to heaven
Characteristics of a religious person
Religious people…
1. …depend on a label, v. 17a
2. …rely on rules and regulations, v. 17b (see also John 5:39-40)
3. …think that they have a special status with God, v. 17c
4. …claim to have a special pipeline to God, v. 18a
5. …maintain a high moral standard, v. 18b
6. …have a condescending attitude toward others, v. 19-20
7. …do not practice what they preach, v. 21-23 (see also Isaiah 29:13; Ezekiel 33:31-32)
--It is not our duty to make people religious
--never expect an unbeliever to act like a believer until he is one.
8. …rely on rituals, v. 25-29 (see also Philippians 3:4-9; Galatians 3:29; Romans 10:9)
Thought questions:
- What are you trusting to get to heaven?
- Are you acting religious or are you acting Christian?
--Charlie (lks)
1. Read a chapter a day. When you’ve finished the book, start over. By the end of the series—about six months—you will have read Paul’s Letter to the Romans eleven or twelve times. How cool is that?
2. Memorize! Three plans:
LIGHT LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2—a total of 25 verses. Memorize one verse a week and you will finish in about six months.
MODERATE LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2 and Romans 12— a total of 46 verses. Memorize two verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
HEAVY LOAD: memorize Romans 12:1-15:13— a total of 71 verses. Memorize three verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
To know it, you gotta DO it!
YAM Tuesday—Big Rocks
Big Rock One: The Word: 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Big Rock Two: God: Psalm 145:17-21; Hebrews 12:4-11
Big Rock Three: Man: Genesis 1:26-31; 1 Corinthians 2:14-3:4
This week: Big Rock Four: Sin: Genesis 2:25-3:7
An online version is available weekly at
Wondering how you fit in to the body of Christ?
It’s all about your SHAPE
S-spiritual gifts (take the online inventory at
H-heart—what are your motivations?
A-abilities—what are your natural abilities?
P-personality—how are you wired?
E-experiences—the good, the bad, and the ugly
If you would like to take the SHAPE test, send Laura an email.
Posted by Laura Springer at Sunday, March 16, 2003
The Gathering--learning how to make God look good 24/7, Sundays at 10 AM, on the TFB campus, in the Young Adult room
Eating together--most Sundays, around 11:30 am, give or take...
Tuesday Bible Study—Tuesdays—bring your bible, bring your brain, 8 pm, YAM room
HomeBase--fellowship in homes
Coming Up
NewsFlash—HomeBase at the Lundquist’s!!!
Studying Romans with Pastor Charlie
Tuesday Bible Study—Big Rocks: where we’ve been and where we’re going
The Gathering—What do we do now that we know why we’re here?—Discipleship
Resources For Living Out The Lesson—Spiritual Disciplines
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Every SUNDAY, Worship @ 8:45 am—Main Worship Center
Every SUNDAY, The Gathering @ 10 am—YAM room
Most every SUNDAY, Eating together @ 11:30 am—see Mike N for info
Every TUESDAY, Bible Study @ 8 pm—YAM room
Fourth FRIDAY of every month, All Church Prayer Vigil @ 11:30 am—Friends in Christ Room
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SATURDAY, March 15 @ 7:00 pm, HomeBase at the Lundquist’s
SATURDAY, March 22 @ 3:00 pm-7:30 pm—Beach Fest (OUTREACH EVENT!, visit for more info)—FREE!!!
Sometime in March—March Madness (NCAA Men’s basketball)
FRIDAY, April 18 @ 5:00 pm—Avengers Game (Arena Football)
SUNDAY, May 4 @ 5:00 pm—See Spot Rock (concert, visit for more info)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEWSFLASH— HomeBase at the Lundquist’s
March 15
7:00 pm to around 9
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Christian View of Life
The Danger of Judging Others
Romans 2:1-16
The judgmental person is self-righteous, v. 1-4
1. We are self-righteous when we accuse others and excuse ourselves.
2. We are self-righteous when we measure other people by our own standard.
3. We are self-righteous when we think that judging others puts us in a better position.
4. We are self-righteous when we misinterpret God’s blessing on our life.
The judgmental person is piling up God’s righteous anger, v. 5
--Indicators of passing judgment on others—
1. When we are doing the same thing we are pointing out as wrong in others.
2. When we are not dealing with our own faults and yet pointing out the faults in others.
3. When we are drawing a conclusion based on outward appearances.
4. When we decide a person’s spiritual condition based on external standards.
5. When our dialogue about a person degrades them or damages their character in the eyes of others.
6. When we act as the “motive” police.
Only God has the right to judge others, v. 6-16
1. God will judge at a time and date of his choosing, v. 16
2. God will judge truthfully, v. 6
3. God will judge impartially
- God will judge our conduct, v. 6, 10
- God will judge our consciences—how we respond to what we know, v. 12-15
- God will judge our character—what we are in the dark, v. 16
God made a way for us to escape the final judgment
Revelation 20:12-13, 15
John 3:16
Suggested Study Plan for Romans
1. Read a chapter a day. When you’ve finished the book, start over. By the end of the series—about six months—you will have read Paul’s Letter to the Romans eleven or twelve times. How cool is that?
2. Memorize! Three plans:
LIGHT LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2—a total of 25 verses. Memorize one verse a week and you will finish in about six months.
MODERATE LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2 and Romans 12— a total of 46 verses. Memorize two verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
HEAVY LOAD: memorize Romans 12:1-15:13— a total of 71 verses. Memorize three verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
To know it, you gotta DO it!
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YAM Tuesday—Big Rocks: where we’ve been and where we’re going
Big Rock One: The Word: 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Big Rock Two: God: Psalm 145:17-21; Hebrews 12:4-11
Big Rock Three: Man: Genesis 1:26-31
Here’s the jist of “Man: Genesis 1:26-31”
God intentionally created humans in his image, meaning that humans reflect the “usness” and “rulerness” of God. Humans reflect the “usness” of God by being male and female and by being fruitful and increasing in the earth (v. 27-28). Humans reflect the “rulerness” of God by ruling the animals and by filling/subduing the earth (v. 26, 28). Couple of thought questions: Where do you see the image of God in the world? Where do you see the image of God distorted? [NOTE: I made up the words “usness” and “rulerness” but I think you get the idea. If not, send me an email.]
This week: Big Rock Three, part two: Man: 1 Corinthians 2:14-3:4
If you’re away at school—or if you’re here in Torrance and would like to discuss the Tuesday Bible Study, or catch up on what you missed, the YAM blog (a log-in journaling place for YAM) can be found at
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THE GATHERING—What do we do now that we know why we’re here?
Three: Discipleship
Discipleship is learning. Sound simple? Depends.
Let me tell you a story. Back around 686 to 760 BC (or BCE, if you prefer), there was a guy named Hosea living in the northern kingdom of Israel (the ten tribes to the north, who split after King Solomon died). He was a godly man. A rare thing, given the tendency for the northern kingdom to participate in idolatry. God asked Hosea to do a really weird thing—to marry an adulterous woman. Hosea did it. And as expected, his wife—Gomer (yes, Gomer)—slept around with other guys. In fact it got so bad that Hosea had no idea whether the kids were his. Eventually, Gomer got herself into real trouble—she ended up as a slave-prostitute. You would think that this man of God would be justified in dropping her. Nope. Hosea gathered up the cash, paid the slave price for Gomer, and brought her home to be his wife.
What does all this have to do with discipleship? It has to do with what it means to be the people of God. God uses Homer’s relationship with Gomer as a picture of God’s relationship with Israel. God is the bridegroom, and Israel is his adulterous wife.
Read Hosea 2:14-23. This is a poem-song of God concerning his adulterous wife, Israel. Underline all the things that God does (the “I” statements). Circle all the things Israel does (the “you” and “she” statements). Look over what you’ve marked. Given what you know from this passage, how would you describe the people of God? The language in this passage is the language of love, of love scorned, and of love’s sacrifice.
So, becoming the “wife” God wants us—the church—to be (and the church is the bride of Christ, look at Revelation 18 through the end) is the aim of the learning—the discipleship. Throughout the centuries, Christians have used spiritual disciplines to put themselves in training. There are two general categories: disciplines of abstinence and disciplines of engagement.
Disciplines of Abstinence are the disciplines in which we deny ourselves basic needs and desires so that we may draw closer to God in our discomfort.
Disciplines of Engagement are designed so that we may dwell with Him.
[see RESOURCES FOR LIVING OUT THE LESSON for a link to more info on the disciplines]
THE GROUP APPLICATION: Pick two or three disciplines you would like to learn more about. Go to the link above. Decide when and how you will start practicing this discipline. Then think about how YAM might incorporate the disciplines in our group time.
Four: Ministry
Here’s the prep for week four:
Two questions to consider: What does God want you to be? What are you afraid of?
Five: Evangelism
One: Worship—Application: Starting in March, YAM will be inviting other TFB Sunday School classes to join us for a stone soup lunch—probably once a month or so.
Two: Fellowship—Application: Commit to spending time with one another outside of Sunday morning.
Each week an overview of the upcoming week’s lesson will be on
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Spiritual Disciplines, or the Classic Devotional Means of Grace, are the ways that we can use to come to a greater understanding of God and to a better relationship with Him. They all work together for a common goal of making the person practicing the disciplines more Christlike.
Another site to check out is Water's Edge
This is a series of lessons on the disciplines.
Posted by Laura Springer at Sunday, March 09, 2003
The Gathering--learning how to make God look good 24/7,
Sundays at 10 AM, on the TFB campus, in the Young Adult room
Eating together--most Sundays, around 11:30 am, give or take...
Tuesday Bible Study—Tuesdays—bring your bible, bring your brain, 8 pm, YAM room
HomeBase--fellowship in homes
APPLICATION QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What life-stuff is keeping you from loving God for all he's worth?
Coming Up
NewsFlash—HomeBase at the Lundquist’s!!!
Tana’s Tales
Studying Romans with Pastor Charlie
Tuesday Bible Study—Big Rocks: where we’ve been and where we’re going
The Gathering—What do we do now that we know why we’re here? —Fellowship
Resources For Living Out The Lesson
Know God—Meditation as Prayer
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Every SUNDAY, Worship @ 8:45 am—Main Worship Center
Every SUNDAY, The Gathering @ 10 am—YAM room
Most every SUNDAY, Eating together @ 11:30 am—see Mike N for info
Every TUESDAY, Bible Study @ 8 pm—YAM room
Fourth FRIDAY of every month, All Church Prayer Vigil @ 11:30 am—Friends in Christ Room
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SUNDAY, March 9 @ 5:00 pm—Audio Adrenalin/Mercy Me concert--$20
SATURDAY, March 15 @ 7:00 pm, HomeBase at the Lundquist’s
SATURDAY, March 22 @ 3:00 pm-7:30 pm—Beach Fest (OUTREACH EVENT!, visit for more info)—FREE!!!
Sometime in March—March Madness (NCAA Men’s basketball)
FRIDAY, April 18 @ 5:00 pm—Avengers Game (Arena Football)
SUNDAY, May 4 @ 5:00 pm—See Spot Rock (concert, visit for more info)
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NEWSFLASH— HomeBase at the Lundquist’s
March 15
7:00 pm to around 9
@ Dave and Shana’s house
804 Felbar Ave
Torrance, CA 90503
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27 February, 2003
Hey everyone. I hope that everyone has had a great year so far. Granted that we are only 2 months into the year, but I hope it has gone well anyway. As most of you know, I am writing to you from half way around the world, Downunder. So far so good. I have not managed to do a cultural "no no" that might have landed me in trouble, thank the Lord. Now for those of you that have gone away to college, you know what it is like to live on your own. I live in a house with 4 other girls. Jenna, Brandy, and Audrey are from the States also, but Marie is from Norway. I walk 40 minutes (one way) to school everyday, and currently we are at the end of summer. It's hot. The school is in the church, so I am always at church. I am enjoying my program, which requires me to get a bit dirty, but being in the TV control room is fun. They have all the state of the art equipment for television. In fact, just as a side note, CBS used the church's media equipment when the filmed Survivor: The Australian Outback. Just a neat little tid bit. So my program is right up there. I have had to get used to some things, like driving on the left side of the road. That can confuse you for a while, at least it has me. Also, having every thing in kilometers and Celsius. Try cooking a pizza at 180 degrees and see how long it takes to cook?! I have learned several new words though, loo=toilet, pram=stroller, togg=swimsuit, and boot=trunk of a car. It is a little interesting when they say words that I don't know. The first couple of days I was always saying: What, sorry, pardon etc. They really do speak another language. Well, I hope that this has given all of you a bit of a look at what I am doing. I hope that all of you are having a great week and I can't wait to hear from you all.
Yours truly,
Tana Rice
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The Christian View of Life
Humanity—Innocent or Guilty?
Romans 1:18-32
Five major themes in Romans
1. Sin: Why do I need to be saved?
2. Salvation: How can I be saved?
3. Sanctification: How do I become what God wants me to be?
4. Sovereignty: Why does God save us?
5. Service: How can I live out the life that God has called me to live?
Get into the passage…
The courtroom approach—Romans 1:18-32
The case: is humankind innocent or guilty before God?
The charge: humanity has deliberately rejected God.
The prosecutor: the Apostle Paul
The accused: all of humanity
The defense: all of humanity is without excuse (1:21)
The evidence: verses 19-32
The verdict: guilty
The penalty: death
1. God’s righteous anger declares everyone guilty, v. 18
2. Everyone is guilty of godlessness—living as though God does not exist, v. 19-20
- God has revealed himself unmistakably, universally, and undeniably.
- Everyone denies God in one of three ways: 1—we deny God when we repress the truth about him (v. 21); 2—we deny God when we reject the truth from him (v. 21); 3—we deny God when we replace the truth of God (v. 22, 25)
3. Everyone is guilty of wickedness—living apart from God’s rules.
- living a life of immoral passions, v. 24-25
- living a life of indecent perversions, v. 26-27
- living a live of irrational practices, v. 28-32
4. There is still hope, 5:8-9
Next Week: the Danger of Judging Others, Romans 2:1-6
Suggested Study Plan for Romans
1. Read a chapter a day. When you’ve finished the book, start over. By the end of the series—about six months—you will have read Paul’s Letter to the Romans eleven or twelve times. How cool is that?
2. Memorize! Three plans:
LIGHT LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2—a total of 25 verses. Memorize one verse a week and you will finish in about six months.
MODERATE LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2 and Romans 12— a total of 46 verses. Memorize two verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
HEAVY LOAD: memorize Romans 12:1-15:13— a total of 71 verses. Memorize three verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
To know it, you gotta DO it!
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YAM Tuesday—Big Rocks: where we’ve been and where we’re going
Big Rock One: The Word: 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Big Rock Two: God, part one: Psalm 145:17-21; Hebrews 12:4-11
This week: Big Rock Three, part one: Man: Genesis 1:26-31
If you’re away at school—or if you’re here in Torrance and would like to discuss the Tuesday Bible Study, or catch up on what you missed, the YAM blog (a log-in journaling place for YAM) can be found at
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THE GATHERING—What do we do now that we know why we’re here?
Two: Fellowship
Fellowship is a lot more than pot-lucks (though it is also pot-lucks :)
It is sharing—like sharing money or stuff—with your fellow believers. It is partnership. It is being a fellow-partaker of grace. Fellowship involves a particular population interacting in a common location. Fellowship is family. Fellowship has power and purpose.
Read Acts 1-4
What are the types of fellowship you find here? List them. Draw them. Story them.
When you visit the YAM room, add your words, pictures, and stories to the ‘fellowship’ board.
THE GROUP APPLICATION: Invite a class for Stone Soup on March 30.
Three: Discipleship
Here’s the prep for week three:
Have you ever been in love? Or at least had a crush? How did loving that person change your life? Were there different behaviors, different looks, different attitudes?
Four: Ministry
Five: Evangelism
One: Worship—Application: Starting in March, YAM will be inviting other TFB Sunday School classes to join us for a stone soup lunch—probably once a month or so. [[[see KNOW GOD for a link to the story]]]
Each week an overview of the upcoming week’s lesson will be on
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Fellowship is more than eating together. Put it into practice. Look at the Calendar above and commit to come to at least one activity per month!
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Meditation as Prayer
1. Place yourself in the presence of God and ask for His assistance. How do you do this?
2. Ask God for the grace to serve and adore Him properly at this time. How?
Slowly read a short passage from the Scriptures. Stay with a single thought as long as your mind finds it helpful.
Ordinarily your response will be one of love of God and neighbor, compassion, awe, joy, and/or fear.
First, thank God. Next, offer God your own affections and resolutions united to His own goodness and mercy and his Son's Paschal Mystery. Finally, beg God for the graces and strength needed to carry out your resolutions.
Finally choose a meaningful sentence, thought, or insight that occurred during your prayer. Consider it to be a spiritual nosegay that will renew your spirit during the day.
Posted by Laura Springer at Sunday, March 02, 2003