The Gathering--learning how to make God look good 24/7,
Sundays at 10 AM, on the TFB campus, in the Young Adult room
Eating together--most Sundays, around 11:30 am, give or take...
Tuesday Bible Study—Tuesdays—bring your bible, bring your brain, 8 pm, YAM room
HomeBase--fellowship in homes
APPLICATION QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What life-stuff is keeping you from loving God for all he's worth?
Coming Up
NewsFlash—HomeBase at the Lundquist’s!!!
Tana’s Tales
Studying Romans with Pastor Charlie
Tuesday Bible Study—Big Rocks: where we’ve been and where we’re going
The Gathering—What do we do now that we know why we’re here? —Fellowship
Resources For Living Out The Lesson
Know God—Meditation as Prayer
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Every SUNDAY, Worship @ 8:45 am—Main Worship Center
Every SUNDAY, The Gathering @ 10 am—YAM room
Most every SUNDAY, Eating together @ 11:30 am—see Mike N for info
Every TUESDAY, Bible Study @ 8 pm—YAM room
Fourth FRIDAY of every month, All Church Prayer Vigil @ 11:30 am—Friends in Christ Room
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SUNDAY, March 9 @ 5:00 pm—Audio Adrenalin/Mercy Me concert--$20
SATURDAY, March 15 @ 7:00 pm, HomeBase at the Lundquist’s
SATURDAY, March 22 @ 3:00 pm-7:30 pm—Beach Fest (OUTREACH EVENT!, visit http://www.gospelcom.net/lpea/festivals/beachfest/ftlaud/ for more info)—FREE!!!
Sometime in March—March Madness (NCAA Men’s basketball)
FRIDAY, April 18 @ 5:00 pm—Avengers Game (Arena Football)
SUNDAY, May 4 @ 5:00 pm—See Spot Rock (concert, visit http://www.seespotrock.com for more info)
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NEWSFLASH— HomeBase at the Lundquist’s
March 15
7:00 pm to around 9
@ Dave and Shana’s house
804 Felbar Ave
Torrance, CA 90503
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27 February, 2003
Hey everyone. I hope that everyone has had a great year so far. Granted that we are only 2 months into the year, but I hope it has gone well anyway. As most of you know, I am writing to you from half way around the world, Downunder. So far so good. I have not managed to do a cultural "no no" that might have landed me in trouble, thank the Lord. Now for those of you that have gone away to college, you know what it is like to live on your own. I live in a house with 4 other girls. Jenna, Brandy, and Audrey are from the States also, but Marie is from Norway. I walk 40 minutes (one way) to school everyday, and currently we are at the end of summer. It's hot. The school is in the church, so I am always at church. I am enjoying my program, which requires me to get a bit dirty, but being in the TV control room is fun. They have all the state of the art equipment for television. In fact, just as a side note, CBS used the church's media equipment when the filmed Survivor: The Australian Outback. Just a neat little tid bit. So my program is right up there. I have had to get used to some things, like driving on the left side of the road. That can confuse you for a while, at least it has me. Also, having every thing in kilometers and Celsius. Try cooking a pizza at 180 degrees and see how long it takes to cook?! I have learned several new words though, loo=toilet, pram=stroller, togg=swimsuit, and boot=trunk of a car. It is a little interesting when they say words that I don't know. The first couple of days I was always saying: What, sorry, pardon etc. They really do speak another language. Well, I hope that this has given all of you a bit of a look at what I am doing. I hope that all of you are having a great week and I can't wait to hear from you all.
Yours truly,
Tana Rice
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The Christian View of Life
Humanity—Innocent or Guilty?
Romans 1:18-32
Five major themes in Romans
1. Sin: Why do I need to be saved?
2. Salvation: How can I be saved?
3. Sanctification: How do I become what God wants me to be?
4. Sovereignty: Why does God save us?
5. Service: How can I live out the life that God has called me to live?
Get into the passage…
The courtroom approach—Romans 1:18-32
The case: is humankind innocent or guilty before God?
The charge: humanity has deliberately rejected God.
The prosecutor: the Apostle Paul
The accused: all of humanity
The defense: all of humanity is without excuse (1:21)
The evidence: verses 19-32
The verdict: guilty
The penalty: death
1. God’s righteous anger declares everyone guilty, v. 18
2. Everyone is guilty of godlessness—living as though God does not exist, v. 19-20
- God has revealed himself unmistakably, universally, and undeniably.
- Everyone denies God in one of three ways: 1—we deny God when we repress the truth about him (v. 21); 2—we deny God when we reject the truth from him (v. 21); 3—we deny God when we replace the truth of God (v. 22, 25)
3. Everyone is guilty of wickedness—living apart from God’s rules.
- living a life of immoral passions, v. 24-25
- living a life of indecent perversions, v. 26-27
- living a live of irrational practices, v. 28-32
4. There is still hope, 5:8-9
Next Week: the Danger of Judging Others, Romans 2:1-6
Suggested Study Plan for Romans
1. Read a chapter a day. When you’ve finished the book, start over. By the end of the series—about six months—you will have read Paul’s Letter to the Romans eleven or twelve times. How cool is that?
2. Memorize! Three plans:
LIGHT LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2—a total of 25 verses. Memorize one verse a week and you will finish in about six months.
MODERATE LOAD: memorize Romans 14:1-15:2 and Romans 12— a total of 46 verses. Memorize two verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
HEAVY LOAD: memorize Romans 12:1-15:13— a total of 71 verses. Memorize three verses a week and you will finish in about six months.
To know it, you gotta DO it!
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YAM Tuesday—Big Rocks: where we’ve been and where we’re going
Big Rock One: The Word: 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Big Rock Two: God, part one: Psalm 145:17-21; Hebrews 12:4-11
This week: Big Rock Three, part one: Man: Genesis 1:26-31
If you’re away at school—or if you’re here in Torrance and would like to discuss the Tuesday Bible Study, or catch up on what you missed, the YAM blog (a log-in journaling place for YAM) can be found at http://tfbyam.blogspot.com/
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THE GATHERING—What do we do now that we know why we’re here?
Two: Fellowship
Fellowship is a lot more than pot-lucks (though it is also pot-lucks :)
It is sharing—like sharing money or stuff—with your fellow believers. It is partnership. It is being a fellow-partaker of grace. Fellowship involves a particular population interacting in a common location. Fellowship is family. Fellowship has power and purpose.
Read Acts 1-4
What are the types of fellowship you find here? List them. Draw them. Story them.
When you visit the YAM room, add your words, pictures, and stories to the ‘fellowship’ board.
THE GROUP APPLICATION: Invite a class for Stone Soup on March 30.
Three: Discipleship
Here’s the prep for week three:
Have you ever been in love? Or at least had a crush? How did loving that person change your life? Were there different behaviors, different looks, different attitudes?
Four: Ministry
Five: Evangelism
One: Worship—Application: Starting in March, YAM will be inviting other TFB Sunday School classes to join us for a stone soup lunch—probably once a month or so. [[[see KNOW GOD for a link to the story]]]
Each week an overview of the upcoming week’s lesson will be on http://tfbyam.blogspot.com/
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Fellowship is more than eating together. Put it into practice. Look at the Calendar above and commit to come to at least one activity per month!
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Meditation as Prayer
1. Place yourself in the presence of God and ask for His assistance. How do you do this?
2. Ask God for the grace to serve and adore Him properly at this time. How?
Slowly read a short passage from the Scriptures. Stay with a single thought as long as your mind finds it helpful.
Ordinarily your response will be one of love of God and neighbor, compassion, awe, joy, and/or fear.
First, thank God. Next, offer God your own affections and resolutions united to His own goodness and mercy and his Son's Paschal Mystery. Finally, beg God for the graces and strength needed to carry out your resolutions.
Finally choose a meaningful sentence, thought, or insight that occurred during your prayer. Consider it to be a spiritual nosegay that will renew your spirit during the day.