Week ending December 5, 2004

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom.

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor (Laura1), send an email to tfbyam1@hotmail.com


HOLY VOCAB—Getting past fancy talk!
UPDATE! –and now for a word from the Project Managers…
REVIEWS—Put yours here…
WHAT I SAY—Your words can be here!
EVENTS—next up: TFB “Christmas Celebration”

HOLY VOCAB—Getting past fancy talk!

“That's just fancy talk SpongeBob! Hey! You know what? If you want to act fancy, just put your pinky up!” – the wisdom of Patrick

Research the basic defs in the American Heritage Dictionary





Make it Plain: translate into language that, say, a fourth grader could understand.

Who cares?

Still up:
sin-majesty-glory-fear-awe -judgment-discipline-righteousness-justice-mercy-

UPDATE! –and now for a word from the Project Managers…

Winter Retreat dates: January 7-9, 21-23, or 28-30 (Mgrs: Daniel and Danny)

Christmas Soiree dates: December 17, 18, 22, or 29 (Mgr: JJ P)

Movie Night: December 21 or 27 (Mgr. Jake D)

If you have questions or suggestions, contact the managers, or email tfbyam1@hotmail.com and your message will be forwarded.

REVIEWS—Put yours here…

[This space left sadly blank…]

Here's how to do it:
- Give the movie/restaurant/TV show/whatever a rating of 1-5 stars (5 being best)
- Describe the story/style
- Explain your rating, why it was good or bad
- Send your review to tfbyam1@hotmail.com

WHAT I SAY—Your words can be here!


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish—TFB Courtyard
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room

BIBLE STUDY @ 7:15-9:00 pm on Tuesdays— TFB College Room
Paul’s Letter to the Philippians

EVENTS—next up: TFB “Christmas Celebration”

TFB “Christmas Celebration” December 12, 6:00 p.m.
TFB kids musical “A Star Is Born” December 18 & 19, 7:00 p.m.
TFB Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, December 24, 7:00 p.m.
TFB Combined Worship Service, December 26, 10:00 a.m. (no Collegium)
Bowling, December TBA (Mgr: Jennifer M)
Elegant Christmas Party, December TBA (Mgr: JJ P)
Movie Night TBA (Mgr: Jake D)
BBQ (Mgr: Daniel and Danny)
Winter Retreat, January TBA (Mgr: Daniel and Danny)
Summer Retreat, TBA (Mgr: Jeff B)

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