040807 update
Know the story--Be the people--Expand the Kingdom
If you would like to contribute or converse with the editor,
send an email to lkspringer AT gmail DOT com or to the leadership team
at tfbsanctify AT gmail DOT com
Posted each Sunday (or Monday if the editor's Sunday is nutty.)
UPCOMING EVENTS--Next: EAT! April 15 @ 12 noon
2007 GLOBAL PROJECT--We're buying a farm for Christmas!
Laura (teacher and tangentrider; website editor)
lkspringer AT gmail DOT com
Leadership team:
Leadership Team: Jeff, Jonathan, JJ, and Shaena
tfbsanctify AT gmail DOT com
Pictures on Flickr
NOTE: you will need a free Google account to access.
or if you prefer, see the wiki calendar http://lkscurriculum.wikispaces.com/calendar
WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am--Main Worship Center
PATIO GATHERING @ 10:30ish--Patio
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am--Room 202
TUESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY @ 7:45-9:00 pm--Room 202
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: EAT! April 15 @ 12 noon
- EAT! April 15 @ 12 noon
- DINNER and a MOVIE (E.T.), April 27 @ 7:00 pm (see Jeff B)
- Summer Resurgence, $50, date TBA (maybe July??)
Paragraph by paragraph bible study: homework, curiosity, and participation expected.
Current Study: The Prophecy of Amos
Prep Homework for Apr 17, Apr 24
- Read Amos 3:1-5:17 at least three times.
- Ask who, what, where, and when questions, and then search the passage and other scriptures for answers.
- Answer: What was Amos teaching Israel?
- Answer: What is Amos teaching you?
- OPTIONAL--Choose one or more: historical/cultural backgrounds, correlation within the TaNaKh and Bible as a whole, literary devices, genre, literary structure, or theological themes. (email Laura if you have questions about any of these)
- Prepare to share your findings at the Tuesday Night Bible Study.
Jeff's Amos Summaries
Prib's Amos Big Ideas
NOTE: You can get an mp3 of Amos for $3 here
Discussion of questions and issues brought by members of the Collegium. Open to all ages.
Current Topic: Playing With Fire, by Walt Russell
due Apr 15
- Read at least pages 175-192, Heart for God: The Prophets.
- How might we implement the principles and skills from this chapter at TNBS and in our own study?
- Be prepared to discuss your questions and/or significant portions of the reading at the Collegium.
2007 GLOBAL PROJECT: We're buying a farm for Christmas!
Goal: $2470
So far:
What do you get when you give two pigs, two alpacas, two sheep, two cows, and two goats? The satisfaction of providing new hope and lasting impact for up to 10 families in need around the world! These farm animals will bring smiles to the faces of moms and dads who will be able to feed their children and increase their family incomes, thanks to you. The next best thing to seeing a child milk, shear, or care for one of these animals is to share the joy of this gift with someone close to your heart.
Save your pocket change (even the paper kind!)
and bring it to Collegium or Tuesday Night Bible Study each week.
and bring it to Collegium or Tuesday Night Bible Study each week.
“Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.” http://www.esv.org/