Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to

A fresh eNews is posted each Monday and updated on Wednesday


TUESDAY GATHERING: Revelation 2:1-11
SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: September 25—The church has left the building
SERMON NOTES—Living a Life of Praise, Part 2
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has left the Building, October 23, 11 AM

tfbcollege pix on flikr
NOTE: you must have a free flikr account to download

Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)

Leadership team:


I pray that we would know the story of God for what it is--God's glorious work through all of time, bringing everything into conformity to his will--and would be honest about the story of ourselves--that we are messy people learning to follow Jesus.

I pray that we would be the people of God--members of Christ's body and members with all Christ-followers (even those who do not seem to be as spiritual as we are). I pray that we would be connected with the believers at TFB, actively participating in the life of our local congregation.

I pray that we would expand the kingdom, not only by telling others about Jesus, but also by taking a hard look at our lifestyle choices, by being broken by our own worldly conformity, and by deciding to live lives that point to Jesus.


TUESDAY GATHERING: Revelation 2:12-17

Tuesday, September 27

Worship Space

Worship Leader for September: Josh K

This rant, courtesy of Laura:

What should our worship look like?
First, and most important, worship must always focus on God and not on us. This means that worship is not the place for self-evaluation or getting preachy. In worship we focus on God, who he is, and what he is doing.

Second, when we are gathered as a community, our worship should be communal. There is a place for private worship, but the worship of the gathered community is public. Therefore, whatever we do, we do together.

Third, most worship in our church culture is musical. Music is an important means to worship God. The fact that Psalms is the largest book testifies to this fact. But in our culture, music is too often entertainment. Too often ‘worshipers’ say, “It’s not my style,” “I don’t like this song,” “It’s too loud,” ‘It’s too soft,” blah, blah, blah. Frankly, it’s not about you! It’s about God. For this reason at least, the TFB College Ministry practices primarily non-musical worship. For many, this is difficult to practice, both as a leader and as a participant. It is outside our box. Well, get rid of your box!

The Challenge:

We need curators for the worship space at the Tuesday Gathering. What do curators do? They create the physical and experiential space in which the group is called to worship. Let’s unpack that.
Physical space: using light, color, sound, aroma, texture, and even taste, to create an atmosphere that engages the group and helps us focus on God.

Experiential space: using activities that engage our bodies in focusing on God (sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch, movement).

Curator training and planning session: Tuesday, October 4 @ 6 pm
If you are interested, or think you might possibly be interested—maybe—come to the session.

Study Space

Revelation 2:12-17

1. Grab a pen, a highlighter, and a copy of Revelation.
2. Prayerfully read the section twice, listening for God’s voice.
3. After each reading, write down your thoughts.
4. Look over the passage. Are there any historical, cultural, grammatical, or literary details that should be investigated?
5. Using the Bible and tools (bible dictionaries, commentaries, study notes), investigate those details.
6. Look over the passage once again and ask:
o Who are the main characters?
o What are the main issues?
o Where does this take place?
o When did/does/will this take place?
o Why does John shape the message this particular way?
o How does he want the readers to respond?
7. Discuss the answers.
8. Look over the passage once again and ask:
o What is God saying to us?
o How does God want us to respond?

Good stuff on the seven cities:

Each of the messages to the churches follows a basic pattern.

Not all the parts are in every message.
For the messages to Ephesus and Smyrna, label each section.


Next week, October 4, we’ll continue discussing Revelation 2-3, the letters to each of the seven churches—starting with Thyatira.

Get more out of the gathering by bringing more to the gathering! Study ahead:
  1. Wednesday and Thursday: Pray through the passage as a whole. Write down any thoughts.
  2. Friday: Using bible handbooks and bible dictionaries, hunt down any cultural or historical info that might shed some light on the passage.
  3. Saturday: Lay out all your notes and talk them over with God. Ask questions. Write down any thoughts.
  4. Sunday and Monday: Try to answer some questions:
  • What is God saying to us?
  • How does God want us to respond?
  • What other stories (in the bible, in history, in your own life) come to mind as you read this?
  • If you had to explain this passage to someone else, what would you do or say to make it clear?

Bible study helps can be found at
Also, good info on the seven cities can be found at:
Do you know a person who is asking tough questions about God and the mess of life? Great! Invite them to the Tuesday Gathering for our Revelation discussion. Pick up a flyer in the college room.

Questions are exactly what we’re looking for…

SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: September 25—The church has left the building

We handed out 48 free bottles of water, spoke the truth about God to a Kabbalah evangelist, helped set up a vendor’s awning, spoke to tons of folks, and had a great lunch at Eat at Rudy’s. If you want to hear some stories, ask ShaenaW, JonathanP, DanielP, DannyS, or LauraS and they’ll give you the scoop.

The next “The church has left the building” opportunity is October 23.

Prep for October 2
Assuming Matthew 28:16-20 is all you know about ministry, create a visual media piece that will let your friends know who we are and why we are here. Be sure to include information relating to each of the three goals.

SERMON NOTES—Living a Life of Praise, Part 2
Possessing a Thankful Heart
Pastor Charlie
September 25, 2005

Story Of Jonah: When Thanksgiving Lifts Us Out Of Despair
Jonah 2:7, 9,10
Thanksgiving Brings An Honest Acknowledgment Of Where We Are.
Thanksgiving Confirms Our Recognition That Our Hope Is In God.
Thanksgiving Reflects A Genuine Change Of Attitude.
Thanksgiving Opens Our Hearts To Repentance.

Story Of Jews Journey To The Promised Land: When Grumbling Replaces Thanksgiving
Grumblers Allow Their Fear To Overwhelm Their Faith. Exodus 15:22-24
Grumblers Experience Memory Loss. Exodus 16:2,3
Grumblers Doubt God’s Goodness. Numbers 14:1-4
Grumblers Miss God’s Blessing. Numbers 14:20-23; Habakkuk 3:17-19

Story Of Paul And Silas: When Doing Good Results In Suffering Acts 16:25
We Can Exchange Pain For Thanksgiving.
We Can Exchange Chains For Thanksgiving.
We Can Exchange Darkness For Thanksgiving.


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians

TUESDAY GATHERING @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Writing a screenplay for the Story of God media project

UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has left the Building, October 23, 11 AM

The Church has left the Building—Torrance Street Faire: October 23, 11 AM


Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to

A fresh eNews is posted each Monday and updated on Wednesday


TUESDAY GATHERING: Revelation 2:1-11
SUNDAY GATHERING: September 18—TFB College: who are we? why are we here? Matthew 28:16-20
SERMON NOTES—Living a Life of Praise, Part 1
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has Left the Building, September 25@ 11 AM

tfbcollege pix on flikr
NOTE: you must have a free flikr account to download

Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)

Leadership team:

TUESDAY GATHERING: Revelation 2:1-11

Tuesday, September 20

Worship Space
Worship Leader for September: Josh K

We know worship is not music. In fact worship is not any particular practice. Rather, worship is focusing on God, giving him praise—adoring him.

Think about your daily practice of worship:
How do you worship during the week?
Why do you worship?

Spend some time worshiping.

Study Space

Read through the message.
Ask who, what, where, when, why, and how questions.
Do some research and try to answer some of your questions.
Good info on the seven cities can be found at:

Each of the messages to the churches follows a basic pattern.

Not all the parts are in every message.
For the messages to Ephesus and Smyrna, label each section.

Summarize the message to each church. What is God saying to us today in these messages?

Prayer Space


Next week, September 27, we’ll continue discussing Revelation 2-3, the letters to each of the seven churches—starting with Pergamum.

Get more out of the gathering by bringing more to the gathering! Study ahead:

  1. Wednesday and Thursday: Pray through the passage as a whole. Write down any thoughts.
  2. Friday: Using bible handbooks and bible dictionaries, hunt down any cultural or historical info that might shed some light on the passage.
  3. Saturday: Lay out all your notes and talk them over with God. Ask questions. Write down any thoughts.
  4. Sunday and Monday: Try to answer some questions:
  • What is God saying to us?
  • How does God want us to respond?
  • What other stories (in the bible, in history, in your own life) come to mind as you read this?
  • If you had to explain this passage to someone else, what would you do or say to make it clear?

Bible study helps can be found at
Also, good info on the seven cities can be found at:
Do you know a person who is asking tough questions about God and the mess of life? Great! Invite them to the Tuesday Gathering for our Revelation discussion. Pick up a flyer in the college room.

Questions are exactly what we’re looking for…

SUNDAY COLLEGIUM: September 18—TFB College: who are we? why are we here? Matthew 28:16-20

Teachers: Jonathan Pribble and Laura Springer

Know the Story-Be the People-Expand the Kingdom

Lesson Objectives

Based on a study of Matthew 28:16-20 describe the three ministry goals: know the story, be the people, and expand the kingdom.

Create the first draft of a visual media piece that effectively communicates the three ministry goals to collegians outside the TFB College Ministry.

The Book
  • Gospel
  • According to Matthew
  • Written between AD40 and AD60
  • Distinctively Jewish
  • Focuses (‘foci’ for the nerds): Jesus is Messiah, Jesus is King of the Jews, He was not recognized, Kingdom open to all, “Rules” of Messiah-following
The Author
  • Matthew, AKA Levi
  • Tax collector for the Romans
  • Jewish
  • One of the Twelve
  • Lived in Palestine

The Readers
  • A mainly Jewish audience

The Geography
  • Took place in and written from Palestine

The Context
  • Empty tomb 28:1-7
  • Jesus seen 28:8-10
  • Guards’ lie 28:11-15
  • Great Commission 28:16-20: Meeting Jesus v16-17, The Command v18-20

One Point: The goal of the TFB college ministry is to guide collegians to know the story, be the people, and expand the kingdom.

Know the story. The story is much more than a timeline or a series of bible lessons. It begins with everything in the Bible, and includes all we do in God’s Kingdom. Knowing the story is understanding the truth about life this side of eternity and the truth about God’s work in the world.

Be the people. Follower-learners today are part of the people of God that includes all follower-learners of all times and places. The people of God are unified not by their similarity to each other but by their relationship to God in Christ by the Spirit. So, in the people of God unity is primary, diversity is celebrated, and division is unthinkable.

Expand the kingdom. The kingdom expands when follower-learners go deep, becoming more and more like Jesus. The kingdom expands in when follower-learners go wide, telling the story to all who will listen and challenging listeners to become follower-learners.

Work the Passage

Ministry is defined by who we are and why we are here. Let’s take a closer look at what God says about ministry in Matthew 28:16-20, and then create a rough draft of a visual media piece that effectively communicates the three ministry goals to collegians outside the TFB College Ministry.

Matthew 28:16-20 contains four ‘all statements’ that show us the extent of ministry.
  • v. 18 all authority Jesus is Lord NOW
  • v. 19 all nations the kingdom is open to all peoples
  • v. 20 all commands all Jesus’ words and deeds
  • v. 20 always Jesus is present with his people every moment

The purpose of the TFB College Ministry comes from three big ideas found in this passage. First, we are to know the story. The story of us (verse 17) is mixed; the disciples responded to Jesus with both worship and doubt. We respond the same way. The story of Jesus includes everything he commanded in words and in actions.

Second, we are to be the people. According to verse 19, we become part of the people of God by being baptized into the Name. In verse 20, we remain part of the people of God because Jesus is always with his follower-learners. In baptism we are made part of him and by his presence we are kept part of him.

Third, we are to expand the kingdom. The kingdom is not a physical space, but is the rule of God; wherever and whenever God is obeyed, there his kingdom is present. We expand his kingdom by going into the world and making more follower learners (verse 19) by baptizing them into the Name. Verse 20 tells us that we also make follower-learners by teaching people to obey everything Jesus commanded. God’s kingdom expands when we make more follower-learners and when we all become better follower-learners.

Practice It

In your opinion, what is the most important thing we need to do in following Jesus?

Prep for October 2

Assuming this passage as all you know about ministry, create a visual media piece that will let your friends know who we are and why we are here. Be sure to include information relating to each of the three goals.

SERMON NOTES—Living a Life of Praise, Part 1
Pastor Charlie
September 18, 2005

DEFINITION OF PRAISE: At its root praise is a voluntary act of expressing willing dependence on God and joyfully proclaiming His great and wonderful acts and His great and wonderful goodness.


God Desires That We Wear Praise. Isaiah 61:3; Matthew 11:29-30

One Of Our Missions In Life Is To Praise God. 1 Peter 2:9

All God Has Created Is Designed To Praise Him.

1. The Heavenly Host Praises God. Revelation 4:8; 4:11; 5:12; 5:13
2. Nature praises God. Romans 1:20; Psalm 148:3-5; 7-10; 13.
3. The creation of mankind brings praises to God. Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 139:13-14

God Deserves Our Praise. 1 Samuel 2:1-2; Psalm 145


Ignoring God Silences Praise. Romans 1:20, 21

Replacing God Silences Praise. Romans 1:25

Living Our Own Way Silences Praise. Romans 1:29-32


Make The Choice To Praise God.

Clear Away The Confusion Between Creator And Creation.

Begin To Live A Godly Lifestyle.

NEXT WEEK: Some benefits of praising God when our lives are in a less-than-desirable scenario.


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians

TUESDAY GATHERING @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Writing a screenplay for the Story of God media project

UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has Left the Building, September 25@ 11 AM

The Church has Left the Building—Ministry at the downtown Torrance flea market: September 25, 11 AM
Beach Bonfire @ Dockweiler: date TBA


[091505 apologies for the extremely late update... whether the editor or Blogger booboo, who knows...]
Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to

A fresh eNews is posted each Monday and updated on Wednesday


TUESDAY GATHERING: Revelation 1:1-20
SUNDAY GATHERING: Coming September 18—TFB College: who are we? why are we here?
SERMON NOTES—The Truth About Worry: Myths That Make You Miserable - Part 5
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: Sunday Gathering initial meet-up: September 18

tfbcollege pix on flikr
NOTE: you must have a free flikr account to download

Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)

Leadership team:

TUESDAY GATHERING: Revelation 1:1-20

Tuesday, September 13

Worship Space
Worship Leader for September: Josh K

In a mirror, look into your own eyes and see the one Christ loves and gave his life for. Then, using a non-permanent marker, write your prayer on the mirror.

Write a card to God, telling him who he is and giving him praise.

Study Space
Read through the passage and write a title and purpose for each paragraph.

  • vv.1-2
  • v.3
  • vv.4-5
  • v. 7
  • v. 8
  • vv. 9-11
  • vv.14-15
  • vv.17-20

Read Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 and 10:5-9. Where do you see echoes of Daniel’s vision in John’s vision? Why do you think those echoes are there?

Prayer Space


Next week, September 13, we’ll start discussing Revelation 2-3, the letters to each of the seven churches.

Get more out of the gathering by bringing more to the gathering! Study ahead:
  1. Wednesday and Thursday: Pray through the passage as a whole. Write down any thoughts.
  2. Friday: Using bible handbooks and bible dictionaries, hunt down any cultural or historical info that might shed some light on the passage.
  3. Saturday: Lay out all your notes and talk them over with God. Ask questions. Write down any thoughts.
  4. Sunday and Monday: Try to answer some questions:
  • What is God saying to us?
  • How does God want us to respond?
  • What other stories (in the bible, in history, in your own life) come to mind as you read this?
  • If you had to explain this passage to someone else, what would you do or say to make it clear?

Bible study helps can be found at
Also, good info on the seven cities can be found at:
Do you know a person who is asking tough questions about God and the mess of life? Great! Invite them to the Tuesday Gathering for our Revelation discussion. Pick up a flyer in the college room.

Questions are exactly what we’re looking for…

SUNDAY GATHERING: Coming September 18—TFB College: who are we? why are we here?

Teachers: Jonathan Pribble and Laura Springer

Know the Story-Be the People-Expand the Kingdom

What do we mean when we say that? Starting September 18, we’ll take three Sundays to investigate what the bible says about our identity and purpose, and to think together about how we—tfbcollege—live out that identity and purpose. In the process we’ll dream together about 2005-2006 and create media projects to communicate our dream to those outside the college ministry.

SERMON NOTES—The Truth About Worry: Myths That Make You Miserable - Part 5
Pastor Charlie
September 11, 2005

MYTH: “I can control things by worrying about them.”

Matthew 6:25-34

Worry Is Unreasonable (v. 25).

Worry Is Unnatural (v. 26, 28, 29). Proverbs 12:25; 14:30

Worry Is Unhelpful (v. 27).

Worry Is Unnecessary (v. 30).

Worry Is Unchristian (v. 31, 32).

One of my greatest worries is ______________________________________________


Put God First In Every Area Of Your Life (v. 32, 33).

Live Just One Day At A Time (v. 34). Matthew 6:11

Trust God To Care For Things Beyond Your Control. Philippians 4:6-7; Romans 8:32


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians

TUESDAY GATHERING @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Writing a screenplay for the Story of God media project

UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: Sunday Gathering initial meet-up: September 18

Sunday Gathering initial meet-up: September 18 @ TFB, 7 pm (contact ElisaB or MattC for details)
The Church has Left the Building—Ministry at the downtown Torrance flea market: September 25, 11 AM
Beach Bonfire @ Dockweiler: date TBA


Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to

A fresh eNews is posted each Monday and updated on Wednesday


TUESDAY GATHERING: Revelation 1:1-20
SUNDAY GATHERING: Coming September 18—TFB College: who we are and why we are here
SERMON NOTES—Myths That Make You Miserable - Part 4--The Truth About Your Pain
UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: Sunday Gathering initial meet-up, Sept 18

tfbcollege pix on flikr
NOTE: you must have a free flikr account to download

Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)

Leadership team:

TUESDAY GATHERING: Revelation 1:1-20

Tuesday, September 13

Worship Space
Worship Leader for September: Josh K

In a mirror, look into your own eyes and see the one Christ loves and gave his life for. Then, using a non-permanent marker, write your prayer on the mirror.

Write a card to God, telling him who he is and giving him praise.

Study Space
Read through the passage and write a title and purpose for each paragraph.

  • vv.1-2
  • v.3
  • vv.4-5
  • v. 7
  • v. 8
  • vv. 9-11
  • vv.14-15
  • vv.17-20

Read Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 and 10:5-9. Where do you see echoes of Daniel’s vision in John’s vision? Why do you think those echoes are there?

Prayer Space


Next week, September 13, we’ll start discussing Revelation 2-3, the letters to each of the seven churches.

Get more out of the gathering by bringing more to the gathering! Study ahead:
  1. Wednesday and Thursday: Pray through the passage as a whole. Write down any thoughts.
  2. Friday: Using bible handbooks and bible dictionaries, hunt down any cultural or historical info that might shed some light on the passage.
  3. Saturday: Lay out all your notes and talk them over with God. Ask questions. Write down any thoughts.
  4. Sunday and Monday: Try to answer some questions:
  • What is God saying to us?
  • How does God want us to respond?
  • What other stories (in the bible, in history, in your own life) come to mind as you read this?
  • If you had to explain this passage to someone else, what would you do or say to make it clear?

Bible study helps can be found at
Also, good info on the seven cities can be found at:
Do you know a person who is asking tough questions about God and the mess of life? Great! Invite them to the Tuesday Gathering for our Revelation discussion. Pick up a flyer in the college room.

Questions are exactly what we’re looking for…

SUNDAY GATHERING: Coming September 18—TFB College: who we are and why we are here

Teachers: Jonathan Pribble and Laura Springer

Know the Story-Be the People-Expand the Kingdom

What do we mean when we say that? Starting September 18, we’ll take three Sundays to investigate what the bible says about our identity and purpose, and to think together about how we—tfbcollege—live out that identity and purpose. In the process we’ll dream together about 2005-2006 and create media projects to communicate our dream to those outside the college ministry.

SERMON NOTES—Myths That Make You Miserable - Part 4--The Truth About Your Pain
Pastor Charlie
September 4, 2005

MYTH: “Pain is bad and if I ignore my pain, it will go away.”
TRUTH: Pain is a tool God uses for good in my life. John 13:7


God Uses Pain To Goad You. Proverbs 20:30; Luke 15:14 18

God Uses Pain To Guide You. Psalm 119:71 72; Hebrews 12:7

God Uses Pain To Gauge You. Malachi 3:3; Isaiah 48:10; James 1:2 3; Deuteronomy 8:2

God Uses Pain To Guard You. Genesis 50:20

God Uses Pain To Grow You. James 1:4; 1 Corinthians 1:9; 2 Corinthians 7:9; 1 Peter 4:19


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians

TUESDAY GATHERING @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Writing a screenplay for the Story of God media project

UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: Sunday Gathering initial meet-up, Sept 18

Sunday Gathering initial meet-up: September 18 @ TFB, 7 pm (contact ElisaB or MattC for details)
The Church has Left the Building—Ministry at the downtown Torrance flea market: September 25, 11 AM
Beach Bonfire @ Dockweiler: date TBA
