Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom
05-06 Priorities: Inreach...Outreach...Worship

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to

A fresh eNews is posted each Monday and updated on Wednesday


UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has left the building—December 18, 2005, 11 a.m.
TUESDAY GATHERING—Revelation 9:13-11:19
SUNDAY COLLEGIUM—The Vocabulary of Worship
SERMON NOTES—God’s Extreme Makeover – Spiritual Edition – Part 3 – Your Worth To God

tfbcollege pix on flikr

NOTE: you must have a free flikr account to download

Yahoo! Group: TFB Collegium

Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)

Leadership team:


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Sort of like idea potluck, but with a theme
Currently: Worship
SUNDAY GATHERING @ 7:30 pm—place varies
Contact MattC for details

TUESDAY GATHERING @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Revelation

UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has left the building—December 18, 2005, 11 a.m.

The Church has left the building—December 18, 2005, 11 a.m.
We’ll be doing a prayer walk in our immediate neighborhood

Christmas Soiree—December 21, 6:30 pm

All-Nighter—December 27, 7:00 pm to the crack of dawn

Worship Experience—January

TUESDAY GATHERING—Revelation 9:13-11:19

Study Space

Revelation 9:13-11:19

Prep for December 6. Read Revelation 12:1-15:8.

Discussion info is online at

SUNDAY COLLEGIUM—The Church has left the building

December 4: Making space for worship
How does a worship planner/curator go about making space for worship in a gathering?
Prep online:

SERMON NOTES—God’s Extreme Makeover – Spiritual Edition – Part 3 – Your Worth To God
Luke 19:1-10
Pastor Charlie
November 27, 2005


  • By appearance - How I look.
  • By achievement - What I have accomplished.
  • By approval - How well I am liked.
  • By affluence - What I own.


No Matter How Insignificant I Feel, Jesus Notices Me Luke 12:6-7
Luke 19:5 – ‘He looked up’

No Matter What Others Say About Me, Jesus Affirms Me Ephesians 2:10; Psalm 27:10
Luke 19:5 – ‘Zacchaeus, come down immediately’

No Matter What I’ve Done, Jesus Wants Me. John 6:37
Luke 19:5 – ‘I must stay at your house today’

MY NEEDED RESPONSE TO JESUS – Gladly Welcome Him. Luke 19:6

When I Gladly Welcome Jesus, He Changes Me For The Better. Luke 19:8-9

Working Through a Passage

1. Grab a pen, a highlighter, a Bible, and a notepad
2. Prayerfully read the section twice, listening for God’s voice. After each reading, write down your thoughts.
3. Get a handle on the basics:
o Who are the main characters?
o What are the main issues?
o Where does this take place?
o When did/does/will this take place?
4. Look over the passage. Are there any historical, cultural, grammatical, or literary details that should be investigated? Using the Bible and tools (bible dictionaries, commentaries, study notes), investigate those details.
5. Look over the passage once again, ask the following questions, and then discuss the answers.
o Why does the author shape the message this particular way?
o How does he want the readers to respond?
6. Look over the passage once again and ask:
o What is God saying to us?
o How does God want us to respond?

Bible study helps can be found at

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom
05-06 Priorities: Inreach...Outreach...Worship

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to

A fresh eNews is posted each Monday and updated on Wednesday


UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has left the building—November 27, 2005, 11 a.m.
TUESDAY GATHERING—Revelation 8:6-9:21
SUNDAY COLLEGIUM—How do we worship?
SERMON NOTES—God’s Extreme Makeover – Spiritual Edition—Part 2 – Four Phases God Uses

tfbcollege pix on flikr

NOTE: you must have a free flikr account to download

Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)

Leadership team:


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians
SUNDAY GATHERING @ 7:30 pm—place varies
Contact MattC for details

TUESDAY GATHERING @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Revelation

UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has left the building—November 27, 2005, 11 a.m.

The Church has left the building—November 27, 2005, 11 a.m.
We’ll be doing a prayer walk in our immediate neighborhood (see map, courtesy Google Map Pedometer) so wear comfortable shoes and a prepped soul.

Christmas Soiree—December 21, 6:30 pm
Worship Experience—January

TUESDAY GATHERING—Revelation 8:6-9:21

Worship Space

Study Space

Revelation 8:6-9:21

One-Minute Paper Questions

To Ponder
Why was John chosen to be the author of Revelation?
What does Jesus look like? How tall was he?
Why so much emphasis on 7?
Who are the 24 elders representing?
Why is it a woman who is evil?

What is the purpose of Revelation?

  • According to Walt Russell’s excellent book, Playing With Fire, the purpose of Revelation is “to encourage and exhort us to overcome through continued faith and faithfulness in the difficult times by revealing God’s ultimate triumph over Satan in establishing Christ’s kingdom and the new heaven and new earth.”

What is the overall thing we should get from Revelation?
  • God is in control.
  • God is worthy of worship.
  • God will bring justice.
  • God’s people are always safe, even when life sucks.
When will we be done with Revelation?
  • The planned end date is December 27. And, yes, that means we’ll be flying at top speed in the coming weeks.
What are we going to study next?
  • That’s an excellent question. Any thoughts?

Prep for November 27. Read Revelation 10:1-11:19.

If you want to ask questions, go deeper, or just post some thoughts go to

SUNDAY COLLEGIUM—The Vocabulary of Worship

What are the words and actions we use to express worship?
How can we improve our worship vocabulary?

The Collegium decided the first step in improving our vocabulary would be to take a look at where we are. To that end, we will be doing an analysis of the TFB first service on December 4.

Sunday, November 27, the Collegium hits the street for a prayer walk through our neighborhood. See details under Upcoming Events.

Read more on Laura’s Writings:

December 4: Making space for worship
How does a worship planner/curator go about making space for worship in a gathering?
Prep online:

SERMON NOTES—God’s Extreme Makeover – Spiritual Edition—Part 2 – Four Phases God Uses
Genesis 32:22-32
Pastor Charlie
November 20, 2005

Phase #1: A Crisis – Struggling With God Genesis 32:24, 25; Hosea 12:3

Phase #2: A Commitment – Meaning Business with God Genesis 32: 26; Galatians 6:9

Phase #3: A Confession – You Admitting That You Are the Problem Genesis 32:27
Jacob: ‘Supplanter,’ Manipulator, Deceiver, Schemer

Phase #4: A Conversion – Gaining a New Identity Genesis 32: 28; 2 Corinthians 5:17
Israel: Persevere With God

Personal Questions
  • In what areas are you struggling with God?
  • In what areas have you felt like giving up?
  • What do you need to admit about yourself?
  • Will you let Christ give you a new identity?

Working Through a Passage

1. Grab a pen, a highlighter, a Bible, and a notepad
2. Prayerfully read the section twice, listening for God’s voice. After each reading, write down your thoughts.
3. Get a handle on the basics:
o Who are the main characters?
o What are the main issues?
o Where does this take place?
o When did/does/will this take place?
4. Look over the passage. Are there any historical, cultural, grammatical, or literary details that should be investigated? Using the Bible and tools (bible dictionaries, commentaries, study notes), investigate those details.
5. Look over the passage once again, ask the following questions, and then discuss the answers.
o Why does the author shape the message this particular way?
o How does he want the readers to respond?
6. Look over the passage once again and ask:
o What is God saying to us?
o How does God want us to respond?

Bible study helps can be found at

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom
05-06 Priorities: Inreach...Outreach...Worship

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to

A fresh eNews is posted each Monday and updated on Wednesday


UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has left the building—November 27, 2005, 11 a.m.
TUESDAY GATHERING—Revelation 7:9-8:5
SUNDAY COLLEGIUM—How do we worship?
SERMON NOTES—God’s Extreme Makeover – Spiritual Edition

tfbcollege pix on flikr

NOTE: you must have a free flikr account to download

Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)

Leadership team:


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians
SUNDAY GATHERING @ 7:30 pm—place varies
Contact MattC for details

TUESDAY GATHERING @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Revelation

UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: The Church has left the building—November 27, 2005, 11 a.m.

The Church has left the building—November 27, 2005, 11 a.m.
Christmas Soiree—December 21, 6:30 pm
Worship Experience—January

TUESDAY GATHERING—Revelation 7:9-8:5

Worship Space

Worship Curator: Rob

Study Space

Revelation 7:9-8:5
Discuss at

Too often we look at the book of Revelation as some sort of future planning guide. Bad call. As we saw in the Revelation sandwich ( the point is summed up in a few words: Coming, Listen!, Obey!, Worship, God is!, John as witness, God is faithful, and Blessing. Sure the details are interesting, but God is awesome! Focus on what he’s talking about and leave the details for spare time.

Prep for November 22. Read Revelation 8:6-9:12 everyday. If you want to ask questions, go deeper, or just post some thoughts go to

SUNDAY COLLEGIUM—How do we worship?

God is absolutely worthy and we have an obligation to adore him. Worship is worship is primarily an attitude that is toward God, for God, about God, and due God.

Read more on Laura’s Writings:

Results from the 111305 Collegium: What physical elements can we include in a worship experience?

Loud/soft zones (physical space or time)
Guitars and other instruments
Bowing as a group activity
Rhythm instruments for all
Worship leader(s)

November 20: The vocabulary of worship
Prep online:

SERMON NOTES—God’s Extreme Makeover – Spiritual Edition
Part 1 – God’s Ultimate Makeover Goal
Pastor Charlie
November 13, 2005

THE PICTURE - The Fruit God’s Spirit Produces

Galatians 5:22,23


THE PROBLEM - The Fruit Your Spirit Produces

Galatians 5:17-21

Problem #1 – God’s Spirit Not Living In You
Problem #2 – Your Spirit Resisting God’s Spirit
Problem #3 – The Bitter Fruit Your Spirit Produces

THE PLAN - Living by God’s Spirit

Galatians 5:16,25

A – Act as if God has produced His fruit in you.
B - Believe that God is the only source for an inner makeover
C - Choose God’s way at every encounter.

Jesus said, “Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful apart from me. Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:4-5 (NLT)

Working Through a Passage in the Gathering

1. Grab a pen, a highlighter, and a Bible.
2. Prayerfully read the section twice, listening for God’s voice. After each reading, write down your thoughts.
3. Get a handle on the basics:
o Who are the main characters?
o What are the main issues?
o Where does this take place?
o When did/does/will this take place?
4. Look over the passage. Are there any historical, cultural, grammatical, or literary details that should be investigated? Using the Bible and tools (bible dictionaries, commentaries, study notes), investigate those details.
5. Look over the passage once again, ask the following questions, and then discuss the answers.
o Why does John shape the message this particular way?
o How does he want the readers to respond?
6. Look over the passage once again and ask:
o What is God saying to us?
o How does God want us to respond?

Bible study helps can be found at

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom
05-06 Priorities: Inreach...Outreach...Worship

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to

A fresh eNews is posted each Monday and updated on Wednesday


UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: Doing something that’s fun… really—November 18, 2005, 7 p.m.
TUESDAY GATHERING—Revelation 6:1-7:8
SUNDAY COLLEGIUM—Given this, what next?
SERMON NOTES—Praying With Understanding

tfbcollege pix on flikr

NOTE: you must have a free flikr account to download

Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
Laura (teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor)

Leadership team:


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music and good preaching… too fun!
“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.
COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Collegial teaching time led by collegians
SUNDAY GATHERING @ 7:30 pm—place varies
Contact ElisaB or MattC for details

TUESDAY GATHERING @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator; often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Revelation

UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: Doing something that’s fun… really—November 18, 2005, 7 p.m.

Doing something that’s fun… really—November 18, 2005, 7 p.m. –meet at TFB
The Church has left the building—November 27, 2005, 11 a.m.
Christmas Soiree—December
Worship Experience—January

TUESDAY GATHERING—Revelation 6:1-7:8

Worship Space

Worship Curator: J-cubed

Study Space

Revelation 6:1-7:8
Discuss at

Prep for November 15. Read Revelation 7:9-8:5 everyday. If you want to discuss or go deeper, see

SUNDAY COLLEGIUM—What is worship?

God is absolutely worthy and we have an obligation to adore him. Worship is worship is primarily an attitude that is toward God, for God, about God, and due God.

Poetic Summary: xanga myspace

Read more on Laura’s Writings:

November 13: How do we worship?
Prep online:

SERMON NOTES—Praying With Understanding
Ephesians 5:15-18
Pastor Charlie
November 6, 2005

WHAT IS GOD'S WILL? 1 Corinthians 1:9
God's Will Is Not A Feeling.
God's Will Is Not A Formula.
God's Will Is About A Friendship.

God’s concealed will is made known as we follow his revealed will.

1. It Is God’s Will That You Have Eternal Life. John 6:40; 2 Peter 3:9
2. It Is God’s Will That You Be Filled With His Spirit. Ephesians 5:15-17
3. It Is God’s Will That You Live A Holy And Pure Life. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4
4. It Is God’s Will That You Possess An Attitude Of Gratitude. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
5. It Is God’s Will That You Commit Yourself To Him And To Other Believers. 2 Corinthians 8:5; Hebrews 10:24-25

Working Through a Passage in the Gathering

1. Grab a pen, a highlighter, and a Bible.
2. Prayerfully read the section twice, listening for God’s voice. After each reading, write down your thoughts.
3. Get a handle on the basics:
o Who are the main characters?
o What are the main issues?
o Where does this take place?
o When did/does/will this take place?
4. Look over the passage. Are there any historical, cultural, grammatical, or literary details that should be investigated? Using the Bible and tools (bible dictionaries, commentaries, study notes), investigate those details.
5. Look over the passage once again, ask the following questions, and then discuss the answers.
o Why does John shape the message this particular way?
o How does he want the readers to respond?
6. Look over the passage once again and ask:
o What is God saying to us?
o How does God want us to respond?

Bible study helps can be found at