eNews 052806

Know the story…Be the people…Expand the Kingdom
05-06 Priorities: Inreach...Outreach...Worship

If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor, send an email to lkspringer@gmail.com

A fresh eNews is posted each Sunday


UPCOMING EVENTS--Next: Dinner at In-n-Out—May 30
COLLEGIUM--Next Lectio: 1 John 2:7-11—June 11
TANGENTRIDER BLOG--Why I'm So Stinkin' Picky
SERMON NOTES--Quit Playing God (part 2)


Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor) gbenjamin49@gmail.com
Laura (college ministry directoresque, teacher, AKA the mad tangent rider; eNews editor) lkspringer@gmail.com

Leadership team:
Administrator: JJ
Communication: Shaena
Last Tuesday Planner: Dylan
Assistant Collegium Leader: Jonathan


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am—Main Worship Center
Intergenerational worship gathering with indy-folk-rockish music
and good preaching… too fun!

“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish
Coffee, conversation, and donut holes in the TFB Courtyard.

COLLEGIUM @ 11 am—TFB College Room
Conversation, Lectio Divina, and Creativity
Currently: Holy Worldliness

TUESDAY GATHERING @ 7:15-9:00 pm— TFB College Room
Hangout and conversation, guided by a teacher-facilitator;
often resembles Mr. Toad’s wild ride, but with bibles.
Currently: Listening with respect and Deciding with wisdom

UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: Dinner at In-n-Out—May 30

Online calendar http://lkscurriculum.wikispaces.com/calendar

LAST TUESDAY: Dinner at In-n-Out—May 30
24445 Crenshaw Blvd.

Classic Movie Night (AKA, really bad "B" movies)—date and time TBA

Getty Center—date and time TBA

Freshman Drag—Sunday, June 25, 2006 @ 11 am


—December 27-31

COLLEGIUMNext Lectio: 1 John 2:7-11—June 11

Spend time this week praying through our next passage...

*see the Collegium wiki for Lectio instructions

TANGENTRIDER BLOG--Why I'm So Stinkin' Picky

First off, I admit it: I'm picky about how we handle the bible.

There. I said it.

Here's more:

The chapter numbers and verse numbers: NOT SCRIPTURE
The chapter headings: NOT SCRIPTURE
The book names: NOT SCRIPTURE
The cross-references: NOT SCRIPTURE
The footnotes: NOT SCRIPTURE
The commentary: NOT SCRIPTURE
The front material on author, recipient, date, etc: NOT SCRIPTURE

Now that this is out of my system, here's why I get ranty:

If the Bible really is the word of God, then how dare we--how dare I treat it however I choose?

How dare we put anything else ahead of it--even, yes EVEN our experiences with God?

How dare we assume we can decide what it means?

How dare we get to it when we have time?

How dare we treat it like a recipe for healthy or comfortable or powerful or even spiritual living?

If God has indeed spoken in his written word, then our response MUST be to listen and obey.

That’s it.

It may well be that we will be healthier, more comfortable, more powerful, and more spiritual people if we listen and obey.

That’s still not the point.

The point is that God is God and we are not. We are his creatures. The fact is that we will never--and can never--be who we were created to be unless we submit to Gods rule.

That’s how it works.

There may be times we really, really don’t like it.

But that’s still how it is.

Now, lest we begin to think God is some selfish ogre, look at the facts:

  • God created us in his image to have loving relationship with him.
  • We told him, no thanks, but wed rather do this our say. Basically, we dumped him.
  • Now, the only source of life is God, so when we dumped him, we got death in return. Bummer.
  • Big problem is that now that were dead (though we trick ourselves because we look so alive) we can’t do anything to fix it.
  • No problem. God fixed it. He became 100man while staying 100d (wrap your brain around that one), gave his no-seeds-of-death life for humanity.
  • Now the only thing we need to do is fess up and admit we are dead and can’t fix ourselves (despite the fact that we’ve tried over and over).
  • Once we do that, we get life, God, and an eternity of being exactly who we were designed to be.

Dang, now ain't that something?

This is the God who commands.
It is the same God who gave himself to fix our desperate death-life.

He loves us even more than we love ourselves--and that’s saying an awful lot.

It’s his word. So, I ask, do you not yearn to hear his voice? If so, then listen to his voice and set the rest aside until you’re satisfied in him.

Yeah, that’s why I get a bit ranty.

Originally posted on the blog at Tangentrider's MySpace.

SERMON NOTES--Quit Playing God (part 2)
James 4:11,12
Pastor Charlie
May 28, 2006


* When You Are Committing the Same Sin Romans 2:1-3
* When It Blinds You to Your Own Faults Matthew 7:3-5
* When You Draw Conclusions Based On Outward Appearances. John 7:24; 1 Samuel 16:7
* When You Decide Before Hearing The Facts. John 7:51
* When It Is Based On Religious Observances Colossians 2:16
* When It Causes You to Speak Evil about another Christian James 4:11; Ephesians 4:29, 30
* When You Judge Their Motives. 1 Corinthians 4:5


* Remember That You Will Be Judged By The Same Standards You Use To Judge Others. Matthew 7:1-2
* Remember That Each Person Is Accountable To God. Romans 14:12, 13
* Remember How Much God Has Been Merciful To You. James 2:13

“Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.” http://www.esv.org/
