eNews 121706

Know the story
Be the people
Embody the Kingdom


If you would like to contribute to the eNews or converse with the editor,
send an email to lkspringer AT gmail DOT com

A fresh eNews is posted each Sunday


UPCOMING EVENTS--Next: EAT! January 7 @ 12 noon
GOING DEEPER--A People of the Table
SERMON NOTES--The Faith of Mary


Pastor G (TFB Youth Min Pastor)
gbenjamin49 AT gmail DOT com
Laura (college ministry teacher and tangentrider; eNews editor)
lkspringer AT gmail DOT com

Leadership team:
Administrator: JJ
Student Leadership Team: Jeff, JJ, Jonathan, and Shaena

Pictures on Flickr


WORSHIP GATHERING @ 9:15 am--Main Worship Center

“COFFEE HOUSE” @ 10:30ish

COLLEGIUM @ 11 am--TFB College Room
Currently: 1 John

TUESDAY GATHERING @ 7:45-9:00 pm--TFB College Room
Currently: 2 Timothy

UPCOMING EVENTS—Next: EAT! January 7 @ 12 noon

Online calendar http://lkscurriculum.wikispaces.com/calendar

EAT! January 7 @ 12 noon
Retreat at Camp Pursche, January 12-14
What is Purim? Saturday, March 3

GOING DEEPER--A People of the Table

Tuesday Gathering: November: A People of the Table
The Doctrine of the Trinity is confusing. How can God be one God and Three persons? Plus, even if we can get a hold on the idea of the Trinity, what does it have to do with following Jesus day after day? Starting in November, the Tuesday Gathering will be considering the amazing truth about relationship, following Jesus, and theology.
For those wanting to go deeper:


Sunday, December 17, 2006, the Collegium began a biblical, theological, and practical discussion of the Torrance First Baptist Constitution.

We are on a journey as fellow travelers.
Some of us have been journeying a long time and know more.
Others are new to the journey and have fresh eyes and fresh wonder.
Yet we are fellow travelers.
All have a voice.


Live intentionally.
Look for the fingerprints of God.
Ask questions.

Bring your gathered bits to the Sunday Collegium, 11 AM in the college room.

SERMON NOTES--The Faith Of Mary
Luke 1:26-38
Pastor Charlie
December 17, 2006

Mary had a mature faith even as a teenager.
Principle: Faith is not age dependent! Ecclesiastes 12:1
Mary believed in the personal God of Israel! Hebrews 11:6; John 3:16-17; Matthew 22:37-38; Judges 6:12; Matthew 28:20; Romans 8:38-39
Principle: Faith is a relationship with God.
Mary trusted God for the impossible.
Principle: Faith is belief that God is almighty - not you.
Mary walked the difficult path God gave her. John 15:20; John 16:33
Principle: Faith includes sacrifice.
Mary was highly favored.
Principle: Faith is dependence upon God’s grace.
Mary was afraid.
Principle: Faith can exist in the midst of fear.
Mary received God’s message.

Jesus is God’s Savior.
Hebrew ‘Jeshua’, “Yahweh” and “shua” means “Yahweh saves,” or “Yahweh is Savior.” Matthew 1:20-21
Jesus is divine (v. 32).

Jesus is the Messiah King (v. 33).
Principle: Faith is hearing and receiving God’s truth.
Mary humbly and willingly surrendered to God’s will. 2 Corinthians 8:5
Principle: Faith is giving ourselves to God and then obeying Him.
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see.
This is what the ancients were commended for”
(Hebrews 11:1-2, NIV).

“Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.” http://www.esv.org/
